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Moving away for college and student loan debt.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by SriManayaDasan, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. I've posted on this forum before that I wanted to leave my town for college and I didn't because of financial aid issues. Therefore, I decided to stay here for my undergrad and to leave town for my Masters degree.

    I've found out what I want to pursue (Technical Communication) and I've found a couple of schools which hold it (one's in Boston, the other in Florida). Of course, with out of state tuition and housing, its going to cost a good bit of money and, thus, my loan debt will pile up. I've calculated that I'll be anywhere from $30,000-$60,000 in the hole at the end of my education.

    So how is this an issue? Just pay back your loans until you're out of the red.

    Here's the issue: my dad. He's one of those people who thinks that his way is the only way. He wanted me to get an associates degree and become an X-ray Technician. I would be at work in less than 3 years and I wouldn't be in debt. However, I hate the idea of doing x-rays (cancer anyone?) and would rather do stuff like graphic design and write for computers and whatnot.

    My fear is that a.) he won't ever let me not listening to him go; that he'll hang it over my head for the rest of his life and b.) that me not listening to him might have been a bad thing. That he might have been right all along and that going my own path has set me up for failure.

    Am I over thinking it or should i have some concern? I mean, it's not like I'm getting a degree in General Studies or Persian Poetry (no offense to those who may have those degrees :slight_smile:)
  2. Jim1454

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    There does come a time when you need to start to make your own decisions. Lots of parents recognize this - and some don't. It sounds like your dad doesn't.

    But then, maybe you haven't talked to him. Have you told him that you have absolutely no interest in being an x-ray technician? It's not an unreasonable thing to say. Not everyone wants to be an x-ray technician. (Is that what he does?)

    Now, there ARE other options available to you. Your dad might have a point that taking a very specialized program might leave you qualified for only a very specialized kind of job - and if the market for those jobs dries up as you graduate - you could be kind of screwed. There are likely other training programs (other than x-ray technicians) that are available locally that could lead to a career that would be of interest - and that wouldn't drive you into debt.

    But going away to school for something that you have a real passion for is also an option. And that's what life is all about in a way. You need to take chances. And it IS important that you do something that you're interested in.

    Hope that helps.
  3. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    I'm going to throw out a thought here: It sounds like you're more interested in graphic design and some form of technical writing. If so, I'm not sure a master's degree would be worth the money you'd pay for it. Sure, you'd get a good education, but in my experience, very, very few designers have masters degrees, and those who do, it is often in something only peripherally related (studio art, for example).

    I would think you might do better to try and get an entry-level job in your field, or a related one, even if it's a BS job, where you can get some experience, and then supplement that with specific coursework. Generally speaking, in that field, unless you're planning to teach, employers go much more based on portfolio, experience, and previous employment history than they do on credentials and degrees, so, for example, you could join Lynda.com for like $25 a month and take a bazillion online courses which are generally of really excellent quality, and learn much of the same material.

    Additionally, there are quite a few online masters degree options at small nonprofit schools that are generally way less expensive than the ones that are the easiest to find, so it's quite possible, if you really wanted that degree, you could find it for substantially less than the kind of money you're talking.

    I generally advise against getting into a lot of debt on student loans. For one thing, these are the only types of loans that cannot be discharged, even under bankruptcy, so if something goes wrong, you'll have this debt hanging over your head forever.

    I don't think you need to be an x-ray tech, but I think there may be a middle ground. And as far as your father... you're 21, so I agree with Jim that it's time for you to make your own decisions. If your dad doesn't like it, he can either learn to like it, or be disgruntled forever. My guess is he'll learn to deal. :slight_smile:
  4. Thanks for the input.

    My only concern is that my undergrad is in Journalism. My school does not offer graphic design or technical writing. Which is why I'm considering the Masters degree.

    Although I might just get a graduate certification in Technical Communication in lieu of a degree or I might do online school.