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Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Anonymous, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Anonymous

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2007
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    All of my friends hate bisexuals! I mean, my best friend just broke up with her boyfriend because he came out to her as bi. She said he was "untrustworthy" because of this, and was probably cheating on her with a guy (which everyone then responded saying that's horrible). But of course, they are all on board when somebody comes out and says they're gay. It makes me want to scream! These are my closest friends, the people I was going to come out to. I feel like I was just pushed further back into the closet.
  2. Techno Kid

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    May 26, 2013
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    Southeastern Ontario, Canada, Earth
    Biphobia sucks! ...and is sadly quite common. :frowning2:
  3. pinklov3ly

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    Feb 26, 2012
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    Musty Mitten
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    Out to everyone
    Perhaps, this is an opportunity for you to help them reshape their opinion/beliefs. You already know the negative stereotypes that bisexuals face and while it isn't fair, someone needs to speak up and stand up to them. I've heard some pretty horrible things said about gay people, and it was hurtful, but I couldn't sit back and listen to the ignorance. And ever since I took a stand, I don't hear those same homophobes' talking badly about gay people.

    You may not be ready to come out and yes, it is very scary, but you'll find out who your true friends are in the end. I mean, hearing those hurtful comments about gay people made me go back and forth, in and out of the closet. However, I realized that I couldn't control how others felt; I was the one giving them the power to make me feel bad about myself. Well, not anymore! So, please don't hide who you are because they're close minded.
    #3 pinklov3ly, Nov 29, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2013
  4. Anonymous

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2007
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    Thankyou pinkllove. I accually emailed a coming out letter to my freind who lives out of town a few hours ago, and she was so supportive. I'm probably going to wait a little longer before I tell my friend who live close to me, but it feels good to finally have this huge weight off my shoulders.
  5. sldanlm

    Full Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Eastern U.S.A. commuter
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    Some people
    When I was in high school, (graduated 04, in a very conservative area of the USA) being thought of as bisexual if you were a girl was considered cool to the guys because they thought you were slutty. It wasn't cool if you were a lesbian however. One of my classmates came very close to being gang raped. For guys it didn't matter, bi or gay, it was all the same, bad. One kid got beat up simply because someone thought he was gay.

    I considered myself strictly a lesbian up until this year (I'm 27) but now it's bisexual I guess, because I've discovered one guy that I can enjoy sex with too. When I told my gay and lesbian friends, one of them said the same thing my sister did when I came out to her years eariler (ewww, how can you do that?) One person told me I couldn't be bisexual, that I needed to pick a side. One guy told me don't worry about it. He said some go down the straight road, some travel the same sex road, but I was like a bird. I was free of roads, can fly above them, and can go where I like.