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Lesbians with children..?

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by Amelie, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Amelie

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    Dec 18, 2012
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    I was wondering if there were any lesbians on here who had had children/adopted children with their partners and if they could share their experiences....?

    The reason I ask is that I am currently suffering from really bad anxiety and I think it is because I'm scared that being a lesbian means I'll never have children...

    See, I'm 28 and I recently met a girl I really like after being single for a few years. It is early days, but inside I’m freaking out that if things progress, I’m effectively sacrificing any opportunity for me to have kids of my own..

    My back story is that I came out to my friends at school when I was about 16 which went ok. I then came out to all of the family when I started a serious relationship with a girl whilst I was at Uni. But that broke up in the end. Then, after a couple of years I met a really nice guy and we got together. We were together for a few years but then we broke up, mainly because we were just best friends rather than anything else plus I had a huge crush on this girl. And I didn’t think it was fair to carry on with him. I think the big driver for me to get with him was because he was so “lovely” and I wanted to be in an “easy” straight relationship like everyone else which would naturally lead to kids... But then I still didn’t feel very straight; which was a problem!!! Anywho, I broke it off and that was that.

    Since then, I’ve pretty much avoided both sexes because I’m so scared I’ll make the wrong decision: either I'll end up with a guy just because I’m broody and then I will just regret it in 5 yrs or so, or I’ll go with a girl and resent not having kids of my own in my 30s...

    But then, I met this girl who I really like. And now I’m thinking, was I right to worry?! Can we not still have a family? Lesbians on TV have children nowadays and maybe we could make it work too etc. But in reality, I have no idea if this is true?

    So that’s the reason for my original question. I just thought other people’s experiences might help to inspire me, so that maybe I could envisage a different future for myself.. one that suited me, rather than the "one-size fits all" straight boy/girl/kids dream, which would stop me panicking all the time!

    Be lovely to hear from some of you.


  2. Monocle

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    Mar 14, 2013
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    I don't have any kids, but my sister and her wife have often talked about raising a family together. SIL has mentioned using a sperm donor, says that while she would rather my sis carry the baby, she would be willing to be its biological mother if it came down to it. :slight_smile: My sister's talked about adoption, too.

    It can be hard to let go of the notion of husband + wife = baby, the "perfect" family picture. But I always ask myself, would I rather have that kinda family and not be true to myself? Or would I rather raise a child with someone I'm madly in love with, who I'm proud to call one-half of my parenting team?

    There are all kinds of options out there for LGBT couples, so try not to stress about the specifics. When you're ready to have a family, things will work themselves out.
  3. LinaBean

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    Jan 30, 2013
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    Five years ago I was in a sort of volunteer exchange program where participants live in a community for 3 months. 2 weeks of which are spent at a home stay with a local family. When I was in southern Ontario I was put with a lesbian couple with 2 boys (2 and 6) for my home stay. They were very well adjusted and were just like any kids.

    As far as I could tell, they didn't have any problems in the community. They never said anything about the subject but I did not notice any discrimination withing the community. The 6 year old had gone to the daycare where I was volunteering and the daycare had nothing but good things to say about their family.

    They used a sperm donor and the biological mother was the same for both children (the partner legally adopted the children) I can't remember whether or not the sperm donor was part of the children's lives but I feel like he was either an acquaintance with little to no involvement or an anonymous donor.

    They had support and a strong relationship with their extended family as most families do but still there was not a prominent male role model in the children's lives which they did mention they would like (mostly because both children were boys); the babysitter was a woman and the 6 year old's teacher was as well and same with most of their family.

    I know tv is good at depicting stereotypes and not always reality but I would relate their family to that of Cameron and Mitchell from Modern Family; they may have difficulties that a straight couple doesn't but it's nothing insurmountable.
  4. FallenAngel

    FallenAngel Guest

    I'm a lesbian and I have 2 little girls.

    I tried to come out to my family but no one improved. It was when I was really young and they basically threatened to kick me out and told me I was dirt. So my whole life I tried to force myself to be straight. I got married young and had 2 kids with him. My life is so different and happy now. No matter what kind of relationship you are in, you can still have kids by many different ways!! Once you are in a healthy, happy relationship, THEN get ready for kids and talk about how you want to make it happen :slight_smile: I hope you find happiness dear, because you deserve it!
  5. pinklov3ly

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    Feb 26, 2012
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    You've pretty much described my current hangups. However, I was a lot younger when I started having kids. I was with my first girlfriend when I was 18 and while we discussed living together and having a family, I freaked out. I started dating a guy who is now, the father of my 2 kids. I have 3 boys; my oldest from a previous relationship. My feelings for women actually became stronger after I had my first son, so I had hope it was a phase. I thought it was just my crazy hormones, but I was so wrong. So, I dated my kids father on and off for years until I couldn't take it anymore. I was flat out miserable, so now, I'm with a girl. However, since I have 3 boys, I would love to have a little girl in the near future. And this has been my biggest barrier.

    I know that if I make the decision to get pregnant again, it will not be the traditional way and that's okay. The girl I'm seeing has only met my youngest son, who's 5 years old and she fell in love with him. However, this is all so new to me, so I'm very hesitant. That's my story, I'm sorry if I rambled a bit too much, but I'm glad that you posted this thread because I feel the same way. I know you may be thinking "Oh, my gosh! Three boys should be enough", but I truly love kids. I come from a huge family and holidays were always the best times. I'm the youngest of several siblings and I have a ton of nieces/nephews.

    Whatever you do, do not deny how you feel because I did it. And it made my life a lot harder than it had to be. I'll give you an example. There is this girl who I used to date/ex-friend also has kids and she is pregnant again by her kids father. So, I guess she's settling. I thought she was gay, but I think she's being pressured into being with him. I feel so sorry for her because she must be going through hell living a lie.

    I'm not sure if you've ever watched this show called The Real L Word, but it's pretty good even though it is a reality TV show. It really opened my eyes to the possibility of having the perfect life with kids and the house with the white picket fence :slight_smile:
    #5 pinklov3ly, Mar 18, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2013
  6. Amelie

    Regular Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    Thanks for lovely, encouraging responses all!

    It really does help to know that there are other people carrying the same anxieties or having lived through them and come through the other side...

    I guess sometimes living as the minority means that it is hard to learn from others and to keep morale up - but this site is amazing for breaching that barrier!

    Thanks again...

