I'm fed up with my OCD.

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Lukee, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. thylvin

    thylvin Guest

    Jun 11, 2011
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    That's right, you see a psychiatrist will talk with you and help you work these issues out out and he will use a medication to help on that front, while a therapist doesn't prescribe medicine, it is all purely verbal. But if a therapist thinks you do need medication then he will refer your entire case to a psychiatrist. Often though the two professions works together on the same case.

    But I would advice you to first see a therapist first. If you do need medication then they will refer you to the proper psychiatrist. Not all psychiatrist are able to help with everything. It's like a medical doctor profession, you get some that specialize in the skin area, some in the bowls area, some in other areas. This is why I say go to a therapist first. He will make a diagnosis and refer you to the proper one more skilled in the area of mental illness that you might have.

    Good luck :thumbsup: