Mitt Romney doesn’t care about gay people

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Pret Allez, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Gold Griffin

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    Aug 31, 2012
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    The reason many people doubt Romney's views are that they changed to match the views of his potential voters. When his voters were liberal, he was, when they were moderate, he was, and now that they are extremely conservative, he is.

    So you are telling me that if Obama was white, but still held the same views, they would all support him? That is an unrealistic view. They hate him because he is somewhat liberal and they are all extremely conservative. They hate him because they value a 2000 year old book more than human rights. They hate him because they fear for their wealth if his economic policies are enacted. They hate him because he has a "D" next to his name on the ballot instead of an "R". These are the same people who supported old Herman Cain and who support Allen West. They have enough real problems for you to criticize them with without having to make up that they hate black people.
  2. Rakkaus

    Rakkaus Guest

    Aug 16, 2012
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    You are free to dislike Barack Obama, of course, but no LGBTQ person should be voting for Mitt Romney. The man does not believe in your rights and dignity as a human being. That's not an issue that should even be negotiable when you're deciding whom to vote for.

    Of course Romney is bad on the economy and every other issue too, so I'm not sure why anyone here would want to support him. Any criticism you can make to Obama over the economy applies even more so to Romney.
  3. TheEdend

    TheEdend Guest

    You guys have been really good so far in keeping away from personal attacks (3 pages of civil discussion? Miracles happening? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:), but just a friendly reminder that personal attacks are not permitted at all. Anyone doing so will be banned from the thread.

    If you feel someone is being aggressive towards a member, then please report it. Flame wars are lame :slight_smile:
  4. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    let me sum up this election for you in a simple truth:

    Republicans have decided to make it about Obama record, and are losing. Democrats are running on Obama's record, and winning.
  5. dano22

    dano22 Guest

    The honest truth is the day Obama came into the office republicans pledged to make him a one term and even thought they won't admit it has been their strategy all along. The republican senate minority leader Mitch McConnell even said that was their number one goal. I don't remember democrats being this negative when Bush was elected president and now days politics is getting more personal, meaner and dirtier. When it comes to gay rights no republican these days can survive in their position if they were to support gay marriage because the party has gone too far to the right especially because of the tea party.
  6. stevii

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    Has anyone seen the movie Obama: 2016? It is an anti-obama movie that says hes a socialist/communist/dictator who wants to run this country into the ground and is an anti-colonialist. It seemed somewhat true did anyone agree with the movie? o:
  7. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    somewhat true? it was fully debunked by historians and experts.

    besides, obama is neither a communist or a socialist. those are words people throw around when they dont have a leg to stand on, or any idea what they are talking about.

    As for dictators, again, that is a word being thrown around alot, but if you look at real dictators, and you look at obama, bush was more of a dictator that obama is, and obama is not a dictator. and technically, bush isnt a dictator either... he was just corrupt, greedy, immoral, and an idiot.
  8. Nightwing

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    Sep 9, 2012
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    Is anyone pro-colonialist?

    I'm sure it's some truth mixed with exaggerations and fictions. Bill maher said the best thig about the debates between Dems and Reps, neither side agrees on reality so there are no straight facts and no winning of arguments
    #48 Nightwing, Sep 14, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  9. IrishLad93

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    Jul 30, 2012
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  10. Gold Griffin

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    You said, "If I'm to be truthful Id say many of these right wing billionaire evangelicals who run the Republican party solely oppose him so much because he's black". You clearly stated that the only reason the Republicans are opposed to him is because he is black. That statement is simply not true. This implies that if a white person advocated all of Obama's economic policies, they would support them. They would not. This implies that if a white man held all of Obama's social views, they wouldn't care. They would.

    The Kenyan and/or Muslim rumors were started by the Republicans in 2008 as a desperate attempt to disqualify him. One of the prominent initial advocates, Alan Keyes, was black.

    Do you really think Newt Gingrich would want to help poor white kids? The only kids he wants to help are his own and those of the people who give him money.
  11. aeva

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    May 13, 2012
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    I think personally, it's tough because I have no idea what Romney actually believes anymore. He has flip-flopped on so much that I don't think I'd be able to give somebody an accurate description of his views.

    However, I DO know that he does not stand up for my rights as a woman, or as a member of the LGBT community, (or as an atheist, apparently) and I DO know that the actions he has taken regarding the treatment of animals and his subsequent comments go against everything I stand for as a veterinary professional. Those may only be 4 issues, but they are the most important issues in my life.
  12. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    I dont think anyone but Romney knows what he stands for and believes, given the fact that so far, with less than two months to go, Romney still refuses to give specifics. everything, so far, has been "elect me, and I will then tell you specifically what I want to do." That is what Tyrants and Dictators do; they hide their intentions, and tell you to trust them, then only reveal themselves once you have handed them the reigns of power.

    He is basically a sociopath.
  13. dano22

    dano22 Guest

    This is kind of off topic but I listened to Michelle Bachmann's speech at the Values Voters summit and i think she needs to admit her number one enemy is not terrorists it is Barack Obama. I won't be shocked if she accuses Obama of being a radical islamist if he wins reelection. You may think Romney is bad when it comes to gay rights but at least Michele Bachmann won't be are next president. Her hatred of the president is getting annoying you have to agree but again I am a political and history buff so I continue to listen to her stupidity.
  14. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    Michelle bachmann is dangerous. I am not being overdramatic... Romney is a unempathic asshole, but he is tame next to the deranged nutcase that is Michelle Bachmann.

    She views being a muslim as being grounds for being fired from any goverment position, because in her wraped, hate and stupidity adled mind, the only reason someone of the islamic faith or percieved arab ethnicity (she goes after christians for looking too muslim'y) would be to undermine and destroy america.

    She is like the Mad Eye Moody of american politics: she cant seem a person who looks arab without thinking they are about to attack.

    That, and for someone who is so virulently homophobia, she has a husband who is every gay stereotype on steroids.
  15. Pret Allez

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    Maybe my reading of Harry Potter isn't careful enough, but wasn't Mad Eye Moody actually a good guy?
  16. Gold Griffin

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    He was referencing Mad-Eye Moody being paranoid that everyone is a dark wizard, saying Bachmann is paranoid everyone is an Islamic terrorist. Luckily, the Republican party has not yet lost their last vestiges of sanity and sunk to the level that she could gain the nomination. Not yet.
  17. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    Yah, mainly the paranoia part.

    however, michelle bachmann is kind of a Barty Crouch Jr. They both are deeply devoted to bigottry and hatred, and they view anyone who doesn't fit into their ethno/posing-but-not-really-christian-according-to-christ ideological network. Her belief that her anti-american ideology (america is freedom of religion, not the spanish inquesition) should be the law of the land is disturbing.

    ---------- Post added 14th Sep 2012 at 09:10 PM ----------

    she did get close this time around. Here is hoping she gets voted out.
  18. IrishLad93

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    Jul 30, 2012
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    If Id be truthful&factual I would say there are many people out there that solely want him out of the white housesolely because he's black (also disregarding the fact that Mitt Romney is a mormon even though Obamas religion seems to be so important) It does not imply that, I specifically said right winged evangelicals. And this is factual, as I mentioned above, its not a big step at all to claim that right winged evangelicals are notorious for their racist views against all minorities.

    What does Alan Keyes have to do with anything, he's insignificant. Thats one black man compared to the thousands of White. Republicans in Congress publicly called for Obamas birth certificate. Republican elected officials have expressed skepticism about Obama's citizenship and have refused to acknowledge it.

    Obviously I think Newt Gingrich wouldn't want to help poor children and minorities. Thats why I made that comment above...............
    The fact is that many Republicans hold similar views to Newt Gingrich. The Republican party has evolved into an Ultra conservative party, more conservative than it has ever been in history. President Nixon, deemed very conservative in his day would be considered very moderate to those in the Republican party now. I agree with quite a few of Moderate Republicans views on economy, but moderates are completely overridden by Neo-Conservatives.
  19. dano22

    dano22 Guest

    Sadly i think it has a lot to do with race. If this was a white man his citizenship, love for his country and religion might not be questioned. i did not see these kind of arguments when John Kerry was running or even Al Gore correct me if I am wrong.
  20. IrishLad93

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    Jul 30, 2012
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