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Hi, I'm Straight LGBTQI-loving Guy!

Discussion in 'The Welcome Lounge' started by krf2015, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. krf2015

    Regular Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Jakarta, Indonesia
    Sexual Orientation:
    So here's the situation:

    If you're not straight, or straight acting, then you're probably discriminated against and/or being oppressed by what seems like most of the people on the planet - who are supposedly heterosexual.

    The real situation is this:

    Many straight or straight-acting people do not speak out against anyone because they are L, G, B, T, Q and/or I. They remain silent, which is just as bad as being an outspoken bigot and/or standing between [LGBTQI] people and their desire to be happy and successful.

    So when you hear someone say something insulting know that they feel like they have to defend their place in the hetero "majority rules" group. They presume the group expects them to prove they are loyal to the hetero code by "putting 'them' in their place". *cringe*

    Some of them just enjoy bullying anyone they can get away with mistreating. There is something ancient and tribal about a free-reign 'all-you-can-beat' society with an unspoken ritual of abuse, and an allowance to get away with publicly-accepted murder. (Unspoken, or not, the message is PAINFULLY obvious. )

    When one of our sisters or brothers falls prey to this heinous tradition of killing someone from the LGBTQI Community, and getting away with it, we need to get more than upset. WE NEED TO GET VERY VERY FUKCING UPSET!!!

    Upset enough to do more than just gather at a courthouse or march down the street with picket signs expressing our anguish. That helps, BUT we also need to get more organized, and change how we voice our disapproval of systematic acceptance of LGBTQI slayings.

    We need to separate ourselves (psychologically at least) from the mainstream society we physically live in. We need to be much more supportive of each other, and network like the well-oiled machine that the most "successful/powerful" government(s) are.

    We can't ask our violators to be less cruel and indifferent. We need to form our own self-governing organization that functions outside of normal social channels. An organization that even heterosexuals want to be part of, because it's more fair, and more accepting.

    There are many LGBTQI people who are CEOs and who are in control of resources we can utilize to establish this organization. I know it is happening on a certain level, but it must happen on a wider scale. We need to support each other's businesses and projects.

    I know some of you already do this, BUT it needs to happen as the rule instead of the exception. Instead of shopping at a mainstream store, shop at an LGBTQI store. We need to strengthen ourselves worldwide. We need to band together and help each other grow.

    We need to prosper just like most non-LGBTQI citizens do, because this is how ALL HUMAN BEINGS should be allowed to live. So we have to allow ourselves to build the (material) strength not just rely on principles to break the bonds of social indignity and neglect.

    Feeling is great. But ACTING on our feelings is much better, much more effective, and much more beneficial to us today, tomorrow, and indefinitely. We don't have to march down Main Street to accomplish this. We need to conserve our energy and resources.

    We can't let "them" see us coming. This is where we fail. The element of surprise is key. What we have been doing is announcing to our "masters" that we are planning to escape, and showing them the plan. Sure, we need to let each other know what the plan is.

    BUT we need to use our electronic and print outlets to spread the "germ" that will eats through the belly of the beast that consumes and encapsulates us. Like Harriet Tubman's Underground Railroad, we have to formulate a superior plan than our captors'.

    So when we are jealous of one of our LGBTQI sisters or brothers, and we want to lash out, and be catty, or spread rumors like mal-adjusted grade school children, we need to turn off that message that says "Get what you can, before the competition gets it first."

    We are NOT competing against each other. We are competing WITH each other, just like everyone else on the planet with a "catch-as-catch-can" (scavenger) mentality. We need to sacrifice until such a time when we can live without fearing being "hunted down".

    If we do without something we do not need today, then we will have what WE need tomorrow. Maybe not literally tomorrow, but eventually instead of it being most likely unlikely at any foreseeable time. So don't ridicule our straight-acting sisters and brothers.

    Embrace them. They are either rightfully frightened of losing everything they have worked diligently for, or they are in stealth mode, so they can help someone in the LGBTQI Family to succeed one day. Whatever their reason, we have to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    We can't bicker and fight among ourselves as to which label fits which person or situation. It's a waste of time AND it is what mainstream society teaches us. So unlearn such timesucking practices, because they whittle and wear our time in life down.

    Every day of every year of every generation, we must keep our "formation" tight. If we are at war to win our freedom, or to avoid being slain, then WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER!!!! We need to become lean, and disallow for excessive unnecessary interference.

    When it comes down to it, no one is stopping us from being free to be who we are. We need to liberate our minds, and evolve beyond the stereotypes that make us targets. No one likes a loud mouth who cannot control themselves. So eliminate the charade.

    Eliminate behavior that is rude across the board to anyone. I've seen flamboyant gays in lines in stores saying obnoxious things that are shocking even to other gays. It's more of a class (social status) thing than anything else. No one appreciates being outright offended.

    Sure, it's entertaining in the movies and on television and print publication. But when you just want to buy some disposable razors or sanitary napkins (etc.) and get on down the road not watch store security escort someone out because they can't seem to "get it".

    Note: I have seen women (young and old) defend the rights of someone (LGBTQI) to behave however they want, but it's usually in the context of the 'behaver' being non-offensive. So there is a willingness for fair-minded people to accept and embrace us.

    Behavior is a topic for another blog (etc.) Just know that some gays or lesbians act the way they do, because it's just the way they are. Labeling them as "straight acting" is not really a productive use of time , energy, or space in one's brain.

    Frankly, "United we stand, divided we fall." If you want to subdivide your sisters and brothers, then you alienate them. And we are still left with the problem of dealing with the people, and factions, that are the real threat to our ability to survive (physically) in society.

    Every aspect of every belief system on the planet is fair game to draft up our strategies of success. It is all information. It does not matter where it is from, or who said it. If it works, and it is fair and just to our goals, it should be considered for our model of success.

    <3 Massive Love, Kirk <3

    P.S. I'm approachable. So anyone who would like to share their views (in support or opposition), please feel free to do so.
    #1 krf2015, Jan 8, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
  2. happydavid

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    Feb 21, 2014
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    A town near Birmingham England
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    Some people
  3. Candace

    Regular Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Southeastern U.S.
    Hello and welcome to EC! :smilewave :welcome: It's a pleasure to meet you :slight_smile:

    Hooray for being an ally! (!) That's really nice of you to come all the way here and stand by us :grin:
  4. resu

    Advisor Full Member

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Oklahoma City
    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out Status:
    Some people
  5. lovely lesbian

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    Aug 25, 2013
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