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Is He Gay?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by NoClue, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. scanner007

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    Sep 27, 2012
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    A degree in criminology? Wow! I was kinda thinking you did something along the lines of school teacher or something. Now it sounds more like CSI: NEW YORK. Particularly since you said criminology and not criminal justice. Which, around here anyways, if you're on track to be a state patrol or police occifer, you'd go for a two-year degree in criminal justice. So instead of NoClue, should I start calling you Fox Mulder? Or just Fox? I'm totally picturing a half-Asian David Duchovny right now.

    I highly doubt you fit the sociapath description as well. If you did, you'd have no trouble telling Corey how you felt, the only problem then would be that you wouldn't really mean it or care what he thought.

    No, if we're going to play amateur psychiatrist here lets call it like we see it:

    1) You have some trust issues, people have let you down in the past and now you've closed yourself off to the point where you've let your fears get the better of you. You refuse to let yourself become emotionally vulnerable to anyone and that keeps you from becoming emotionally invested in anyone. In the past, this has worked so well for you, because the people you shut out weren't real, true friends to begin with. But now, Corey feels different to you somehow, because you've found something real in him. Something you might not've even felt with previous boyfriends. REAL LOVE. (and I'm not saying Corey might be gay or this is romantic love)

    2) Then there's whatever you call it that you got going on with CG. What do we amateur psychiatrists like to say? That you are "projecting"? Yes, thats a good way of putting it. Its true that CG feels some bad vibes from you from time to time and its true that this make her uncomfortable and uneasy at times. But I feel like you have completely blown this out of proportion...

    Originally posted by NoClue
    I promise you CG is NOT doing this to you. Not kinda, no maybe, not even a little bit. Not in any way whatsoever, no possibility. I have absolutely NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that CG is NOT doing this to you. YOU ARE IMAGINING THIS!
    You feel this as a result of your own mechanisms of fear and self-doubt. Thats it. (well AND because you're the one trying to sabotage CG and so its natural to feel like she's trying to do it back to you)

    Just like if you're a cop and you've pulled someone over who's dangerous and has warrants. Your job is to subdue the suspect and until they are on the ground in handcuffs - you put yourself in a heightened state of reaction and response until the job is done. Threat Response Survival Mode.

    So yeah, you see CG as a threat so in a roundabout way, you are in relationship SURVIVAL MODE, trying to think a few moves ahead and imagining what her next moves will be. Quit it! She isn't trying to outmaneuver you, she's just trying to get along and have fun with one of her boyfriend's friends. Stop making it harder on her by going into threat response.
    :::helicopter blades whirring::
    Delta echo charlie four-niner, this is NoClue to base, we have a situation in sector five. Go to threat response yellow, we've got CG having drinks with us at the bar tonight, over.

    Originally Posted by NoClue:
    I would probably stop doing this NoClue. If its really this easy for to you to drop someone as a friend then it probably means you're not getting that emotionally invested with them in the first place. If you don't put yourself out there and get your heart stomped every now and then - then you aren't really living. Its possible to be successful by every measure and still live a life of fear and of no substance. After all, what is a degree, a good job, a house, a car, a 70" LED Smart TV, your own *mint" condition twilight zone pinball game, but a few possessions and accomplishments? - - - Family, friends, good friends, close friends and someone special (and throw in a border collie for good measure)- the true commodities of a rich, successful life.

    Originally Posted by NoClue:
    Mmmkay so to put this into perspective if you were a straight guy and Corey was a woman, the conversation you had with him would've went something like this:
    NC: Honey? Are you mad?
    C: No.
    NC: Honey? Whats wrong? Are you still mad at me?
    C: I said no.
    :::Corey goes into kitchen and starts banging pots and pans around getting dinner ready VERY LOUDLY:::
    NC: Honey? You're acting like you're still mad at me. If you're still mad, why don't you tell me whats wrong so we can talk about it?
    C: You son of a bitch! If you don't know whats wrong, then I'm not going to tell you, you Bastard! Don't touch me or I'll cut off your nuts and feed them to the dog!

