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Mitt Romney -_-

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Chickzak, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Byron

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    Sep 11, 2012
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    A friend of mine from Italy was complaining to me today about her right-wing voting friends were all happy that Obama won, even though the guy they voted for was the equivalent of Romney (Don't know if he was, not an expert of Italian politics). She said that they only like Obama because that's the "cool" thing to do. Anyway, what she said piqued my interest.

    Anyone from outside the US want to offer their take on why they do or do not support President Obama? Anyone support him because of his foreign policies regarding your country?
  2. SkyColours38

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    Oct 13, 2012
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    Oxford, UK/Putney VT, USA
    SO relieved! Yeah, I live in England, but I'm an American citizen and I'm just 9 months too young to vote, but clearly it worked out anyway :slight_smile: My whole school was buzzing today, and there were many exhausted people who had stayed up to watch the whole thing play out. I couldn't because i had an important exam today, but I got up briefly at 4 to check, and went back to sleep a happy bunny! GOBAMA!

    ---------- Post added 7th Nov 2012 at 10:51 PM ----------

    Generally politics in Europe are not as polarised as there are more than 2 main parties in most countries, and the right-wing ones tend to be a lot more central than the GOP is. I dunno about Italy, but generally that's why people over here are so shocked that Americans actually vote for nutters like Romney and the Tea-Baggers. Also, we're just scared that they'll start a nuclear war or something. And we don't understand why everybody hates free healthcare!
  3. timo

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    Mar 12, 2012
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    The Netherlands would be at the very bottom of that chart. Polls show Obama would get 88,8% if we could vote, Romney only 2,9%. Now that's what I call an acceptable result :slight_smile: But hey, Obama won anyway and that's what counts.
  4. Aquilo

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    Mar 1, 2012
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    I think quite a few people in my country think that Republicans are right-extremist rich warmongerers. The Bush-years have made the USA a lot less popular, with Bush making up evidence for war against Iraq and dragging some European countries into war and creating division in Europe. Obama has been a popular alternative since. The McCain and Sarah Palin candidacy has likewise increased public opinion that Republicans are not really a viable option, especially with press coverage about dumb mistakes/quotes from Palin and Bush.

    I think the Republicans could be compared on issues to our most religious and extremist party in the Netherlands and they only have about 2% support.

    One of the liberal (in the European definition of the word: They are pro-rights, pro-free trade and not socialist) parties in the Netherlands has tried to follow the relative succes of the Republicans (since the republicans have around 50% support while this party had traditionally around 5-15% support), and succeeded partly by making their policies also popular with lower-income classes. But even if they model themselves a bit after the Republican party, the Republicans are just too extremist for people here.

    Personally I'd support Obama 1. For being pro-lgbt 2. For not being Romney (Warmongering, trying to cut taxes for rich people and leading the USA towards decline)
  5. Ridiculous

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    Dec 8, 2010
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    From Tumblr:

    "Obama mentions his wife in his victory speech: “…The woman who agreed to marry me 20 years ago”

    Romney mentions his wife in his concession speech: “… The woman I chose to marry”

    It’s amazing how someone’s views on equality can come out in one simple sentence"
  6. LisforLisa

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    Jun 8, 2012
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    All I'm going to say is I hate both Obama and Romney equally as politicians. Obamas destroyed our economy and I think he's a bozo and Mitt Romney is out of touch with the middle class.
  7. spirithawk

    spirithawk Guest

    I had a big huge post, but here's the condensed version. I voted for Romney, because I supported his stance on other issues. Romney wouldn't have a magic wand that immediately condemns same-sex marriages as non-existent. Spoiler: Neither does Obama have a magic wand to grant them! So I voted on the issues that are more at hand for a president, the issues I feel that Obama has failed at.

    To me, it seems like the real power behind the same-sex rights movement has been, and will continue to be, in the hands of the states. Especially with legislation, what matters aren't as much the presidents we elect, but the senators and representatives, and state government officials. Which, by the way, I've supported and voted for. Such as senators who cosponsor anti-DOMA and anti-DADT bills, and who have introduced the ENDA in 2011.

    I must be really "against the movement." Shame on me.

    As for the "Rest of the World" chart that gets spewed in every thread it seems (and it peeves me off to see it as some sort of justification for Obama), one country is missing: Iran. That country racing for nuclear power, that country that really doesn't like America. A hot button issue for both candidates. Guess which candidate Iran's leader was hoping for? (Spoiler: He won last night.) Besides, it's not like other countries truly care about how Americans feel, they only care about how America will benefit them.
    #27 spirithawk, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2012
  8. Suffocation

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    Sep 14, 2012
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    I couldn't agree any more. That asshole can go choke on his own sh*t, and so can the rest of the people that voted for him.

    ---------- Post added 7th Nov 2012 at 09:02 PM ----------

    Yes you are right. 100% Nobody has magic wands these days, but Romney isn't supporting. I doubt that Obama actually full-heartedly 'cares' about LGBT, but he is still trying. And sure, what if Romney did a better job than Obama will? Who cares. I wouldn't be able to function knowing that our president is some asshole. Obama is actually a really empathetic guy who cares, about anything on that matter.
  9. Ridiculous

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    Dec 8, 2010
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    Gonna have to call you you out for everything you've written in this postscript.

    It's a shame you think that everyone in Iran is a terrorist out to destroy America. Most of them are not. Most of them are welcoming of the US's help in removing the dissidents in their country. Maybe their leader has other ideas, but even if he did his support for Obama isn't the sole justification for Obama being awful. Essentially every other country's leader preferred Obama as well. Does Iran's support completely cancel this out?
    Those charts were polls of citizens' preferred leader anyway, not leaders.

