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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by randomly me, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    While certain elements, like Bushido, common sense (to me), and Buddhism, inspire me, it ultimately comes down to this:

    What is best in general?
    What is best for me?

    Everything I do is analyzed through one of those two lenses. I wouldn't worry about me beating up a child, shooting somebody for the hell of it, or starting a prostitution ring, but there are some things I'd be willing to hear out. Now, whether or not I indulge in those hearings, well, that's totally up to circumstance and motive. I do know what is 'right' and 'wrong', according to social and culture pools, but I don't always adhere to them in my decisions. To some, this would make me a bit improper, but to them I ask, would you be opposed to stealing food for your family in a famine? That wiggle room is useful, but you have to keep an eye on it, as this can become a very slippery moral slope. It becomes easier to justify when you become accustomed to excuses.

    Because of this, I make a decent impartial party. I take pride in being able to as many sides of a situation/issue as possible, even the ones others would never fathom. This allows me to get a better picture, and utilize more resources in getting by in life.

    For myself, to simply be upfront about myself and life, and to do the best I can. I ask the same of others, especially with the upfront part. If you're only interested in using me, say so, and we'll see what we can work out. Let's not waste time and energy, okay? Life is about moving, being productive, accomplishing and progressing.

    And for that, I may wobble between moral and none, but I'll be honest about -- I don't stab folks in the back anymore, you'll know it's coming way ahead of time, if it comes to that.

    I really didn't want to end on that, because it makes me sound like some ominous asshole, LOL.
    #21 Kaiser, Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
  2. Daydreamer1

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    Aug 17, 2011
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    Morals are subjective. My views of right and wrong will be different from the point of view of someone else's. I, for example, don't agree with "eye for an eye" or support murder; this can mesh with the views of someone who is a Jainist or a vegan because I eat meat and consume dairy products and tend to not look on the ground to avoid stepping on bugs.

    For me, my morals rest in this. Do what you please, will, and wish. If it brings you gratification, then by all means do it as long as you're not hurting someone else in the process or violating their natural given rights (don't think for a second this means I support child abuse, murder, rape, animal cruelty, and other acts of violence).

    What I'd expect from others is much the same or the very least the "golden rule" of treat others the way you yourself would like to be treated. Respect the differences in others and be kind to other walks of life, and don't use your faith to cause harm to other living beings.