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HOCD? A common question, but it get's deeper than that...

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by hardstylist, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. hardstylist

    Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    I have been lurking around the forums here reading a couple of threads trying to get information, and i'm stuck in a horribly, confused state of mind.

    I've read about a lot of things concerning gay and the LGBT community, and anxiety to HOCD to panic attacks ever since I had a sudden "spike" (or maybe an epiphany?) that triggered my state of mind right now. My mom passed away 6 months ago and I slept over at a friends house, I got an erection in the room with my guy friends and I immediately went down into a depressed and anxious stage after that. To this day I still do not know whether I got that erection due to the fact that I am gay, bisexual, growing up, or a random aspect that got in the way.

    I know that and have read that some people who think they have HOCD actually turn out to be gays with internalized homophobia, and also the other way around. So i'm going to keep my options open to listen to those who help me.

    As a kid growing up I was really anxious all the time, to be honest I think that aspect came when I broke my arm in grade 1 after a fall from the playground. I remember when anxiety was an issue, I couldn't run at a track meet because I would feel like puking, or I was always anxious and sick on an airplane because of 9/11, I couldn't swim in water because I was afraid of the deep end and etc. As a teenager now, some of those things still live, like not being able to swim, not being able to even play at a tryout for basketball cause it would cause me to be anxious to levels where I couldn't perform at all. I also have bad self-esteem,

    I don't think I am good looking compared to other guys and I think I am skinny, scrawny, and weak.

    Now in my questioning state, I do not know where everything fits into, my life is confused to the limits. Since my first thought of "Am I gay?" after that sleepover I have had thoughts of suicide, but I have never wanted to act on it. My physician had said that I could have a mood disorder, and I am seeing a psychiatrist right now as I have gone through periods of happiness and periods of depression.

    In my periods of happiness I found myself horny for girls, masturbating to straight porn, fantasying and thinking about girls, exercising and hanging out with my friends. In my periods of depression I have found myself questioning my sexuality, checking gay porn for arousal, forcing myself to find arousal around men, and being anxious to the depths of my brain.

    I have tried coming out to myself as gay, and seeing how it would work, but I found myself getting aroused by looking at girls, fantasying about them so I don't think that gay is really what my lifestyle is supposed to be. I used to be homophobic, but I was stupid and I was ignorant. Now, as much as I understand the LGBT community after reading and discovering about them such as them being born the way they are, not "turning" queer and other things, I still couldn't put myself in that position and be happy with it.

    I have told my psychiatrist and my dad about my homosexual fears, but to myself, I still do not know whether HOCD is causing this, denial is, or questioning is.

    I have some questions for the community if you have read my thread, I'm sorry that it's long it's just in my depressed state I have to let everything out as it's the only way I feel relieved.

    1. What is this period of confusion, do I have HOCD or am I part of the LGBT community, am I in denial?

    2. I remember reading about transgenders and how a lot of them had low self image before they knew they were transgender, now I have a fear that I could also be transgender too? I had never, ever had thoughts of wanting to become a girl, but I have always been more of a nicer, gentler person towards most people, are these girls qualities or am I thinking too much?

    3. Does pornography help with the process of determining sexuality?

    4. What can I do to help myself in this situation?

    Thank you to all who have read my thread, it really means a lot.
  2. hardstylist

    Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    By the way im 16, sorry I didn't mention that in my thread
  3. Gallatin

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    Aug 30, 2011
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    From reading your post, you really don't sound like you're gay. Gay guys don't have to force themselves to be aroused to guys, as you said you did. Gay guys also don't get horny for and aroused by girls.

    You are probably thinking way too much. Being a nicer, gentler person does not mean becoming a girl. They are universal, human qualities, not restricted to either sex. You said yourself, you've never had thoughts of wanting to become a girl.

    It certainly can. It shouldn't be used as the only determining factor, but porn preference can definitely be a help when figuring out your sexuality. From what you've written, it doesn't sound like gay porn was overly satisfying.

    Try to stop over analyzing things and reading too much into them. I honestly think you've gotten really worked up over nothing. Nothing that you wrote throws up any red flags that would make me think you're gay. You even "tried on" being gay - something one of our EC Advisors, Lex, often suggests. And it didn't seem to fit, did it?

