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Old feelings coming back with a vengeance, advice?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by pcsantos, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. pcsantos

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    Jul 20, 2014
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    Seven years ago I met someone, older than me. I'll call her Jane. We had an amazing connection right from the beginning. A kind of chemistry I haven't been able to find again. She was equally taken by me I know that for a fact. It was always a platonic but extremely intense relationship. I cannot even say she's my ex because we never officially dated. I was going through very difficult times and she stood by me.

    After a while we couldn't see each other very often, maybe once every couple of weeks. I thought of Jane every single day and we texted and talked on the phone for hours. Because we couldn't see each other much I started to look for someone who could make me feel like that, or at least something similar. I met the girl who is now my best friend and "chose" her to make up for Jane's absence. My best friend is straight. I dug myself a hole and fell for my best friend. This was two years after I met Jane. I thought that now I had forgotten her and being in love with my straight best friend was much less painful. I treated Jane badly, I felt empowered now that I thought I didn't feel anything for her anymore. Jane and I stopped talking altogether. Obviously nothing happened with my friend, and I started suffering because of it (well deserved).

    Eventually, I got over my best friend, something that left me even more scarred. I need to add that I moved away three years ago and now I'm vacationing in my hometown for about a month. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Jane since I got here. We have texted a few times throughout the years, nothing important. We saw each other last right before I left my hometown and she promised she would call me to get together; she never did.

    Jane and I texted last about two months ago. In case you're wondering why nothing happened between Jane and me, it's because she's married. And I know she's currently happy with her husband. I also know she doesn't want to see me because a couple of months ago SHE texted me wanting to meet and just kept postponing it :confused:. What do I do now? Nothing will happen but I miss her a lot, although I want to respect her space and I feel kind of pathetic feeling this way after so long. I have met a lot of great people and dated but no one can compare to what I felt for Jane. What would you do?
    #1 pcsantos, Jul 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2014
  2. Damien

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    Mar 29, 2014
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    I hate to say this, but you said she has a husband, and is happy with him, so it sounds as though she's 'unavailable' and that therefore, you might just be letting yourself in for more pain if you try to start seeing here again, considering that, as it would seem from reading your post, a relationship deeper than just friendship will not be possible between yourself and her. Even having said that, I felt a kind of inspiration to see how you just can't seem to forget this one special person...still, and I know it's hard, but you might want to ask yourself that if friendship is all it can ever be, are you happy with just that, especially considering that by seeing her again, the feelings that arise for her might actually block you from falling for someone new, someone with whom you could share not just friendship, but much more?
  3. Pax

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    Jul 19, 2014
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    A lot of this sounds eerily familiar to me. Believe me, I sympathize and I really think that, as far as possible, I do understand...

    I think that we humans like to convince ourselves that love will always win out in the end. Love can conquer anything, right? Age...distance...time...existing marriages...

    So we wait, and wait, and every time that we start to wonder whether maybe our time could spent doing something more productive (i.e. finding and settling down with someone else) we tell ourselves that - no - 'the course of true love never did run smooth', and that we owe it to true love to keep faith that things will work out in the end.

    But sometimes we have to start trying to accept that life isn't always a fairytale. Sometimes we don't get to keep hold of everything that makes us happy. And to try to do so is to willingly put our lives on hold and let other opportunities pass by unnoticed. If you're not careful, years, even decades, can pass in this way...

    I think part of it is psychological. That notion of "I will never feel this way about anybody else" - it's nonsensical, because all we have to go on is previous personal experience. We might never have experienced anything else like it in the past, but who knows what the future holds? Telling ourselves that the future can't possibly compare is a symptom that deep down we don't want to move on, that we don't actually want to acknowledge or accept the opportunities that might come our way because we'd rather sit around dwelling on memories and fantasies of the past. It's more comfortable, right?

    "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." ~ Albus Dumbledore

    Maybe the blunt version of what I'm trying to say is that - you might be better served moving on from it. Getting over Jane, as such. But I know and you know that it's really not that simple. You can't just wake up one morning and decide to forget about someone. For you, 7 years have been testament to that.

    Maybe start by trying to consciously imagine all the other positive ways that life could turn out. Allow yourself to dream a little. Take note of the people you meet and the opportunities that you find or create. Just try to...be open...to life's possibilities. Don't beat yourself up about being hung up on Jane (after all, the heart wants what the heart wants and there's really nothing that we can do to change that) - but when you do think of her, remind yourself that maybe one day you'll meet someone who is even more perfect.

    Once you are open to the possibility, you may well find that it's not as unlikely as it feels right now. :slight_smile:
  4. pcsantos

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    Jul 20, 2014
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    Thank you for your responses guys and above all for not telling me what I wanted to hear (to read in this case).

    I know, she's unavailable and it would be very selfish of me to go and complicate things for her now that she's settled with her husband. And believe me, I wish her happiness though I'd rather she would find it close to me.

    I get what you're saying Pax, every time I remembered her I was sure that someday we would get together again. And in retrospect, I realize that I expected every person I met to be like her and maybe lost a lot of chances of moving on with someone that could give me more than friendship. I've been in a position where I would gladly receive anything she could give me, thus pushing away people who were more than willing to take a chance on me.

    I will try and open up to other people, I must admit that in seven years I never even considered the possibility that there could be someone better. I was merely trying to replace her. I will change that.

    I hope that once I leave again I can regain composure. Thank you guys again, you really helped me. By the way, loved the HP reference.