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Gay guys pulling straight guys...easy?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Shy825, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. pane123

    pane123 Guest

    Dec 27, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    So with this logic of thinking, does this mean that straight girls can turn a gay guy straight for a night after a bit of beer?
  2. NaNtastic

    NaNtastic Guest

    My thought on this topic;

    I met someone who, after just a couple of minutes, started bragging about his skills on straight guys. He told me that there are so many people he could 'turn' for a night of fun. This just made me lose respect for him, I don't even know why.

    If I was interested in a straight guy, I would never do anything without him showing interest and taking any first step. I can imagine a straight guy showing interest can be very good for your ego :slight_smile:

    Also someone who has been my boss for several years, always talked about all the people of all different sexes he had slept with. How he even had sex in the cafeteria where I would eat my lunch if I was working.. That made me look at him like he was a whore, and just a filthy person.. Though he might just be a very smooth happy person who gets what he wants..
  3. stocking

    stocking Guest

    Jul 12, 2013
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    New England
    Sexual Orientation:
    I think gay guys that do this do it for power
  4. gravechild

    Regular Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    A few people
    Of course not, didn't you hear? A man can be otherwise heterosexual in behavior and orientation, but if he so much as wonders about anything related to homosexuality, or experiments once, he automatically loses his straight license and is gayed for life.

    On the other hand, a woman can have all the same-sex attraction in the world, but it "doesn't count", since, well, female sexuality doesn't really exist and anything that doesn't involve a penis isn't important, anyway.

    Several gay male users on this site have even admitted to this, but I haven't heard it from lesbians much at all, and I think a few major reasons might be the fact that women have the "permission" to experiment and form closer relationships with one another, and also the fact that so many women sport the bisexual label when it doesn't accurately describe their orientation or behaviors.

    That, and I'm not sure they relate to the whole male ego part that comes with sexual conquests on the part of a man, combined with the loss of manhood a lot of them experience. It might be a thinly veiled attempt towards subverting the power structure and elevating their status, in a way.
  5. stocking

    stocking Guest

    Jul 12, 2013
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    New England
    Sexual Orientation:
    I think some lesbians do this for power as well I had a online girlfriend that is a lesbian and admitted she enjoyed the power from getting straight girls drunk and having sex with them she told me she would make them eat her out and she would make up lies about how it would help them do better with men and she said she did as revenge and power
    mostly revenge for how straight people treated her in past and she would think wow i made these women do something gay and she would get a kick out of humiliating them that she told later down the road she got therapy for this and stop doing this .