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Good looking str8 guy with a strong urge to cross dress

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by lostMind, May 29, 2011.

  1. lostMind

    Regular Member

    May 29, 2011
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    Not out at all

    I am good looking 28 year old guy with everything good from the outside but messed up from the inside. I am total macho and a handsome guy complimented and asked out by girls from time to time. I am not attracted to guys or gay in any way. From sometime now, I have this constant urge to dress like a girl and I am trying to suppress it so hard. I don't know what to do or how to go about it. My friends are total fundamentalist and will not understand me and I am not bold enough to walk into a store and buy some woman clothing. Please help.
  2. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    First, welcome to EC. I'm glad that you've joined and that you feel comfortable sharing your story here and asking for help.

    I think one of the first things to understand is that the desire to dress up in women's clothing doesn't automatically connect to anything having to do with sexual orientation or attraction to men. It's quite possible it is simply a harmless fetish, something lots of people have.

    But the bigger issue here, I think, is to explore yourself and what's going on with you. You describe yourself as 'messed up on the inside.' Are there issues in addition to the desire to cross-dress that concern you about yourself, or is that the only issue?

    There's honestly nothing wrong with exploring your desire to try dressing in women's clothing. If you aren't comfortable going into a store, you can always order online in the privacy of your own home. Many places offer very liberal return policies so if you get something that doesn't fit, or you don't like it once you have it, you can return it and not be out anything. You could also go in and claim you're looking for your girlfriend or sister or mother or something. Lots of ways to get around that specific issue.

    I would also encourage you to think about other issues that might be upsetting you, or deeper concerns you have. I read between the lines that you might be afraid that the desire to wear women's clothing automatically means you're gay, attracted to guys, or transgendered, or something of that nature. First, that isn't necessarily the case, but secondly, if it's a really strong, intense fear... it is worth exploring a little bit just so you can get over the fear of it; whether or not you're afraid won't influence what ultimately you find out about yourself, so if you can let go of it and simply explore yourself, likely you'll find out that you're not "messed up" the way you think you are and can become more comfortable.

    If you feel comfortable doing so, perhaps you can talk more about what else, if anything, you feel is "messed up" about yourself, and what the fears are specifically (if more than just being "weird" for wanting to crossdress.)

    If you'd rather talk about it individually rather than in a public forum, feel free to PM me or any of the other advisor team and we'll be happy to discuss it with you.
  3. Ecap1

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    New Jersey
    Hey bro

    To be honest there's nothing "messed up" about you. You're right, you are straight because you're not attracted to other guys so you don't really have any issue or anything. You just happen to like cross dressing. I'm sure everyone has some unique interests that their friends and family don't know about.

    Have you considered buying woman clothing online? That way you remain anonymous, and they get delivered to your door with you even leaving the house. (I just scrolled up and saw Chip already said that...I got excited I thought I came up with a brilliant idea lol :[ )

    But yeah man seriously don't think too much about it. There is nothing wrong with you. You're completely normal
  4. Revan

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    Jun 22, 2005
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    There are straight drag queens out there. It's rare, but there are.
  5. Nat3

    Nat3 Guest

    Lol sorry, but this post made me laugh hysterically.xD
    Your "lostmymind" and the thread name.:]

    Like Chip said the most possible reason you feel this way is due to a fetish. I remember seeing a documentary once about a married man cross dressing; his wife knew and everything.

    And the messed up inside... Is it because you think cross dressing+being straight is wrong?
  6. theWorldisYours

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    May 13, 2011
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    New York
    There was this book I read called "The Mummy At The Dining Room Table," I didn't think it was that good, but it was about famous psychologists telling some of the stories they have come across. One psychologist was speaking with a patient who talked about how he had the biggest urge to wear his wife's underwear when she wasn't home. The patient talked about his feelings for some time while the psychologist sat a listened. After the patient had stopped talking the psychologist said "ok, well what's the problem?"

    In other words everyone has their own quirks, and we all probably think that our own are the most bizarre, and socially unacceptable. That messed up feeling inside only comes from your belief that there is something wrong with you.
  7. Lexington

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    Dec 20, 2007
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    I'd say go ahead and indulge. You can order clothes online if you'd like, or feel free to go to second-hand shops or other places to buy clothes. There's nothing wrong with guys buying women's clothes - guys have to buy women's clothes all the time for their wives and girlfriends. If anybody asks (and nobody will), you can say "Well, it's for my girlfriend, and she's about the same size as me." That might be tough to pull off if you're six foot four, but other than that, it should be fine.

    There's absolutely no reason not to indulge this fetish. It harms nobody, and none will be the wiser. So go on with your women-clothing-wearing self. :slight_smile:

  8. Pseudojim

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    Sep 6, 2009
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    Just don't take photos and leave them lying around for people to find =P
  9. Charni

    Charni Guest

    Nov 14, 2011
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    ANOTHER STRAIGHT CROSS DRESSER! Hello. I am James. I am 16 years old and I also like girl's clothes, and I am also straight. It is ok to like them! They are great!
  10. hiddenxrainbows

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    Apr 11, 2011
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    Okay, lostMind, there's nothing wrong with cross dressing, even if you're straight. Some people might not understand and think it's weird, but there are lots of people who don't have a problem with it. Heck, some people actually like cross dressers. I don't mind them. I actually think they're kinda hot. A lot of Japanese bands I listen to have cross dressers in them. And some of them are actually straight and have wives and stuff. So you're definitely not the only one, and it's just not that weird. So don't be ashamed of yourself or anything like that.
  11. Veronica

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    Aug 16, 2011
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    Well, I'm straight as far as genital-compatibility for reproductive purposes goes (ain't that a mouth full), I get hit on by girls every so often, and I have both a male and a female wardrobe (that's a bit expensive). But then, I am probably quite a way down the transgender spectrum.

    So yeah, I get most girly stuff online, and some I just buy in stores. I don't really care. I know a few guys, with girlfriends, that would jump at any chance to cross-dress for a party. Heck, if you get the right bunch of them together, give em a bit of alcohol, they'll start swapping clothes. These are just your regular university students, not some select group of queer friends. Open minded people. I think the main reason you feel so awkward about it is that you're probably surrounded by very conservative people?

    My point is: statistically speaking, there should be a lot of people around you who'd like to not conform to the outdated conservative social norms either. When you become aware of that, it is actually fairly easy to spot like minded people.
  12. insidehappy

    insidehappy Guest

    you like girls, you dont like guys, you just want to wear a nice pair of loubiton red bottomed pumps every now and again. you have a few choices.

    1. suppress your desire to dress in women's clothing and seek counseling support for it if you want to stop.

    2. begin dresssing in women's clothing and shopping for hot j-lo clothes on line so nobody can see you trying things on at the store.

    i think with cross dressers it starts at home but eventually you are goign to want to go and do more, you are going to want to go out or have your girlfriend see you in drag. who knows you may even want to start liking guys. that could be a next stage you are not fully aware of yet. i doubt these things ever really stay in the confines of the home. that start small and get larger. so if you are as hot as you say you are, i'm sure your girlfriend wont mind and she might get off on it.
  13. Wilmerf

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    Sep 2, 2015
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    As a straight guy who decided to indulge in this... I can share some things with you.

    1. There is nothing wrong with wearing women's clothes. If it amuses you - you can certainly have some fun with it. It is really very exciting.

    2. There is a cost... like anything, you get more of the things you feed. As someone who has spent their entire life of 40 years in cycles of this, I can say It's much like vampirism..
    The more you do it.. the more you want... Like a sexual urge itself, it does not seem to go away.

    3. There is something insanely exciting about buying a pair of really nice high heel shoes and stockings, and the feeling of slipping them on and walking around.. you can get addicted, and it never goes away... It can be a very lonely addiction because taking it to a social level requires a certain level of commitment and wilingness to throw your self esteem out the window.

    4. I went to a Halloween party in Vegas as Sarah Palin, and got to walk around the hotel lobby, across town, hang out at a party all night and finally walk back.. There were girls who thougt it was really hot that here was this hot, fit guy in a red skirt suit and heels... They may have been professionals. Most women I have known will not take this sort of thing well. Most will thing of this as rather odd behaviour.

    5. There is a darker side.. if youcontinue the fantasy, you may develop thoughts of having sex as a woman. It could interfere with your straight sexlife. This took a few years to unravel. Be careful.

    6. There is the idea that everyone has the capacity to be male or female. Given enough hormones at a young enough age and every boy becomes a girl and vice-versa. Try this experiment. If you are feeling the urge to be female or dress as a woman, and want to resist it... try using your RIGHT EYE as the dominant focus of your attention. It is proven that men are more right eye dominant... It works the other way also. its crazy how effective this is over the course of a day.

    7. Look at your hands. [​IMG]

    Do your ring finger and index finger match in length? This is indicative of having low testosterone in the womb. It is a typical trait of a woman. If your ring finger is longer than the index, that is very typically masculine. If you urrn your hand over, and find that most of the skin on your palm is worn off, you are spending too much time alone, in your wife's underwear.

    I really hope this is helpful... I would not loosely recommend indulging in cross-dressing. But then again, there is not happiness in fight the urge too agressively. The heart wants what the heart wants.. I recommend rationing it out. Make it special, and try to focus on the things that make for a balanced, healthy life. Cheers. D
  14. xxCHAOTIC

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    Sep 1, 2015
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    There's a teacher at my school that does this actually! He's a straight man that just happens to like wearing women's clothing and painting his nails. He doesn't try to "pass" or anything. He just likes wearing women's clothing! Comes to work like that and everything.

    If you want to, GO FOR IT! Shop online! You might not feel comfortable going out in public and that's okay, but you can definitely enjoy and express yourself however you want in the comfort of your own home.

    Plus Halloween is coming up! This year, your "costume" can just be women's clothing. It's a pretty popular costume idea to dress up as the opposite gender.