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My Story *Possible Trigger Warning*

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by jesshellon, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. jesshellon

    Regular Member

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Hello everyone, just before you read on I'd like to give you a trigger warning for self harm references. If you think this will trigger you, please click away.

    My Coming Out Story:
    So, I am a bisexual female and I came out last year to a few of my friends and they were completely fine with it as expected. I then told my sister earlier this year when I started seeing a girl, and she was fine with it, as my brother is gay himself. I obviously then told him, too.
    I was kind of afraid of telling my mum because I didn't think she'd believe me. I'd never really talked about girls before even though I'd always felt these feelings for them, and I always knew I was attracted to them. During this time, I was self-harming and my mum knew that and so did the rest of my family. I broke up with my girlfriend because it wasn't working out although we were both deeply in love (it was long-distance). I was obviously really upset, and I foolishly relapsed after being clean for a few weeks. I did this while my mum was in the next room, and when she came in my room, she found tissue covered in blood, and obviously questioned me as to why I relapsed. She was really upset and mad at me, and my sister was also there and knew I had split with my girlfriend. My mum was getting angrier because I refused to tell her what happened, and eventually my sister told me to tell her.

    When I said "I'm bisexual", my mum didn't acknowledge it at all really. She just said I shouldn't be in a relationship because I wasn't mentally there at the time. It really sucked, and although she's fine now, it was a really bad coming out but I thought I'd share my experience with you.
  2. alli o

    alli o Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    thank you for sharing your experience I am sorry it had to happen like that but I am glad she knows if you ever need to talk I am there for you
  3. alilnervous

    Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    That is terrible, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. It always hard to hear someone invalidate who you are, especially when you are going through a break up and when its your mum. We're all here to support you through this tough stuff. I would like to ask though, are you thinking of hurting yourself anymore tonight? I am worried by reading your post and want to make sure you are in an okay head space right now.