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Looking at Surgeons

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Phoenix92, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Phoenix92

    Full Member

    Apr 6, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Albuquerque NM
    Female (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    So, I’m looking for surgeons for bottom surgery.
    sadly after delving deeper into the requirements of the surgeon I’d wanted to do it, I was forced to seek elsewhere. Her requirements included at least a year of psychotherapy before starting hormones, which I sadly cannot do, because I started hormone therapy via informed consent.
    But, I did get into contact with another surgeon, one whom operates much closer to my location. I’ve already exchanged a few email with this particular surgeon, and while he does have requirements, they are the ones as required by most insurances. The minimum two letters, minimum 12 months of hormone therapy, plus a minimum of 18 months of living as the identifying gender.

    Yes, I know this is a huge step, and that not everyone decides to go through with it. But it’s always been a desire to be able to wear a cute two piece swim suit. I’m still just in talks, going to be working on the letters during 2020, hopefully to get the consult scheduled later in the year, with the actual procedure sometime in 2021. But I do know that these things take time, and I’ve only been on this journey for just 2 years come January(well, two years since my burning January 15th). If I’m being honest, it’s two years of me on 2/14/20. With the two year mark of hormones March 12. But I’ve done research even before, having watched the annual update videos on the progress of one of my Sisters(Claire Michelle, Indy musician located in Seattle, WA) during my ash month, and well, I know that this step is one I’m meant to take.

    And yes, I have adopted the symbol of the Phoenix. I’ve even gotten it inked into my flesh, in a place of power, along my left side. Two of the three big dates are there. Date of burning and the date of rebirth.