outed at school. by myself.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by SeanR, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. Trumpetplyer23

    Full Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    The thing is, your sexuality should have never been brought into the conversation at all. That was out of line, considering you were in trouble for bypassing the filters on the internet. When you bypassed the filters, you weren't looking at gay porn, so homosexuality has nothing to do with it.

    Now, I'm a bit gung ho, so if it was me, I would refuse to talk to them unless I had a therapist, conselour, or lawyer present to make sure that my rights were not infringed upon.

    If they bring up your sexuality, say "this has nothing do with why I'm in trouble for bypassing the security. I bypassed the security to get on that website, but the fact remains that I bypassed the security it doesn't matter for what website."

    Then, if they kept pressing about it, refuse to talk about it at all. Just sit there silently. Nothing pisses off authority more than silence :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.
  2. SeanR

    SeanR Guest

    I know and agree. it shouldn't have been brought up. I just sat looking into my lap. they told me to go catch my bus after a few moments of silence, when in reality I really wanted to go crazy at them.
  3. killthedirector

    Regular Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    alright, so i know nothing about the staff at your school or their personal view on homosexuality, but the fact that they know isn't the end of the world.
    alright, it wasn't on your terms, and that sucks, big time, but you'll just have to accept the fact that the administration knows.

    i was definetly very guarded about my sexuality for a while, and the idea of the teacher's knowing terrified me.
    now they all know, and it doesn't change a thing.
    it just means i can be myself.

    as for them letting the college you get into know, they don't actually have the right to do that. a person's sexual orientation is their business and if they want to keep it secret, it's up to them.

    i think this has been posted, but swindon college has an equality and diversity policy.

    i went as far as to check out lgbt groups in swindon for you, if it becomes a major issue with wither your current school, or your college, you can look for assistance there.

    LGBT Swindon; this one organizes education against bullying due to sexual orientation amongst other things.
    Pride Youth; this is a group specified for queer youth between the ages of 13 and 21. there is probably a group leader who you can talk to and they can help you with problems you have.

    i go to meetings of a similar group as the latter.
    it definetly helped me in regards to coming out to people and i met gay people my age which definetly made me feel more accepted.

    hope everything goes well and don't write your last year in college off quite yet.
    perhaps you'll find that it's not too bad.
  4. SeanR

    SeanR Guest

    thanks for the support :slight_smile:
    I too searched for that.
    the first is practically gone. nothing's in date :icon_sad:
    and the second meets up at night. :icon_sad:
    my parent's don't know about me being gay, so I can't do that. all the questions they'd have :icon_sad:
  5. killthedirector

    Regular Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    perhaps they have an email or phone number for support.
    the pride youth thing i go to does.

    but i do suggest, when you come out to your parents, check it out.
    if it's anything like the one here, it's a great safe haven.
  6. SeanR

    SeanR Guest

    I will (*hug*)
    I was thinking of coming out to my parents a little less than a hour ago.
    seeing as how she seems to say she'll be ok with it if me or my sister tell her that, I think I should.
  7. tomfromeds

    Full Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Surrey, UK
    ok so 1st of all, my condolences on being outed to those 5 people. But come on, wake up and smell the coffee. It's only 5 senior members of staff. They are professional and if they are worth 1/2 their jobs-worth then they will act professionally with this and its nothing to be concerned with. 2ndly, most institutions make you sign some sort of agreement or statement when you sign up to use their internet. This included a clause that puts them well within their right to do what they did. And the probability is that they just printed off a lot of the pages you had visited, and even if they did decide to 'target' the ec site, if the site is blocked by the system, then its a perfectly good example for them to use. 3rdly, i don't know what world your in with regards to college, but they do not, in any way, discriminate from gay people and straight people. 4thly, i believe a big problem you have is thinking that being gay is much worse than it really is. There are very few places where it's a big problem any more. I mean, you can come out and not be beaten now. This isn't the 1960's! And your teachers will not go and tell students about your sexual orientation, it would be unprofessional and also would be in breach of a teacher confidentiality act. What you need to do if start to understand/realise it's ok to be gay and out, and no-one will care, after a while. And people don't discriminate in the education system, or in the work-place. And if they do, that's illegal and legal action can be taken.
    Hope you get everything sorted out ok.
  8. littledinosaurs

    Full Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Was EC a blocked Site by the filter?
    Because if its not then they have no business bringing it up and it'd be really unprofessional of them to do so.
    If it is blocked then idk what to say.
  9. SeanR

    SeanR Guest

    I know, but the fact it was brought up and they know is unnerving for me. they could potentially tell the college

    they targeted it knowing it was purely about my orientation. they didn't include it in the main thing. more of a sick "side note"

    I know, but there are those that are anti-gay in college. I don't want the people in college (as well as those in charge) to know due to how I'd feel being in that college. I can't even bear to look at the ones that I was outed to.

    well I've never been to college. this is new to me. I don't know how they'd react at all in college. I'm brand new to this with no gay friends and no-one that knows that are in my family or are close friends.

    I know, but I'm just wondering if anything were to slip out. all it takes is to lose that bit of paper they had the history on (which they've done) and for a pupil to read it. yes, I'm worrying a tiny bit too much, but I don't feel comfortable that a huge secret like that is out to 5 people who can talk about it whenever they like. yes, it's against that act, but that doesn't phisically stop them.

    I don't know. I didn't intend to use it purely for this site, only games. I never knew they could check history on firefox. :icon_sad:
    one thing's for certain, I'm not checking again. I could risk being banned on the computer alltogether.
  10. StandingUp

    Regular Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    Any college that accepts people based on their sexual orientation isn't worth going to. Not that I think Swindon would, but most colleges ethical practices rules/laws shouldn't even ask when applying. Even if they do you are well within your rights to refuse to say.

    The administration at your school shouldn't be allowed to metion sexual orientation to ANY prospective college or university. Not without your consent anyways.

    If you are thinking of coming out to your Mum soon, now may be a good time if there is a chance the school will say something to her. I am sure she would prefer to hear it from you rather than them.

    Good Luck
  11. James2612

    Full Member

    Nov 17, 2008
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    Rainham, near london!
    To behonest, if your teachers have any amount of humanity in them they should have reassured you that it wont go no further, and if there is any support the school give you!

    If things get out of control for you then you need to take things further and make sure that it is reported the way you have been treated!!

    Please dont worry about collage! They dont ask any more information than your normaly details and your report. Also you will find that collage will have many gay people and every one, being that be more grown up will be fine if you are gay....... not that you have to tell them any way!!!

    Dont worry your self about this! You will be fine!!
  12. SeanR

    SeanR Guest

    I would. I'll probably need to plan it for a week or so, but I'll try. :confused:
    thanks (*hug*)

    thanks (*hug*)
  13. george678

    Full Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Yes they can unfortanly and yes I would also come out to your parents now. Or soon.

  14. SeanR

    SeanR Guest

    I found that out already. the hard way :icon_sad:
  15. george678

    Full Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Yep I never look at these kinda sites in school anyway.
    Took risky.(*hug*):slight_smile: