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Have I been chasing the wrong thing all these years?? (36/M)

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by drayvan, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. drayvan

    Regular Member

    Jul 13, 2015
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    Hi all,

    What a wonderful website. I came across it yesterday after Googling "Gay denial" and I've been hooked on it ever since.

    I wonder if you can shed any light on my story, or share your experiences or advice?


    I'm 36 and male. For as far back as I can remember I've been doing two things:

    1. Trying to make myself perfect so that girls will want me
    2. Looking for the perfect girl

    I'm starting to wonder if maybe there's been nothing wrong with me all along and maybe I've spent a lifetime pushing down longing feelings of being with, and being held by guys (just like in that amazing photo on the EC homepage).

    I've always felt different and sadly, less of a man, than other men. I've felt this from a very young age. I was never that into football/soccer or sporty things - and preferred computer games and gentle fun rather than overly boisterous stuff.

    Still, over the years I've massively worked on myself to become more of a man's man. It's been very tough and, although I've achieved loads, I've never felt content.

    I was very insecure around women from a young age. I always knew I wasn't good enough. I fancied the pretty girls in school but they never fancied me - it was clear that I was unsure of myself. In secondary school girls started to fancy me and I started doing something I've done my entire life since then: finding faults with their looks or personality... or something... and pushing them away.

    In my later teens and twenties I found that I was good looking and could chat up women and so started to have sex. Sex was great and I loved it, but I never wanted anything more. I didn't really want to be friends with these girls - not really. There was always something missing. Maybe in me, or maybe in them. So I kept looking for other girls, better girls, for a variety of reasons and was always single. (I appreciate how chauvinistic this all sounds - I really didn't have a clue what I was doing back then. I would obsess and fantasise about a girl... and maybe eventually get her... but there would always be something missing. Always. So after having sex or thereabouts I would run away... and start searching for the next girl. So I was always, always single and before long I started to have a complex about that).

    Now in all this time I never once thought about having a relationship with a guy. I liked my guy friends and sometimes felt insecure around them. Most were able to get into proper relationships with girls and couldn't understand why I couldn't do that. "What's wrong with her?" etc. I always knew that men shouldn't get too close to other men - something I learned from my Dad growing up. "Men shouldn't cuddle men". I think it might have been around the age of 21-25 that I started noticing that some of the guys were attractive and gentle, but then immediately pushed it down because that wouldn't be a good thing to think about and kept on chasing women.

    Fast forward to now: I'm 36, still single. I've slept with loads of women over the years but never really wanted anything more. There have been a few girls who I did really connect with - they were smart and funny, but I felt I didn't fancy them enough. Often, when lying in bed with them at night, I had a voice shouting "you're gay". "She can't give you what you want", "hold you like you want and make you feel safe". All my friends are married with a house and one kid. And I'm stuck.

    I had an epiphany yesterday when talking to my mum: I admitted to myself that there have been many times over the last few years where I've felt drawn towards guys or have noticed them... but immediately pushed the feelings down and/or ran away from them. Like when I've told them how I am struggling with things in life or after a night of clubbing when we're chilling back at their/my place.

    I again, very recently tried to date women. I setup a profile online and had some nice responses... but something inside me just can't do it. I cancelled the two dates I was supposed to go on over the weekend. I just can't face the inevitable feelings of "there's something missing" and "you're gay" and "what's wrong with me". It seems like everyone I know is moving forward in life but I'm stuck.

    I have setup a profile on a gay dating website but so far I haven't been able to go through with it. And that's where I'm at. Sorry for the long rant. It feels great to get this off my chest. If you've been able to read through this far I really thank you :slight_smile: and would appreciate any feedback that you have.

    Thanks xxx
  2. drayvan

    Regular Member

    Jul 13, 2015
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  3. well you seem nice and so sweet. i was the same way minus all the hetero sex. anyway just focus on exploring gayness. i would hold off on dating unless you are ready for sex. guys on these dating sites move fast. you dont have to of course but if you just want to hang out with other gay guys and makes friends right now join a few gay sports activities where you may meet other butch gays like yourself..i would date you though. lol
  4. drayvan

    Regular Member

    Jul 13, 2015
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    Thanks mate. This seems like a good idea - meeting up for sports activities etc.