    Well see, this is why I'm glad I'm gay because for the most part this doesn't happen between two guys as often. But in your case, yes, its not enough to say your sorry, you have to know WHY you're sorry and make it up to him accordingly. (Or just come clean and say you have feelings for him and its been messing you up so bad lately that it's been difficult for you to cope, that'd probably work as an acceptable excuse)

    Really? Now, com'n NoClue, I think you really do have some clue here. I mean considering how hung up you were on CG not putting your birthday first when she talked to you. Then Corey goes and plans out a birthday event for you and you blow him off? Now of course nobody expects these things out of anybody. But damn, enjoy it while you can. Out my last ten birthdays, I've spent half of them taking the day off work, treating myself to dinner and movie - ALONE. I have plenty of good friends and several really good friends, but if not for facebook reminding them its my birthday they'd have never even known it happened. If someone cares enough about you to take the trouble to plan a special birthday for you, then you bail on them, I think you know just how bad it would hurt them.

    So yeah, I guess I do feel like in a way you put some stuff on Corey that he didn't deserve. Corey isn't feeling all these conflicted, frustrated, maddening feelings that you are. Corey might at some point and at times suspect that you like him, but he doesn't realize the extent of the obsession or the pain that's engulfed you. Corey only knows that you're his good friend and you guys get along really well. He loves you and likes to spend time with you. He wanted have fun and do something special for his good friend on his birthday. Now he's trying to understand why you did what you did. He feels like you don't care about him at all. He knows how much he likes you and up until now, you given him every indication that you've felt the same way about him. He doesn't understand.

    For the other readers...This is also why I don't usually mess with threads like these because I hate to see the aftermath for the poor straight guy we leave in the dirt once we're all through with him.
    And by that I mean we've all read that thread type a million times, it's probably all happened to us at least once in real life and for that matter it's the quintessential gay love story: "I fell in love with my straight best friend". Then we go and have our inconsiderate, one-sided unrequited love affair with our supposed "best friend", thinking only of how bad it hurts us, the gays; if only he's just cross that great divide and love me.

    Then what makes me cringe will sometimes happen, which is the minute the gay guy realizes his straight friend is never gonna come around and play winky stinks with him, then he drops his straight friend like a hot potato and moves on, sometimes not even being friends with him at all. But what about that poor, sweet, loving, affectionate straight guy he left behind? Straight guy honestly loved and cared for his gay friend, every affectionate gesture, every kind thing he did, he really meant it for his gay friend...he just wasn't wired to go all the way and now he's out a friend. Don't hate the playa, hate the game, right? Awww, bullshit!

    Nah, I don't like to see that. I think it's shitty when we gay guys do that to people we have the nerve to refer to as our best friends. Too chicken shit to just come out and tell someone how we feel and at the same time, living out some perfect fantasy using our "best friend" as a pretend boyfriend. It's wrong, I tell ya. ::whispers:: wrong!

    So yeah, I really hate to see the aftermath when gay friend loses interest completely and goes and finds another friend. I think its great if we gay guys have male best friends. I'm lucky to have several good and a couple best friends I've known over half my life. But I definitely think that since we're gay, we need to scrutinize the situation carefully and ask ourselves just how interesting we find that person once all sexual feeling is removed.

    And for NoClue, as I've wrote here before, I don't usually dive into threads like this, but I dunno, yours had this little extra something I just couldn't put my finger on. I can't say for sure, something more unique here than usual, I don't know. But here I am, and here we are. And over there we have Corey, CG and Amy.

    Gah! So anyhow I only meant for this to be a short "hey whats up" kind of post and its already blathered on long enough. I'm sorry its still harsher than usual NoClue, but I felt like you had some additional issues which needed addressed.

    So to conclude,
    if you are still wondering how it was such a huge deal to Corey about your birthday, and how he's hurt by it. I'll spell it out by reminding you of the prime difference between men and women (and on this site, the masculine and the feminine spirit sometimes). Women say and men do. Feminine spirits express how they feel through words and masculine spirits demonstrate how they feel through actions.

    With that in mind, I'm sure you can imagine exactly what it would feel like if you expressed to Corey that you loved him and in reply he yawned and walked away. Well, if you can imagine that, then you can imagine how Corey felt when he demonstrated his affections for you by performing the action of planning a birthday party...and you couldn't be bothered.

    gah, I can't end this post on that sad a note...
    :::hands NoClue a small individually wrapped butterscotch candy::::

  2. Mystory

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    Apr 3, 2013
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    this a million times. Not saying it applies to NoClue because I'm also pretty certain that given the length of his friendship, closing in on two decades at this point, that it should be unshakable... That Corey would accept you regardless of anything you ever said.
  3. NoClue

    Regular Member

    Dec 8, 2012
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    Great perspective Scanner,

    You mentioned this before, how once things go south, the straight guy is left wondering what happened. We often don't take that into consideration.


