How can the LGBT community improve?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Hexagon, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Techno Kid

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    May 26, 2013
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    I think that calling out others in the LGBT+ community more (also those outside it) will go a long way to making things better.
  2. cm81990

    cm81990 Guest

    If it ceased to exist. It cannot succeed by being one giant umbrella community trying to get all these different groups to work together for some cause. Gender identity issues are different than sexual orientation. Monosexuality is different than bisexuality and fluid sexuality. Men and women are socioculturally different. Trying to make LGBT one giant monolith is not going to work in the long run. It also excludes the complexities and nuances of being straight. Many straight people fall within the "T" in LGBT. I never considered myself part of this community and never will. I am gay because of semantics, not because of a subculture.
  3. photoguy93

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    Dec 27, 2012
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    While I agree with you that we can't group everything together, I don't think it would ever work to have 246.87 groups. Most of our enemies are typically conservative, religious, and or not the brightest bulbs on the face of this planet.

    On top of that, as I have always said, we can't focus on more than one issue at a time. So, who gets precedent? We have a ton of overexposure issues in the media, so I think that we have to figure out a way to avoid these things.
  4. Zooombini

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    Dec 9, 2011
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    I wish that the B, T and A (as in asexual) got more attention and respect.

    I find myself being pushed away more by the lesbian and gay community for my orientation than I do from heterosexuals. I'm a little tired of my orientation being called a "fad/trend" or having my possible opposite sex relationship looked down on. It truly does harm people emotionally to be told that by people who claim to be LGBT friendly when really they're just LGT friendly.

    That being said, asexuals get very little recognition and acceptance in our community. I'd really like to see people looking out for them in the LGBT community. I feel like too often they are forgotten amongst all the other orientations. Not only is there discrimination from the straight community but also ours.
  5. An Gentleman

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    Aug 20, 2013
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    Asexuality, I think, is a different issue entirely. Lumping every fucking minority ever with the LGBT community? No. It'll quickly become a clusterfuck.
    And intersex people are an interesting case. I think we should let them decide whether to join with us or not, since it's a different issue. Actually, gender dysphoria is a different issue.

    Which leaves us with another question: split the "gender community" up from the "sexuality community", or leave things as they are?
  6. Zooombini

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    Dec 9, 2011
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    I think asexuality is an issue we should address as a community that is discriminated against for our sexuality. They are as well and because there aren't a lot of people willing to learn more about asexuality the discrimination is often seen as okay or warranted.
  7. ba92

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    Nov 11, 2013
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    I think the community will improve once people stop labeling each other and end the racial issues we have. You would think that we'd fight the hate outside the community together but it seems we're too busy fighting ourselves. However, I can't just single myself out, we all are over worry ourselves with these LGBT whatever labels.
  8. Spitfire71

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    Dec 1, 2013
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    Time to voice my unpopular opinions!

    Honestly, I feel that the T should be separate from the LGB in a lot of cases. I know that's not a popular opinion and I'm prepared for people to tear me apart on it. I definitely know there is some overlap, but I also think many of the trans issues are a different thing from same-sex issues. Let me just be clear: I'm not discrediting or somehow diminishing the issues of the trans community. I'm just saying I feel there's enough of a divide that, on paper, it should be LGB, and T.

    I say on paper, because I know that the trans community gets a lot of help from the LGB movement so that their issues aren't marginalized and forgotten about.

    I'm also one of those people who thinks pansexuality doesn't need to be a thing*, because bisexuality covers it well enough. I don't think demisexuality needs to be a thing, because "someone only feeling sexual attraction towards someone they have a strong emotional connection" to is a pretty damn common sentiment felt by many people across the world. And I definitely don't think they need to be letters on an initialism.

    Every little thing doesn't needs a new definition or a label, and most certainly doesn't need to piggyback into a big alphabet soup of an initialism. And not everything needs a :***: flag. It gets to the point that there's too much, and it starts trivializing the overall movement. "LGBT" does a good job of being all-inclusive. It doesn't need to be "LGBTQQIAPD2U" or something ridiculous.

    *(cue gasps) Yes, the prefix "bi-" indicates two, but the meanings of words change. Gay once meant happy. :wink:

    This isn't something I agree with. Asexuality is different, and to me there is a lot of "fabricated discrimination" from the vocal base of the asexuality community. Asexuality doesn't share the majority of issues that define the LGBT movement. It's not something that needs to attach itself to the LGBT movement.

    Pretty much how I feel.

    All of this is one big part of why I don't associate with an actual community, and just keep my "involvement" to hanging out with people, where some may be L G B or T. I agree with the ideals; I don't agree with the community. Tolerance and acceptance is a good thing. I'll vote against people who don't support same-sex rights. Empty Closets is a good place (most of the time). I just have a lot of issues with the "community".