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I'm bisexual, not sure what my grandparents will think

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by gutsy, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. gutsy

    Regular Member

    Aug 5, 2017
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    A few people
    Hi! I'm pretty young (14) but I've been positive for a long time now that I'm bisexual. I'm not uncomfortable with it at all, and my friends are all wonderful and accepting people. I'm only out to three of those people, but I think I'll be comfortable telling the rest of my friends when I feel the need to. Only one problem so far, and that's my family.

    I highly doubt my cousins will care at all, we're pretty close-knit. I'm unsure of my parents... They haven't shown any homophobic traits so I think I'll be okay, but they've also been really good at seeming impartial to the whole matter so I can't be sure.

    I'm terrified of telling my grandparents. On one side of my family, my grandparents are very religious people. My grandpa preaches at the church he goes to. They have sort of outdated views. I really love them both, they've been nothing but loving and generous to me my whole life, so I'm really worried I'll ruin our relationship if I come out or end up with a girlfriend.

    On the other side of my family, I know they won't be okay with me being bisexual. They have been just as kind as my other grandparents, but they also raised the most intensely conservative and narrow-minded person I know—my aunt. I really think she got her views from them. I haven't heard their thoughts on the whole lgbt community, but I do remember the time my aunt and grandfather started talking about how trans people are "going against God" at Christmas dinner. It was exactly as awkward as it sounds, I didn't say a word.

    Basically, I just want to hear your thoughts. Have you been in a similar situation, how did it work out, etc. Should I come out as bi at all? I've got plenty of time to think about it, haha.