    I showed up as usual. I needed his office for the morning and asked (before my bday) if I could use it. After much debate with Amy, she convinced me to come in.

    I arrived and while he was busy, he didn't really say much and neither did I. He forgotten I needed his office that day but pulled everything together.

    Amy arrived later and still me and him didnt talk much. After I finished, I went into his office with Amy and the hashing began.

    I asked if he was still upset. He said no. I said then why didnt you respond when I asked how things were going? He said "i didnt think you cared". I said "i dont say this generally" he said "Im fine now." Then as an afterthought he said "we planned your birthday and you cancel last minute and you didnt even apoligize." I said "i did and we cancelled early enough for you not to be inconvenienced" he said "thats not the point, we wanted to celebrate your birthday." I said its not a big deal, i dont really want to celebrate it. When you asked me what I wanted to do, i felt weird because I felt like i was planning my borthday which i dont want to do. he said "all i asled was which resturant you wanted to go to. I didnt know all i had to do was say show up." I said "thats what happened last year." He said "fine, to make sure this doesnt happen again, we wont do anything for your birthday. Itd be like a regular day." I said "thats not what I meant but fine if thats what you want, then I have no words. I don't want to talk about it." He replied "no surprise there." I said "whats that supposed to mean? Do you think i'm hiding stuff from you? " he said "seems like it. You never want to talk about things." I said "i dont know what to say then."

    We paused for a bit and dropped the arguement. We started on small talk and worked from there. All this in front of amy. We started joking again but of course it was tense and awkward at times. The running joke was for him to forgive me. So I wrote a bunch of i'm sorrys and forgive me post its and hid them around his office.by the end of the day, he laughed everytime he found one.

    I offered him a hug but he declined so I threatened to tickle him. I poked him and he said "you get one of those". He later brought up that he was hurt that i didnt spend my bday with him and then had pictures of on facebook of my birthday. I told him i didnt, that was later that week when i also celebrated my birthday.

    He brought up the fact that id been weird and blah about planning and cancelling my birthday which led CG to tell him maybe I had found someone.

    Later on that night, we celebrate our friends bday and corey introduced CG amd amy. CG amd amy spent tye night talking while we all danced. At first, they spoke about the wedding me and corey went to (since the newlyweds were there) amd corey wanted to bring up their friend who hit on me but i told him not to.

    Later whilst dancing with the bday girl, corey danced behind her and we made a sandwhich. Then we all sat down and played this game where we'd use our drink straws to pick up ice. I started banging on his glass while he was doing so and he said "thats why i hate you still." I was taken aback but didnt react.

    My coworkers were texting me and so while texting i noticed corey trying to see who it was. Once ye figured it out, he became distant again and i took the train home by myself while he, CG and amy took a cab.

    When i got home, I texted him thanks for the birthday card (he had put hearts on it) and i was home but he didnt respond.

    A lot to digest, I know. I still didnt understand why'd he be so upset or wont let it go but after talking to steve I realize that yes, he didnt have to do anything for my birthday and what i did was pretty crappy. It didnt register with me because i dont expect this from people and so i dont recognize it as a truly nice thing.

    Steve said "he introduced you to his friends and invited you out, of course he'll he hurt." I said "i didnt ask him to but i get it." I havejt invited him out or ibtriduced him to my friends. Thats why for me, it wasnt a big deal. But i do get it and I am truly remorseful. I need to tell him that. In terms of forgiveness, i'll earn it.

    I guess its weird for me that hes still upset. I dont want him to be considering his birthdays this week. Its just odd that a guy who is often aloof to a lot of things and overtly rational to be so emotional over this. But that is probably the extent of how hurt he is.

    What also struck me was the not telling him anything. I have been honest with him but he still feels like i hide stuff from him. I know he suspects I have a thing for my coworker which i dont, but again, we dont talk everyday like we used to so I wouldnt tell him what plans i have, etc. Just like when he goes out, Im not upset by it. Upon venting to steve, he suggest i tell corey how close i am to corey so he knows.

    I have said this before but i feel like people pick up me and coreys vibe fairly quickly. Me and a guy were joking about being pregnant and the guy out of nowhere says "you better go tell corey". Out of drunkeness i said it to corey and corey says "its not mine." I laughed and said "you cant walk away now!" Its pretty weird this guy who me and corey have met a handful of times can pick up that something is going on between us.

    Anyways, im not even focused on my feelings per say as i am trying to make sure iur relationship is ok. What really threw me was him being upset. I didnt expect that at all. Steve points out that it is odd for a guy to be so hurt but that it shows how much he cares.

    Enough said, I will end this post with a renewed focus on rebuilding.
  4. scanner007

    Full Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Okay I don't want to beat a dead horse here but I'm a bit confused here because on the one hand you say that you're sorry and remorseful and on the other you say that you still don't get it why he was so upset.

    So at the risk of overstating the matter, I will try, one more time to put it out there:
    You are in love with Corey for pretend, its like a dream.
    You have an unrequited fantasy love for him that is layered over your true friendship with him.
    Corey on the other hand, loves you for real. You are his good friend. People vibe on that because you both get along so well, like an old married couple.

    Because of that, if you had kicked Corey in the nuts, then when he leaned over in pain, you punched him right in the face, then knocked him over, then stole $20 bucks out of his wallet and pointed and laughed at him the entire time and told him he was pathetic.
    would've hurt him far less than what you actually did to him.

    He wanted you to WANT to share your birthday with him...and take pictures ..put them up on facebook..so everyone could see what a good time you both had...and later he tell all his other friends what a good time you both had.
    In HIS MIND, he thought that you and him were close friends. But now thats changed, that warm feeling you get when you think of someone and you are fond of them, and you feel happy just thinking of them and spending time with them. He now believes that while he has that feeling for you...that you don't share that feeling for him at all. He thinks you don't care.

    Hence why he said, "thats why I still hate you"
    You playing with his glass triggered a warm memory of you and him spending time together at some point ...and he was happy for a moment and then it mixed with that sadness ...and he felt sad again. Because of you. Which of course doesn't mean he really hates you, he's just still very hurt by what you did to him.

    Just like when he says, yeah I'm really hurt, BUT I'LL GET OVER IT.
    Everyone says that when something terrible happens and you have to force yourself to move on.
    My dog died, but I'll get over it.
    My grandma died, but I'll get over it.
    I got fired from my job today, but I'll get over it.
    My best friend didn't bother to show up for his birthday party, acted like he didn't care anything about me and didn't even apologize for it, but I'll get over it.
    See the trend?

    And bless you NoClue, in the nicest possible way ...this is kind of why that one guy called you a sociopath...because its like you cannot recognize that he really cares for you. Its like you got blinders on and you can't believe its possible that Corey feels for you and you can't allow yourself to feel it back for him. Which like I said in the previous post is probably due to trust issues. You've been burned before a lot in the past to the point where maybe you don't believe anyone cares. You don't believe it's possible that Corey loves you, but he does. I can definitely relate to that, I've had my own bouts with trust. But Corey is something different altogether. Definitely worth fighting to hang on to.

    You REALLY DO need to explain yourself to him why you didn't make it to your birthday party or make it up to him.

    WHICH ----if you ask me ...is also your best golden opportunity to tell him how you really feel for him.

    I mean if you told him:
    Hey man, I just want you to know,
    I didn't go the birthday thing because I didn't care,
    its because I care about you too much,
    and I've been really hung up on that lately.
    I'm trying to focus on finding someone else so that the lines no longer blur
    on my feelings for you and I can put it out of my mind and move forward.
    I don't want to hurt you or CG. I'm sorry if that really freaks you out.

    If you said something along those lines....now is the best possible time...
    you'd practically be sneaking it in there because I guarantee at this point,
    he'll be so relieved that you really DO care for him. The fact that you maybe
    care too much will simply be a side issue. He'll be relieved and happy to hear it.

    (And of course, if I'm wrong about him and he really is as gay as you want him to be and he finally takes you by the hand, looks in your eyes and says, "I've waited forever to hear you say that, I'm gonna take you out back and show what 'taking like a man' really means" ...well then ...MORES BETTER RIGHT?)

    again, not trying to beat a dead horse here. I get it that you are sorry and you want to make things better. I just think its important that you precisely understand the WHY here and have a good long cry about it. It will help you out later. I don't plan to mention this again though unless you bring it up and have something specific you'd like to discuss.

    #464 scanner007, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  5. NoClue

    Regular Member

    Dec 8, 2012
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    I totally get it. After some thought and speaking with steve, I know that he cares for me. But I can't believe it. It's almost like a "i'm not worthy" kind of thing. Not that I'm not worthy but like you said, my feelings for him are more than a friend and his reaction or willingness towards my birthday threw me for a loop because I didn't realize he saw it as a big deal.

    But you're right, it happened and I can only learn from this, rather than go on and on about it. Since it is his birthday this weekend, I hope he's gotten over it as well.

    We did speak a bit monday. We talked about saturday but he stopped responding once i brought up that one of our guy friends got me a drink. (said friend is straight).

    Instead of continually reaching out to him about the matter, I'm going to go with the flow so he wont be pissed or hurt on his birthday.

    Lastly, yes I guess it is pretty obvious that Ive been hurt and have trust issues and while he knows this, I hope he also knows (and i will tell him) that im working through it and he means a lot to me.

    Hopefully your neck of the woods is not as cold as it is now in nyc.:smilewave
  6. scanner007

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    Sep 27, 2012
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    Where is the next exciting installment? Yeah I'm a bit worried, too much has happened lately for you to be silent for this long. How did his birthday go? How are you doing?

    I know my last post was fairly blunt, but I'm hoping it will be a place for you to start building a foundation for the idea that you're going make up your mind to open up to him and accept whatever he has to say once and for all. Him being your good friend, once he knows the truth, he'll be the best person who can help you through this, whatever the outcome.

    Originally posted by NoClue:
    It really sounds here like he already knows how you feel about him. But him being your friend, he knows you well enough to give you the time you need to come to terms with it and talk about it when YOU'RE READY. From your posts, we can all see he really does care about you very much. Whether or not he's really capable of having a romantic relationship with you, he WILL treat you with respect and compassion. You really mean a lot to him and I feel like he wants you to trust him with your feelings and the REAL you..all the way.

    Trying to look at it logically. Yeah, its scary to bear your feelings and make yourself emotionally vulnerable. Its possible you can get hurt from it, but look at the months and years of pain you've put yourself (and him) through trying to protect yourself. You can end that and finally find some peace.

    please let us know how you're doing. I hope things have been going well and you've been enjoying a great Thanksgiving/Black Friday long weekend.

  7. bookreader

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    Jul 27, 2014
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    Scanner is right, Corey really cares for you. You guys are best friends. Best friends don't fall from the sky. You're lucky to have a guy like Corey.
  8. PatrickPH

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Ok now it's been a really long time... I hope nothing bad happened. Give us some news! :slight_smile:
  9. scanner007

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    Sep 27, 2012
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    Yes, we're worried. What's happened?
  10. dapulu

    Full Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    I guess a lot happened, and maybe there's still something going on.

    Hoping for the best NoClue. Hang in there :slight_smile:
  11. scanner007

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    Sep 27, 2012
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    Now I know things can't be all that bad that you can't give us an update NoClue....I just had someone call me at my job and threaten to kill me...had to call the cops ...and that was only two weeks after we had a bomb scare where the bomb squad told us "it was a pretty good fake" with all the wires, batteries and clay and timer it had it seemed like whoever did it knew how to make a real one...so unless things are that crazy in your neck of the woods. ..SHOW ME THE UPDATE!

    Take care
  12. bookreader

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    Jul 27, 2014
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    NoClue, I miss your posts! What happened?
  13. NoClue

    Regular Member

    Dec 8, 2012
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    Hi all,

    A) Thanks for continually to check on this post; if ever this post becomes a show, it'd be a guilty pleasure.

    B) I'll preface this by saying it will be a long post.

    C) Apologies for not updating.

    So a lot has happened and yet nothing at all. Let's start with Thanksgiving.

    Thanksgiving was fine; CG reached out and I told her happy thanksgiving to her and him. The next day, she was throwing a couples "Friendsgiving" and since I was still sick (and not really comfortable), I declined to go. Saturday came and we hung out with Amy. We joked around and such, not really that memorable. My ex did contact me again and Corey mentioned how determined he seemed and how it was sad.

    We spoke throughout the week and last Saturday, we hung out again with Amy. Corey had brought some croissants and saved them for me (since he knows I love them). I thought it was sweet, he even individually wrapped them which I told him wasn't necessary. I mentioned how sore my shoulders have been again and without hesitation he gave me a message. Amy watched and said "aw, look at the romance". I laughed and made a face. Afterwards we went home and instead of him and amy taking the train together, he walked me to my train before they went off to theirs.

    Friday, his friend texted me to go out since she broke up with her BF. I told her I couldn't because I had a busy Saturday but I texted Corey to tell him to check on her.

    I had a huge important job interview this past saturday and throughout the week, I told him how stressed I was and he was supportive through it. I went to the interview and he texted me good luck. We (me, him, amy and CG) were supposed to go to a off broadway show later that night so after the interview I went home and napped and he did the same. I woke up and got ready to go out; the trains were delayed (due to the protests in NYC and Santa Con) and I arrived late. The doors closed and I missed the show.

