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How should I answer?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Several, Mar 22, 2008.

  1. sexyalex

    Full Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    errrm..i don't want to sound like a geek nor a jerk. but...

    normal? of course being gay is normal. we were placed on the earth to reproduce? says who? then why did some poeple born with testicular defects? why did God make some women barron? it's normal for it's not uncommon making it a "norm", gays are found everywhere.:dry:

    Natural? definetly not. because sientificaly its not. natural? no..because God only made one man and one woman. not 2 men or two women. So unnatural. that's true. but we were given the right to choose and however we choose to live no one will ever know if it's the right or wrong way unless we die. so keep on living and if anyone ask u if being gay is normal u know what to proudly say. :thumbsup: :kiss:
  2. Ryesright

    Regular Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Naturalness for sexuality...

    A lot of people look at "natural" as whether or not something exists in nature to a significant degree. For example, we don't really look around a lot and see people with seven arms. If I saw someone with seven arms, I'd probably say that's not natural, they had some sort of defect that made them that way. However, same-gendered and bisexual attraction does exist to a significant extent in nature. Several vertebrate animals show signs of homosexuality. I've never taken a course on this subject in college or anything, so I am by no means an expert, but from a glance it would seem that homosexuality has the advantage in large animal species, where homosexuality is primarily seen, as far as I know, for the sake of population control. The bigger the animals get, the more space/resources they consume, the greater the need to ensure that the animals do not overpopulate.

    Anatomically something like anal sex may not make a whole lot of sense. The anus provides no natural lubrication for intercourse, and therefore would seem to be an unlikely place to derive pleasure through "normal/natural" means of intercourse. However, the anus also has pleasure centers. It can stimulate the prostate for men, and is stimulatory for women as well, hence why some people do enjoy anal sex. That, I think, supports the argument of anal sex as being natural to the same degree that some would claim anal sex is unnatural.

    There have been too many homosexuals in the world, and the concept has existed for far too long in recorded history for me to think that it isn't natural to be a homosexual. Normalcy is just a standard placed on society. Normal means natural, then homosexuality is normal. Otherwise, normal is just a word assigned to concepts by society that changes with time and place.