    Funny that you call me a butch gay :slight_smile: As you can probably tell from my post, masculinity is something that I've always felt that I was lacking in. And yet here you call me butch!
  5. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    Hi, and welcome!

    You're definitnely in the right place. Whether you're straight, gay, or somewhere in between... talking about it is the first step to understanding yourself.

    First I think it's important for you to know that "feminized" characteristics -- being quiet and reserved, not liking athletics, etc -- doesn't automatically make you gay. While it's true there are many gay guys who fit that stereotype, there are also many others who are as burly and athletic and work on their cars and so forth... just as there are straight men who do "girly" things. So I'd suggest, as a start, putting that piece aside for a moment.

    What's really important is where your attractions lie. You've already indicated that there's some attraction to men, that your eyes are drawn to men and it feels like that might "feel right". I can relate to what you're saying because I'm one of those who didn't come to awareness that I was gay until around your age.

    One of the most reliable indicators of your sexual orientation is what arouses you. I suggest that you try masturbating, without porn, and, on alternate sessions, think about only men, then only women, then simply let your mind wander without any intent on focusing on men or women... and see which is more arousing and exciting. Usually, if you try that a few times, you get a pretty clear picture of where your hardwired arousal is focused.

    Keep in mind that as you explore this, there's likely to be some resistance to what comes up if the indicators are that you aren't straight. Any time we processs a loss (in this case, loss of perception you're straight) there are stages we go through: denial-anger-bargaining-grief-acceptance. So it's very common to rationalize or deny the signs, or to convince yourself that you're bi when really you don't have much attraction to women (though there's no question that bisexuality actually exists and some people are truly bisexual.)

    The best thing you can do is to be open to whatever feelings/arousal/attraction comes up. Easier said than done, but if you just allow yourself to experience and do your best not to judge what happens, things will start to become clearer.
  6. drayvan

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    Jul 13, 2015
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    Wow, thanks Chip - a great reply and very helpful.

    Unfortunately for me fantasy via masturbating may not be the best indicator of sexual preference. I didn't state this in my original post but I'm a sex addict. I've been seeing a therapist for a few years now and go to Sex Addicts Anonymous 12 step meetings. I've relied on porn, masturbation and sex in general to deal with life and my high anxieties since I was around 16 years old.

    My porn has escalated from topless women through to hardcore straight sex to eventually transsexuals, cross dressing and now occasionally gay sex. I have also developed a penis fetish when it comes to porn and fantasy.

    So, for me, fantasy is a big grey area because I've abused my natural instincts over the years as a way of coping with life.

    However, through therapy and SAA I have managed to get periods of complete abstinence from all masterbation. And what I found out (and what scared me the last time this happened) was that I started longing to be held and looked after by guys. This realisation scared me so much last time that I dipped back into porn and compulsive masterbation just to deal with everything. But I feel like I'm starting to get some clarity.
  7. LooseMoose

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    Aug 24, 2014
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    Hi! This is an interesting thread and answers. I get that you feel that there is something missing from your interactions with women- and that you are uncovering feelings that this might be something you could get from guys.

    I think you might need to proceed with caution, because to me it looks like some emotional issues got overlaid with your sexuality-related issues.

    It is very possible that you are gay or at least bisexual- but you could also be theoretically straight and those issues simply are coming from a lack of male affection early in your life.
    Your lack of ability to connect with women could come from that as well- there is simply a need to be cared for by your dad & this prevents you from feeling adequate in your masculinity and with women. (your inability to connect to women could of course also come from the fact that you are gay)

    I can relate to this because I am 'biromantic' & lesbian. I did experience romantic feelings for guys in the past- and not much in terms of sexual attraction- but this was compensated precisely by the need to be held by a guy.
    For me this stemmed from a bad relationship with my dad & missing being looked after by him-and I kind of projected it into my sexuality, because our society only accepts physical affection in the context of sexual interactions.

    I am saying this to illustrate that certain emotional needs & sexual orientation are sometimes separate- it could well be that in your case your sexual orientation and your need for male affection are indeed aligned, but they needn't be- because sexual attraction & need to be looked after by somebody are two entirely different things.

    Once I've been in therapy for a while, it has become more clear for me that I am sexually not attracted to men as such. (and for me this was the reason why despite wishing for some form of affection from men, I could feel connected to them sexually).