    He texted me that we are going to go eat afterwards so I walked around a bit until the show ended. He and CG came out and Amy couldnt make it so it was just us 3. It was a bit chilly and he offered me his gloves which i declined and asked why he walked around with 2 pairs of gloves (he bought one earlier).

    I was texting my male coworker and I caught Corey looking at my phone. He got a bit annoyed and asked me to stop texting and pay attention. I told him how the interview went and how confident I was about it.

    We arrived to the restaurant and it was closed so I took them to another restaurant. I mentioned the last time I went to the first restaurant was on a date back in September. Surprisingly Corey remembered when that was. We got to the next restaurant and he once again asked me to put the phone down and stop texting because I was acting like a d-bag. I agreed and stopped. I noticed he wanted to sit next to me and across from CG but since I took long to sit down (it was pretty cramped), he sat across from me.

    We talked some more and joked around. I noticed he was being really touchy with me and affectionate. I noticed that while we were walking as well. Afterwards we got on the train and talked some more. CG mentioned she hadn't seen me in awhile and I told her, "I know." Not being rude, I just agreed. I asked if he reached out to our friend and he said he hadn't but he will. He mentioned him and CG going out with their couple friend for black friday and while I felt a little hurt (as we did that last year), I didn't say anything about it.

    So a couple of things happened I should mention. My coworker I mentioned, let's call him Sean. Sean and I have gotten close within the last 2 months. He and another coworker took me out for my birthday and we've been texting out of work as well. As far as I can tell, he's straight. He knows about me and corey and thinks we're cute together.

    On the other hand, he has taken it upon himself to be my wingman and always points out a guy he thinks I should talk to. I got drunk a couple of weeks ago and he took a cab to my house before he went to his. He's pretty funny and my other coworker has a crush on him. She thought he was gay when she first met him but I could tell she likes him.

    She invited him out last week (without me) and he invited me out and changed the plan instead and we just all ended up getting drinks.

    I told corey about my coworker and how funny he is. At first corey didn't think anything of it (he mentioned last week how weird sean was for wanting to be my wingman, not knowing me) but yesterday when I was texting Sean, he got a bit jealous. (I had an hour to kill while waiting for corey and CG to come out). It didn't help that when he saw my phone, he saw the word "kiss" (me and sean were debating how kiss is considered "dirty").

    Corey asked what we were talking about and I told corey how frustrating it is that Sean always teases me. Corey said "if it bothers you so much, draw a line and stop talking to him". I didn't expect him to react so strongly.

    Corey asked if I spoken to steve and i said I did and he wanted to hnag out last week but i was still sick. He asked if i was lying (most likely to see if i was) and I said I wasn't and i was still sick.

    I will admit Sean is attractive. He winks when he teases me, he playfully grabs me when he thinks his teasing is too far and he's in the reserves. I think what got Corey upset about the whole "my birthday" thing was that I celebrated with Sean and he saw the pictures. (to clarify, it was 3 days after my birthday, my coworkers took me out twice).

    While it seems like I'm a bad person for talking (not really flirting) with Sean and probably hurting corey, corey is dating CG. Every time I think of this, I think "you can't have your cake and eat it too".

    As friends, He has many friends and while I've met most of them, I don't get upset or jealous when he hangs out with them because I have my own friends as well. I think the jealousy I'm seeing is because while he doesn't know sean, he seems to think that any guy who comes close to me is some threat towards "us" which is weird.

    In thinking about this situation, I think we both are consumed by pride. We both are guilty of trying to one up each other when we're upset or jealous and it's harder for one of us to break down and admit anything sentimental.

    Tonight, corey saw me go on facebook and within a minute, I got a text from him of my gift and how he liked it. I told him I'm glad and he left it like that. I know he's trying to "check in" and "remind" me that he's still there.

    Within the last couple of weeks, I realized that I shouldn't wait around. I felt like detaching myself wasnt the right thing nor is waiting around. And while we may seem like a great couple and the vibe between us is inexplicable, we aren't a couple and that's what it is. We're really great friends and I should leave it at that.

    I'm focused on our friendship and I'll continue to support him as he has with me, but I need to draw boundaries in terms of him sending these mixed messages - and me reading too much into it.

    Now, positive vibes for my interview, and of course I'll keep you guys posted!!!

