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How to deal with death?

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by Shadowgirl37, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. Shadowgirl37

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    Dec 17, 2016
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    A family friend died this morning. He hanged himself on their backyard swing set. When I was little we were over at their house for pool parties, barbecues and that sort of thing all the time. He has a daughter that is only one year older than me. she and I go to different schools, but we came to be good friends. When I first found out I didn't really say or think much, but a few hours later after I got home from my volleyball game I completely broke down. I just cried and cried. i have ADHD and aspergers, so my emotions tend to be very strong. I am so stressed out right now, between schoolwork, I was planning on coming out to one of my teachers tomorrow for the first time, so that has had me extremely anxious, and I had a high stakes volleyball game today, and I just lost it. I have been depressed and anxious lately but have never thought this could happen to someone around me. I have never had something like this happen in my life and I just don't know what to do. If you have anything that could help me it would be greatly appreciated thanks.
  2. D Artagnan

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Shadowgirl....so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Thoughts and prayers to everyone involved.

    Everyone deals with death differently. And it also depends on the circumstances of the death. Unfortunately, what you experienced today is one of the most difficult death's to deal with. Most people don't even know what to say when things like this happen. It sucks to lose people and there's really nothing anyone can say or do to make you feel better. I hate funerals and avoid them at all costs if I can. That's just one of the ways I deal with them.

    I hope you feel better....it will probably be a while before you do. And to be honest....you'll never probably be completely over it. A part of you is gone and there's no way to get that back. Unfortunately, this is one crappy parts of life that we have to deal with. Just know that what you are feeling and thinking is normal. Some people get really sad, others get angry....some even seem completely unaffected.....like I said, everyone deals with death differently.

    Sending you hugs