    Now- the fact that you said you have a 'penis fetish' in porn- says to me that you are probably not straight and the rest of the posts also indicates that there might be possibility for genuine attraction to men, but I'd take it one step at a time- because the mixture of over-sexualised behaviour + suppressing of your emotional needs has probably seriously put you out of touch with the simple way that attraction works for you- and sexuality is about attraction.

    Yes it is about emotional needs, and connection and sex, and all that- but is mostly about reacting in a very basic, instinctual level to the people around you. If you have learned to suppress homosexual needs/ desires, deny your emotional needs/issues, and at the same time broadened what is acceptable to you sexually (which also carries a level of being desensitised) - you are most likely pretty removed from operating on that instinctual level of experiencing others.

    So I'd suggest working on becoming more grounded and present. Once you are outside and are surrounded by real people, away from porn, give yourself permission to like men- be it physically or in any other way. If you still notice women- that's fine, but don't let yourself be drawn into old patterns of thinking about women.
    Just let things flow around you and open up to peoples energies, looks, personalities, without pressuring yourself to be gay, straight or anything else.

    You have to give yourself permission to lift repression and denial of same sex attractions, and let yourself experience the world without trying to push yourself into one, or the other box- once you've done it for a while, things should become a bit more clear.

    Good luck.
    #7 LooseMoose, Jul 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  8. jeff192

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    Dec 7, 2014
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    Man I wish I could meet and talk with you. You described what I'm going through perfectly. Spot on.
  9. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    This is one of the the many arguments the religious crazies use to claim that sexual orientation can be changed, and has been pretty soundly disproven. There's zero credible evidence I've seen to support this idea. There are a lot of discredited studies, including some where the original researcher has actually recanted his work, but nothing credible.

    This last part is excellent advice.

    Process addictions (masturbation, sex, gambling, etc) are tricky. Difficult to treat, and certainly complicating the ability to understand sexual orientation.

    Absent anything to the contrary, I would, based on your last answer and other things you've said, still lean in the direction that you are more likely gay than straight. While parental bonding issues (such as the discredited stuff the religious crazies use) can muddy the waters, all the credible data we have says they don't impact underlying, unconscious sexual arousal.

    It may be worth looking at non-masturbatory patterns: What happens when you go to a beach? If you aren't paying attention, where are your eyes going? When you watch something on TV and let your conscious mind go, do you find your eyes focusing more on the guys or the girls? I think if you combine that information with whatever your masturbatory fantasies are, it will likely give you a pretty good idea of where your orientation lies.
  10. LooseMoose

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    Aug 24, 2014
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    I might not have expressed myself really well but my argument was not about sexual orientation as such, but about the difference between emotional needs and sexual attraction/orientation and the danger of conflating the two.

    I'll give it another shot:

    1) there are indicators of emotional inadequacies/ difficulties with a sense of masculinity/ difficulties stemming from being deprived of male affection as a child in the OP.

    2) those emotional issues could be separate from orientation, should be dealt with separately, and should not be used as indicators of orientation stand- alone.

    "I want to be held by a guy" - could be words uttered by a straight, gay, bi, or lesbian person for reasons which have nothing to do with sexual attraction if taken alone at their face value.

    An urge to be held by a guy can only be understood to imply homo- or bisexuality if it is also accompanied by a desire for sexual/romantic activity, carries some sexual attraction, is linked to sexual arousal, and so on.
    But so far we have seen little about the sexual attractions/arousal etc. in what OP has said.

    He still needs to uncover what they are and that part of my post was meant to alert OP to not conflate his own non-sexual emotional needs and his sexual attraction to others.

    3) The religious crazies arguments is usually "men are gay because their dad did not love them enough" - my point was "just because your dad did not love you enough, and you want to fill that hole, it does not mean you are gay- for that you'd have to be sexually/romantically attracted to men."

    It is easy to let emotional issues obscure that basic level of relating to other people & OP still needs to work on uncovering that level.

    This was by way of explaining my previous point- but it is more of a side point- and you may think it is muddying the waters too much- fair enough.

    The main focus should be all the other things in the last part of your post.

    (I always love reading your advice - I feel flattered you thought I've offered some decent advice in my last post- thank you :slight_smile:)
  11. drayvan

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    Jul 13, 2015
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    Hi LooseMoose, I just want to thank you for your reply. It's really powerful stuff and very on-point.

    Everything you're saying is true, and I'm pleased to report that I'm going through a lot of this in therapy right now. In fact, my therapist is often getting me to stop focusing on the panic of deciding my sexuality... and instead really see/feel/examine my strong need to be held and protected by a man and understand where that comes from... and my feelings of inadequacy and not being enough of a man myself. We spend a lot of time talking about my relationship with my father. He was a bully, scary and never interested. I certainly never felt protected. And I'm a very anxious person by nature. (Still am, even though I hide it well)

    You're absolutely right - this doesn't make me straight, gay, bi, or anything - but it has affected how I see myself and how I react to others. I'm in therapy for a reason. Admitting that makes me feel better about myself.

    It's really interesting to hear about your longings to be held by a guy, and then finding out that you're not really attracted to them sexually. This is really interesting. I've never had sex with a guy before and I feel that it's something that I should try. It'll be interesting to see how it feels, baring in mind that it'll be new and I'll be battling with some potential in-built homophobia... so I'll need to take it slowly. But I want to explore it, safely.

    My penis fetish is something that I developed much later in my addiction to porn. When I started out it was purely topless women that got me off. But, as with all addictions, mine escalated and I needed new and exciting things to get me off. Again, this has all been explored in therapy and a lot of 12 step SAA meetings.

    I eventually stumbled onto transexual porn after around 10 years of daily viewing. At first I found that it definitely wasn't for me, but before long it became my drug of choice (taboo, mixed with feelings of "I shouldn't be watching this", and the old stuff not doing it for me anymore). From there I got into cross-dressing porn and more extreme forms of male submission. Now... and this is another thing I explore in therapy... truthfully a lot of what's exciting to me about this porn and my current penis fetish... is that it plays directly into my deep-rooted feelings of inadequacy. It's me becoming the girl and submissive - and that's a big reason why I find it so powerful. I can tell you that I'm rarely looking at the man with the penis - it's just the penis. I'm never thinking "he's hot". It's more that I could be submissive and made to feel weak etc. I sometimes of course think "it would be great to be held by him" but that's more of an afterthought. So, when I'm watching porn I'm focusing on the girl and wanting to be her, rather than fantasising about the guy. Apologies if this is all a bit heavy - it's just that porn has been my crutch for many, many years - and I've definitely de-sensitised myself to a lot of things... and it can very much muddy the waters.

    Next there's the feelings of butterflies (or is it anxiety, panic, or uncomfortableness), that I often get nowadays when I come across a gentle guy - one that fits in with my fantasy of holding me. I'm pretty sure I've pushed these feelings down for a long time... so it will be good to stop doing that and explore them a bit more.

    All in all I just want to thank you for reminding me that there's a difference between sexual needs and emotional needs. I can tell you that, without thinking, I find women attractive (probably in the same way you do). Put me in a room with a girl I like and I'll find myself naturally wanting to talk to her and get close to her. Cuddle, snuggle, kiss etc. But then my head kicks in and gets in the way with "she can't give you what you need". In terms of course of holding me, protecting me, or even being that dominant sexual partner (I know all this is nonsense, but sadly it's where I'm at in my head).

    Naturally when I'm out and about I'll notice women. It can be a bit much sometimes walking along the high street and I need to keep my head to the pavement. When I'm in an airport and queuing (in those zigzag queue lines) it's always the girls that I'm looking at and thinking "I wish I could have a girlfriend like that", but then I get sad because I know that there's always been something missing. :frowning2:

    Now with men, this is much more of a new thing. I get anxious, butterflies, uncomfortable when I get up close. I'm aware of that now. Especially when he looks into my eyes - I sort of panic. (OCD unwanted thoughts maybe - I've looked into this a lot and have been diagnosed with OCD). And then an urge to kind of turn around and be held by him. Be the little spoon. As for sex or even kissing - who knows. Maybe I've been denying true male sexual urges all along... but I don't think this is the case. Hmm... I'm not sure. I guess all I can do is try and see if I like it.
  12. Seagypsy

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    Aug 25, 2012
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    I feel just the same, I only realised I wasn't straight when I was around age 30 and still in the discovery process now..