    A friend of mine went through something like this once. He was so worried that he might be gay that he stopped watching straight porn and only watched lesbian porn because he was afraid he might have been unknowingly turned on by the guys. Turns out his fears were unfounded - he's straight. You're young - don't let this questioning consume your life, especially when I don't think you have much of a reason to be questioning in the first place!

    Good luck! :slight_smile:
  4. Ianthe

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    Feb 3, 2011
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    My best understanding is that HOCD is really just OCD. That is, sometimes, someone with OCD develops an obsessive compulsion around the thought that they might be gay, even though they aren't really. In order to have this, you would have to have OCD anyway. Have you asked your psychiatrist about OCD? It would not be unusual for someone known to have mood disorders to also have OCD. It's interesting that you associate your thoughts about your sexuality with your mother's death. You should probably mention that to your psychiatrist as well.

    If your psychiatrist thinks that you have OCD, you will get treatment for it; if the thoughts about your sexuality are OCD related, your treatment will help with them.

    Don't forget that "gay" and "straight" are not the only options. Some people are bisexual, and attracted to people of more than one gender.

    Transgender people feel very deeply that their gender is different from the one that was assigned at birth. They usually report feeling that way from a very young age. Their dissatisfaction with their bodies is directly related to their gender identity--your description of your body as "skinny, scrawny and weak" suggests to me that you would prefer a more masculine appearance, stronger and bulkier, which does not make any sense in terms of you being transgender. So, if all you are basing it on is dissatisfaction with your body, the specifics of your dissatisfaction seem to be pointing in the opposite direction, actually.

    Some people have found pornography helpful in figuring out their sexual orientation, but many people enjoy pornography featuring people they would not actually want to have sex with, so it is not completely reliable.

    Ask your psychiatrist to evaluate you for OCD along with whatever else they are looking at, in terms of mood disorders. They will have a whole long set of questions to ask you about it, for diagnosis. Regarding mental disorders, your psychiatrist will have better answers than we have here.

    In the meantime, try to recognize that, if you ARE gay or bisexual, it's not the end of the world. I think bisexual is a lot more likely for you than gay, given the way you describe your feelings about women. I could be wrong of course. Have you tried "bisexual" on, to see how it feels?

    How did your dad react when you told him?
  5. hardstylist

    Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Thanks for your reply, yeah maybe I am worrying to much, but I've always had an issue whether that is a disorder/disease or anything else so it takes effort to "stop" worrying, but I will definitely try.

    And maybe I will try to experiment more with different types of porn to see what I enjoy when I feel better.


    Thank you for your reply. Yeah I have mentioned and asked my psychiatrist about OCD but it was just a brief talk nothing much, OCD might be the thing that I have/is bothering me so i will ask more questions about that and try to get a test going.

    Yeah I will try to get other problems fixed up before I question my sexuality, yes I have tried bisexual but most of the time I would lean to women, unless I am feeling depressed then for some reason I lean to men, very confusing.

    My dad is actually happy that I told him what was bothering me, I made it very clear to him that these were fears, that I wasn't gay, just something causing a lot of distress in my life.
  6. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    I think it's unlikely you have either OCD or HOCD. (HOCD is largely a bullshit diagnosis promulgated by a small handful of people; there is little or no credible scientific data supporting its existence.)

    I also don't see even the slightest indication that you're gay from anything you've said. 16 year olds can get erections at the drop of a hat, for any or no reason at all, so getting an erection at a sleepover means nothing. The fact you weren't aroused by the gay porn at all would further support this idea.

    Your mom died 6 months ago. That alone is enough to put any person your age (or almost any age) into a pretty difficult headspace. If you are *only* seeing a psychiatrist and not a psychologist or social worker or other therapist, I would strongly recommend you arrange to see one. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who prescribe drugs for people with psychological problems. They receive little to no training in conducting psychotherapy. This, however, doesn't stop them from holding themselves out as qualified to do so, and most of them that try really suck at it. So someone who's just lost a parent at age 16 needs a really good therapist, not a psychiatrist, to help them.