    BTW, Scanner, bomb threats? you lead an interesting life!!!:smilewave:smilewave:smilewave

  14. scanner007

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    Sep 27, 2012
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    Lol. ...interesting life...no...more like a mundane life with brief spurts of bizarre and crazy.

    So first off...how did his birthday go? Did you guys hang out for it? What did youget him?

    Sean sounds cool. I like that name. Some people call me that only they spell it differently. Too bad its not his real name .

    I think its good you and Sean are hanging out to. Keep social, have other friends and even making new ones. That's all good. Now, I could go bitchy scanner here...and suggest you might be using Sean a little bit to make Corey jealous. I could also point out how this is a perfect example of what happens when you're stuck not able to move on because you didn't lay it out there to Corey. How everything is still unresolved.

    But I'll stop there. Yeah I can respect you're still not ready. It is what it is. If you're happy with the way things are now then why screw it up. Would I play it that way now if I were in your situation? No. But it took me a lot of years to get to that point. Corey already has a clue how you feel about him. When the time is right you'll tell him.

    I think that why we all get on here every week and enjoy hearing you recount your happenings with him over the previous week and when you miss a week, we miss hearing about it. I think we'd all like someone in our life who is as special and profound to us as Corey is to you. We really do only get a shot at someone like that maybe once in a lifetime....and for them to be sexually compatible with us and become a soul mate...well that's a third act worth waiting for.

    That's why so many of the best stories end with the second most utilized literary device:
    "And they lived happily ever after...."

    Good luck and many positive vibes for the job you're seeking! Hope you get it!

    Rock On Scanner
  15. NoClue

    Regular Member

    Dec 8, 2012
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    Hey everyone,

    I figured I'd update a bit before the holidays. I wish everyone happy holidays!!! May the new year be bigger and brighter than ever (except of course, global warming.)

    Saturday me, amy and corey hung out. I got up early and got my presents for amy and corey together and headed down there.

    I got there and helped out for a bit. Corey and amy said they wouldnt open their presents until next saturday (CG is hosting a holiday thing). Corey asked if i was going and I said I was unsure. Corey mentioned this being the first year he was in the holiday spirit and I have to be there. I told him I'll let him know.

    Through out the day me and sean were texting. Corey didnt really mention anything but did notice it. I told him how sean reminds me of him because they both like teasing me. Corey said "yea but I'm clever." I said everyone's smarter than everyone in certain areas.

    We got into a discussion about the eric gardner and police protests in nyc. I told him I was afraid people were band wagoning and may start shooting cops or hating all cops when its a cultural issue within the department and not the individuals.

    We argued at length about how he didnt feel the same and that people out there may not take cops as individual but rather generalize everything.

    At times, it got pretty heated, he said I was cutting him off, I said he was raising his voice but we resolved our differences.

    He made plans for us to go watch a game near his house and mentioned that if anything, we can go to CG's house to play games. I was hesitant and he kept bringing it up.

    We met up with CG and he started complaining about me texting. I told him it was nothing major and amy threatened to read my texts over my shoulder because "what coworker texts like that?" Corey told her to do so and I hid my phone. We found out 2 cops were shot point blank in their patrol car and I turned to corey and said "this is exactly what I was afraid of. isn't it crazy, we talked about this today."

    I could tell corey was a bit upset and similar to last week, he was all of a sudden really touchy with CG. When he noticed I wasn't reacting the way he thought I would, he bumped my leg by mistake and reached down to rub it. Then he said "nice" joking around. I let him because I thought he said "sorry" When i realized what he said I said "stop."

    We listened to crappy music with him laughing when i complained about the music. I started dancing to the ONE good song they played and the guy at the next table smiled and pointed at me to which corey looked at him and looked away. Corey kept interjecting the conversation to bring up game night but no one responded.

    Later on, we walked to the train and CG was waiting for me to hug her goodbye. I held my arms out but she went to amy instead so I said "I'm just standing here with my arms out." Corey noticed it and when I said that, he grabbed me and hugged me rubbing his arms up and down my back. Amy threatened jokingly to hit me where "you wont be able to use it on anyone." I replied back without thinking "you don't know that.' Corey looked surprised and quickly looked away. I said bye and left.

    I got home and a couple of hours later, CG texted me to make sure I got home ok. I said I did and good night.

    To answer your question scanner,

    I got him a stuffed animal of an animal he liked and a yankees jersey of his favorite player he mentioned he liked when we went to a game back in april. he had mentioned telling a friend about having that jersey and i happen to get it for him.