    Citizens in other countries aren't only interested in how the US will benefit them. Many of us are (or were) concerned for the well-being of your citizens. Your standard of human rights could have only gotten worse under Romney, and can only get better - or at least stay the same- under Obama.

    Basically stop being so US centric. Also you keep using the word 'America' when you mean 'USA' - I'm sure Canada and South America are pleased at that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.
  10. Pyrotactick

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    Oct 1, 2012
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    ...well.....OBAMA WON! :grin:DDDDD....I don't like either Obama or Mitt, but...Obama is better...
  11. spirithawk

    spirithawk Guest

    Thank you for putting words in my mouth, and ignoring the context of what I said. I didn't say any of the first half of your paragraph. I'm not even going to bother with an elaboration on my statement if this is the kind of response I'll get from you.

    Your opinion. Obviously not one shared by half of America.

    Now you're nitpicking at a trivial and completely unrelated point, and it's really stupid when non-Americans try to make some sort of statement out of this. It is commonly referred to in the shorthand as America, as much as it's referred to as the United States, the USA, and any other names, both inside and outside of the United States. Our citizens are called Americans. Or is that now an affront to Canadians and South American countries as well?

    Not everyone calls Britain the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" every single time.

    Edit: I'm done with this thread. I've said my piece. Not everyone who vote for Romney is a gay-hating oppressor of human rights.
    #31 spirithawk, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2012
  12. Pseudojim

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    are you actually seriously making a point out of this, or is it some clever satire?

    Ahmedinajad had the choice of:

    1 - A man who espoused crippling sanctions to bring his country to its knees, who described his whole country as "a crazed fanatic", repeatedly accused it of flagrant terrorism with no evidence or even specific claims, and loudly and repeatedly threatened pre-emptive military strikes against it.


    2 - A man who espoused (and carried out) crippling sanctions to bring his country to its knees.

    Easy choice, and you should be extremely thankful your country agreed with it or you'd be staring down the barrel of war #3 in the last 10 years, against a people whose only crime was falling under the sway of a fever-brained, non-representative, zealous and paranoid government.

    Seriously, wtf were you getting at?
  13. Amicus

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    Oct 5, 2012
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    You mean that country that is a signatory to the NPT and thus has a sovereign right to the development of nuclear energy, that country that according to both the CIA and the Mossad is not developing a nuclear weapon (making the US sanctions by all measures unjustifiable), that country which is instead actually using nuclear power for medical research and much-needed energy/electricity because they can't refine their oil due to unwarranted sanctions?

    Yeah, it's really hard to see why they don't like America. I mean, you engineer one measly coup against a democratically elected government and install an oppressive monarch, and suddenly everyone's got their panties in a bundle!
  14. justinf

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    Haha I'm actually surprised 2.9% would vote Romney! I'd have thought I'd be 0.1% or something lol.

    But yeah, as a half European, most of the time living in the Netherlands, I can say with absolute certainty that Romney wouldn't stand a chance in any country in Europe. No offense, but most people just see him as an absolute idiot and can't believe anyone would even consider voting for him.

    Economy aside, out of all the Western countries, America is pretty much one of the least "up to date" countries out there. The fact that Romney was even allowed to run for presidency (wtf?), is a perfect example of that. It's his very very very outdated view on social issues that make him a non-option for most Europeans.

    But even economy wise I think most Europeans agree Obama would be a better choice; Obama apparently is great to work with for Europe's leaders, and a lot of prime ministers of various countries have openly showed their happiness over his reelection.

    So, yeah, it's not really something that is even a discussion; there's only one choice to begin with: Obama.

    ---------- Post added 8th Nov 2012 at 02:32 AM ----------

    They actually care a lot more than you might think. People generally think it's unbelievable what some peope in the US have to go through, and really do hope it gets better for them.
  15. Linthras

    Linthras Guest

    Apr 9, 2012
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    Leeuwarden (FR), the Netherlands
    I support him mainly because Romney's a homophobic sexist person, or at least leader of a party that is.
    Regarding foreing policy, Obama seems a better choice as well seeing the Republicans war mongering history.
    And Obama/the Democrats are the least right of the two.

    ---------- Post added 8th Nov 2012 at 09:57 AM ----------

    The point is, I would never vote for someone who considers me less than my fellow citizen. No matter how good his other points are.

    Yep, a great flaw in my opinion.
    Again, it's not just about what they cannot or can do, but about what they think about you and me.

    Not at all.

    Well one difference is the news we get, it's not laced as much with propaganda like Faux news for example. And such polls are usefull as they are indicative of the president who will have more succes internationally, with regards to American support.

    And why shouldn't they? I agree they have a fucked up government, but I don't see why they can't have nuclear weapons and the U.S. can.
    Let me clarify, I feel all nuclear weapons should be disarmed, but I do find it rather hypocritical of countries like the U.S. to demand other countries to stop devolopping nuclear weapons.
    Yea, who would you vote for, the president that's open to negotations or the one that's made it clear he would like to go to war with Iran?
    Sure, I have no empathy whatsoever with LGBT people living in the States, or atheists or other people with whom I share concerns...
    Really claims like this are so ludicrous.
  16. J Snow

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    Aug 8, 2011
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    I can already hear my mother's response if I showed her that chart. "Of course the rest of the world wants us to elect Obama, so our country can crumble to the nothing and they can take us over!"
  17. SkyColours38

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    Oct 13, 2012
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    Oxford, UK/Putney VT, USA
    Now that this one weight's off our shoulders, we just have to star worrying about 2016... :/