    My guess is that you're an extremely bright guy who has spent way too much time looking up psychological disorders on the Internet and fallen victim to medical student syndrome; you find a bunch of diagnoses that appear to match some symptoms, and then convince yourself that you have that disorder. More than likely, you've got a lot of locked-up grief about the loss of your mom, and that is responsible for most everything that's going on for you. A good therapist will help you work through all of that -- without putting you on a bunch of medications -- and get you back to a normal and healthy state.
  7. stilllovelyafte

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    Sep 20, 2011
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    I need to disagree with some of the other posters - who I fully acknowledge know far more than I do on these topics. For one thing, I am over a decade older than you are, dealing with similar issues, so I should probably be on the receiving rather than giving end of advice.

    The way you described yourself and your background, sounds eerily similar to my early experiences. I worried about everything. I had OCD. I built mountains out of molehills.

    However, rather than the OCD leading me to the faulty belief that I am gay or bi, looking back, I think, counterintuitively, I used my obsessive nature to facilitate my denial.

    The logic goes - I obsess about everything, how do I know it's real? It's my mind playing tricks on me.

    I spent a lot of time convincing myself it was all in my head - because, to a large extent, so many other things were over the years.

    Unfortunately, this thought, and the feelings that developed a bit later, did not dissipate.

    The reality is - no one here can tell you what you are. I think the best thing you can do is, take a deep breath, step back, and see what kinds of FEELINGS develop organically. Try and focus more on what you feel than what your mind is ruminating on. If your mind is saying, "I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay" but you are walking around getting aroused by the girls your age. See what develops with that feeling. If you are watching tv and you find yourself fixating on a guy, see what feelings develop. I never really allowed myself that sort of freedom.
  8. hardstylist

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    Oct 23, 2011
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    @Chip and @ Still

    Thanks for your replies,

    A day later after i posted that i feel totally different,

    Now i'm scared that i am transgender,

    I have no idea why, i had a sleepless night thinking about am I a girl? I was so uncomfortable today that I tried talking in a lisp to myself today, thinking I have breasts and a vagina, and naming myself a girl name, i had fake happiness for 10 seconds then i had a disbelief/semi-laughing moment about how stupid it was. I have NEVER, i repeat NEVER had these thoughts until today, never had I thought I was in the "wrong" body growing up to my age now, which is 16.

    What causes a person to be transgender though?

    I spoke to my dad about this subject and he thinks im absolutely crazy, i think i'm going crazy also, it's like i want to be gay and transgender and at the same time i don't want to, i don't know what is going on my chest hurts constantly.
  9. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    Reread what I read above.

    You're simply looking for something, anything, to attach your unhappiness to so you can explain it.

    Nothing you've said so far even remotely indicates any leaning toward transgenderism, any more than anything you've said indicates you're gay.

    Find a good THERAPIST, not a psychiatrist, and spend some time talking about all of the disorders, dysmorphias, and other ailments you've ascribed to yourself. The therapist should be able to help you get past all of the stuff you're putting up for yourself to keep you from working through the core issues, which is most likely the grief and other emotions associated with missing your mom.
  10. stilllovelyafte

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    Sep 20, 2011
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    Chip is right, and I don't want to post and distract from his great advice - one thing I want to add. A single thought, or a persistent fear, does not necessarily defined you. I had a dream that I was a woman recently. It was really strange and weird - and threw me for a loop for a few minutes when I woke up. But then I said to myself, this was a dream! The thoughts that went through my head that morning once I woke up were just thoughts. I needed to look at these against the weight of all of my prior experiences, and when judged in that context, my mind was just fixating on the dream and subsequent thoughts to scare me. Anyway, I think finding a good local counselor would be great for you. It really helps to share these thoughts in a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere.
  11. Silver Sparrow

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    Oct 11, 2011
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    Stop worrying. You should probably be seeing a therapist, rather than a psychiatrist. I don't think you are gay, but it seems like you may have a form of OCD, or some other emotional disorder. Please, see someone, or talk to someone about this. We're all here for you, but hurting yourself is NEVER the way to deal with it.