    I did go to CGs place so he can open his gifts but I didnt go to the party she planned for him. I was sick and i didnt want to be uncomfortable. I did spend the day with him though.

    I will admit that at times, the texting is to make him a bit jealous which is elementary. I did tell sean that corey was a bit jealous but sean didn't mind.

    Am I expecting corey to get upset? not really. Eventually, I may meet a guy and we may start dating. Corey will have to get used to it. I feel at times, corey thinks me being single is good for him because he can hang out with me every week. Do I make it that way? no. I've consciously made plans to hang with my other friends and as of late, my coworkers. I don't make my life revolve around him. Which I feel was why he was pissed I hung out with my coworker on my birthday, being that he couldn't keep tabs on me and he thought we would hang out (which we would've had he planned something more concrete.)

    I've come to the realization that pride is what is holding us back. Me being afraid of getting hurt/rejected and him afraid of admitting whatever he's feeling. So when it comes to jealousy, we're always trying to one up each other.

    To be fair, I didn't mention my coworker until he asked who texted. He said "Why do I feel like he's going to come out to you?" I said "no, i think he's straight." He said this twice throughout the day. He even picked up my phone to 'see my cracked screen" (even though I showed him the crack 2 weeks ago.) Maybe he's seeing the pattern that was similar to us when we started getting close: the all night conversations (me and sean texted all weekend but not all night like me and corey) and how funny they are.

    corey also took pictures and videos of me without me knowing and telling me he wanted to "test his camera function."

    Last week, he said "you look...ok." I said "why wouldn't I be?" And he said "I don't know maybe your ex reached out to you." I said "ok?" I realized he may have changed his words because CG was there.

    This week, he said he liked my sweater and how cute I looked.

    At the end of the day, Ive realized that while he's with CG, theres nothing I can do. And I can't wait. I feel like I'm starting to move on from my ex and even though me and sean have gotten close, I don't date coworkers. Maybe it's the prospect of a new year, but I feel like I'm ready to start going out there and date possibly.

    It could be timing. There are plenty of great relationships that dont work out because of timing. Maybe this is wrong place, wrong time.

    Thanks everyone who continually follows this extremely long thread. The advice I've received has been invaluable and desperately needed. I'll continue to update and hopefully there will be a happily ever after.

    who knows what the future holds!

    Hope everyone has a great festive week!!!
  16. Mystory

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    Apr 3, 2013
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    I'm really happy that you've decided to undertake this new approach and that you've used the upcoming new year as a way of airing out the old and refreshing your perspective on things... I was always worried that this would drag on for even further, and that one day, with Corey and CG becoming increasingly more serious in their commitments, you would be left on the sidelines forever waiting for something that would most likely never happen.

    At the same time however, I feel as if there should be a less dramatic way of dealing with your residual feelings for Corey. I agree with Scanner that, with this way of doing things, no conclusiveness of feelings could ever be offered to you. I feel as though less damage would be done if you had just admitted to Corey your feelings and then asked for some time apart so that your feelings would have a chance to settle and maybe fade away. I can tell that deep down you must feel incredibly hurt for you to go to such lengths of pushing him away. The only problem is, with no communication, on Corey's end, he may see it as you simply losing interest in him- as you replacing him with Sean.... We both know that is not the case- everyone here understands that you are doing this for yourself and so that you can one day have a healthy relationship with someone special without constantly comparing them to the benchmark that has become Corey...

    I fear that one day, you may look back upon your friendship with Corey, and you will try to reach out to him- but the lack of communication between you two, the unresolved feelings and the lack of conclusiveness will irrevocably hinder the friendship from having the same intimacy as it once had. That there has been too much hurt on both sides for it to resume as they were. Of course, this may simply be my own pessimism with things, and I am sure that your friendship is such that nothing could ever come between the two of you...

    Once again, great read, happy to hear your new resolution of moving on and finding romance once again, and wishing you the best of luck for the next year to come. I guess just be weary of falling for Sean unintentionally if he really does end up being straight like Corey...
    #476 Mystory, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
  17. bookreader

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    Jul 27, 2014
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    NoClue, I've been wondering, do you think that you and Corey will have a serious talk about each other's feelings? Do you think he's happy more with you or CG? Sean seems like a nice guy. I'm actually shipping you guys.
  18. mr rk

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    All the best in 2015 to everyone reading this thread.Noclue is their a possible update soon and Sean sounds very interesting,please let us know,thanks!
  19. dapulu

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    Mar 20, 2013
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    I wonder what happenned
  20. mr rk

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    Can we have an update please?
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