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How do you do the thing

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by anko, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. anko

    Regular Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Arizona, USA
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    All but family
    Ok, to be honest I had no idea what to titles this so excuse that.
    Anyways I'm in high school still and I'm getting pretty tired of having no relationships because I seriously can't find any other lesbians other than the two that are in a relationship with each other. The only advice I was given on finding someone was to see if my town has a LGBT community center. The nearest one is a two hour drive away so that ended that. Also my school doesn't have a gay-straight alliance. (I think the universe hates me)
    As you can imagine it's just gotten really lonely; I have supportive friends but I just feel like I'm missing out. They all have happy relationships or at least a shot at one. I just feel like I'm looking for Waldo over here.

    To anyone who has been in my position, a similar one, or just has helpful advice: What would you do?
  2. totallyrealname

    Regular Member

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    At least in my neck of the woods, lesbians seem to be somewhat rarer than gay men. Or maybe I'm just not as good at recognizing them. But when I was in high school, there were also only a couple known gay boys (this was about 7 years ago, in Canada, where being out is generally more accepted than in the states). Statistically, this is very typical of high schools, because of the small student population.

    I guess I don't have much advice for you on looking outside of your school, as that depends heavily on what size of city you live in. If its a small town with maybe 2-3 high schools, it can be very difficult to meet anyone (of any orientation) who doesn't go to your school, because there's just no reason to ever run into them.

    My best advice is to just hang in there. In university, things get much better. There are far more opportunities. Heck, this week was my school's pride week, and the parade yesterday had about 300 people in a school of 40,000 students. This was in the middle of a snowstorm (with temperatures around -10F) and during a time when most people are in class. Bigger schools, like Toronto which has 110,000 students, would have even more opportunities. Plus, if you screw up (speaking from experience), word won't spread nearly as well as in high school. If you have a nasty breakup or something, its usually limited to just a few people, because people are less tight-knit.
    #2 totallyrealname, Mar 19, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2013
  3. Lexington

    Full Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    I'll second the suggestion on simply holding on until later. I had to wait until college before anything could happen, and although it sucked at the time, I can definitely say it was worth the wait. :slight_smile:

  4. Monocle

    Regular Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Out Status:
    Some people
    I can sympathize. I had a few friends in HS who weren't straight, but they were either in a relationship or not my type. We didn't have a GSA or any kind of LGBT support at all, so it was slim pickins. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Even at my tiny college there's nothing like that, so I guess I'm in the same boat as you. All dressed up and nowhere to go!
  5. birdy

    Regular Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    For now there's not much you can do. Don't lose faith, though! I was in your exact same position just months ago and now I have an amazing girlfriend. We became really good friends first and I told her that I wasn't sure of my sexuality and she said the same. I also made the leap of confessing my feelings for her. It was so terrifying, but it paid off!
    Maybe try befriending girls who seem like they'd be fine with homosexuality (even if they're straight) and see what happens. Even if you don't end up in a relationship, then you'll have some more friends supportive of you and your sexuality. I'm hoping college will be better also. Hang in there!