    I spent my teens and 20s trying to chase the wrong thing (i.e. straight men) and wondering what was wrong with me when I didn't really fancy them and didn't enjoy kissing and petting with them. No wonder I never had sex!!

    Now I've realised I sometimes like girls, I am coming to understand my sexuality much better, the male and the female side. But I still think I have some denial, I keep telling myself "but you only like a few girls, that's not many" only I don't know how many girls I would've liked by now if I'd never suppressed it so much..?!?
  13. drayvan

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    Jul 13, 2015
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    You said that you had a longing to be held by a guy and that you found that there was no sexual attraction. Did the longing go away after that? Or is it something that you still feel but just know how to handle now? Or have you found a way to get that from a girl?

    And was it immediately obvious that there was no sexual attraction? Or did you try with a few different guys etc?

    Have to say, I'm a bit scared to find out what I'm gonna find out. Whatever that is. And I'm just so conscious that I love sex anyways so I could get hooked into that regardless.

    Either way, it's amazing to be able to talk about all this stuff. And not feel like such a freak to be stuck, still single, when everyone else seems to be in (not always happy but I'm still jealous!) LT relationships.
  14. LooseMoose

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    Aug 24, 2014
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    Well sexuality is not black and white and I am somewhere in the 'bi' range for some levels of attraction, and more gay in others.

    For a long time I've suppressed same sex attraction as a serious option for me, and identified simply as 'bisexual' whilst really just trying to be straight- so don't take my word as coming from somebody who has absolutely zero attractions to guy on all levels, especially because I do still question sometimes whether I am bisexual.

    I did have one long term relationship with a guy and some casual ones. For me my period of questioning really started when I never felt connected physically/sexually to my male partner- it just felt distant, and like something in me just was incapable of it - it felt like going for a swim together, rather than having an intimate experience. Eventually I've figured out that whilst I can be attracted to a man as a person- their bodies just feel kind of asexual to me.

    For me it was absolutely NOT obvious that there was no physical attraction. Because I've learned to completely suppress any sexual attraction to women- and focus on men " to be straight"- I simply did not really know what sexual attraction was- it was a whole level of experience I shut away for years.

    I mistook other forms of attraction for sexual attraction- eg emotional, intellectual, etc and really forced myself to 'push' it into the sexual realm, because this is what I was expecting it to be.

    As a teen I never liked boys sexually- but I did have a crush on an older guy and was hoping to find somebody who would be a father/older brother kind of figure. In my mind this is what I imagined a boyfriend would be to me. I also looked at men/boys all the time wondering 'will this be the one'- it was kind of compulsive and carried no attraction in it- it was all about whether *they* would be attracted to me, and if I could imagine myself being with one, rather than simply looking at a person and thinking that they are wonderful.

    I had this pattern of behaviour & attraction that I've followed later in life. Mental attraction- friendship- sex. It was forced & without physical attraction- I've explained it to myself 'I don't care about the body' and ' I am openminded, I care about the person, I don't care about shallow things'. Even after I've had my first gf, and realised my sexual preference , I still was not really aware how important attraction is.

    With therapy and with age things kind of progressed for me and I've unwrapped some of the issues.

    With the physical side I've realised that when I've felt an emotional connection with a guy- it really just was a kind of friendship & I don't need to force it into a sexual dimension to prove to myself anything.

    With the desire to be held by a guy- it was probably more metaphorical than physical.
    Being held in life, being looked after etc- this is being dealt with therapy- the therapist does the metaphorical holding- whilst I am learning to take responsibility for myself- without needing somebody else to look after me- so in a way I am learning to hold myself.

    Basically the only reason why I wanted to be with a guy was this kind of emotional security & now I am learning to do it for myself, so the need for it started to fall away.

    What you describe -certain feelings of anxiety/butterflies around certain guys- well as far as I remember it I've never experienced it for a guy. It does sound like classic attraction really- it is a physical to be held by a particular person, right?

    Don't be afraid of exploring- take one step at a time and don't do anything which does not feel right in that moment. It's better to stop when things start feeling off, than trying to push yourself into it. It will take time :slight_smile:
  15. drayvan

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    Jul 13, 2015
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