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It's really happening! Todays the day.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by iMi, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. iMi

    Regular Member

    Jan 9, 2023
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    A few people
    February 22nd 2023, I will be turning 33.
    July 2019 I accepted myself, after years of confusion/denial etc.
    From July 2019 till today I have told 8 Females and 3 Males.
    Oct 22, I told a close Female cousin of mine via Instagram. I'm so glad I did even thought the next day I was feeling scared etc. But overall i knew it would make my path to coming out more real.

    I gave myself a deadline on coming out which is when i turn 33.
    So about October 2022, I made it my mission to tell 3 people that month.
    1 being a cousin and the other 2 would be old friends who have a lot of mutual friends in common etc.
    The 2 old friends I would tell, I felt and hoped would tell others.

    Today I received a text message on my phone from a friend saying they herd a rumor and if its true?
    It took me a second to realize but when i did i got like a shock feeling with a relieving/free feeling same time. Thinking how to reply back, I decided with "If the rumors are that I'm straight, then they just rumors".
    31/2 hours after i replied to him. my sister came home and straight up/bluntly asks me "ARE YOU GAY BRO?" she says I seen "ADRIAN" at the shopping center and he come said hello and asked me.

    She got her answer just by asking me If I'm Gay. my face went red.
    She then starts to HAH AHA and says does MUM know?
    I was silent and didn't know what to say. she then goes relax bro, she knows more than you think.

    i just said whatever man and walked off.
    I'm in my room now typing this, feeling a lot of emotions all at one time.
    Looking at the bigger picture I'm so so happy, like i would and have forced myself to come out, knowing if i told certain people i would regret it but it would be to late.

    FEAR is part of coming out. whether its now or later, It will still be there.
    Mine has officially started today.
    Don't know what to expect. Who can, right? But I'm just looking forward to it being all over and done with and things hopefully returning back to normal. or an updated version of normal :grin:
    Chip and Ushiromiya Red like this.
  2. quebec

    Moderator Full Member

    Dec 25, 2014
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    iMi.....You are right, fear is a part of coming out...but there is also a feeling of utter joy and happiness when you have been accepted by someone! :old_smile: I'm not out to a large number of people, but I have been totally accepted by everyone that I have come out to. I guess I'm lucky or perhaps just careful! I had an experience about a year ago that was really wonderful. I am a retired teacher. I was attending a concert and ran into a former student. The other guy with him turned out to be his husband. I had always suspected that he was gay when he was in school, but never knew for sure. Just before the program started I was able to talk to him for a moment. I said that I always suspected...he replied that he had worked hard to hide it. I said that I had worked hard to do the same thing. He gave me a seriously puzzled look and I said "I'm gay too"! It was wonderful for both of us to find that we had a connection not only as student/teacher but as both members of the LGBTQ Family. Since then we have been able to share often. I hope that you will find that many of your friends and family will accept you. You may even find that some of those friends have been hiding the same secret and you may be the one that also helps them to come out. May February 22nd be a day of celebration not only of your birthday but also of your acceptance of who you are and that being who you are is not just ok...it's as it should be.
    .....David :gay_pride_flag:

    I make a practice of mine to greet new members here on Empty Closets. I felt like I wanted to write a more personal note to you first and then send you my "greeting". So I'll post the greeting after this message!
    .....David :gay_pride_flag:
    #2 quebec, Jan 15, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2023
    Ushiromiya Red likes this.
  3. quebec

    Moderator Full Member

    Dec 25, 2014
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    iMi.....Hello and a great big LGBTQIA+ welcome to Empty Closets! :old_smile: I can remember the first post that I made on EC. I was desperate for help and I got the help that night that I so needed. I hope that we can help you in the same way that I received help. The most important thing to remember about Empty Closets is that we do care about you! We're very glad that you found us here on EC and hope that we can answer questions, give you support and provide a place to vent (as long as it's not violent!) :old_big_grin: when that becomes necessary!

    *****There are 18 different sub-forums here that you can check out and join in the conversations or start your own thread/conversation.

    Some info on how to navigate EC:
    When you have made at least 10 posts on various threads you will be able to post messages on a member's Profile Page. Just click on a member's Avatar Picture and then click on "Profile Page" in the dialogue box that pops up. You'll then be on their Profile Page and there will be a box that says: "Write Something" When you have been on EC for a few weeks and have made at least 50 posts on various forums, you can apply for Full Membership. A Full Member can send Private Messages (PM) to other Full Members and share personal contact info. Right now you can only send a PM to a Staff Member as that is always possible. Here is a quote from the Full Membership information forum: :old_cool:

    *****To be eligible you must be a member of Empty Closets for a minimum of two weeks, and have a minimum of 50 posts. These posts must be across numerous forums (Fun & Games does not contribute to post count), and consistently posted across a minimum of two weeks. You wouldn't be eligible, for example, if you registered, had no activity for two weeks, and then returned to post 50 times on your 14th day of membership.

    *****Well, as I said, we're very glad you found us! :old_rolleyes: If you have any questions at all, you can always send me a Private Message.

    .....David :gay_pride_flag: