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Fighting Nihilism

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by DAXIII, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Open Arms

    Open Arms Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Well, I come from a totally different world view because I believe God created the universe and us humans and has a great purpose for us. It's in fact much more personal than that. God values and loves me and infuses each day with meaning if I'm open to seeing it.

    I see life and the unseen world through the eyes of faith.

    As a Christ follower, my purpose is to be salt and light in my corner of the globe.
    The overriding purpose is relationship... to love God and people.

    God is very real and present to me.

    Life can be very tough, and much of it is a mystery. I do not have all of the answers,
    but I know that at age 59, almost 60, I am content, at peace, mostly happy and fulfilled
    and secure in God's arms.

    Some of you may think this is all a fairy tale, but that doesn't change the reality of it in my life, nor the tangible results it has produced in me. I would wish the same for everyone who is stumbling around in the dark with no Guide. We were not created to go it alone nor to live with no meaning outside of ourselves, in my humble opinion.

    Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    Actually Nietzsche tried to argue around nihilism, went crazy, and failed to do so in the end. He chose to just leave it since he could not prove it wrong.
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    You aren't going to budge, that much is obvious. You have your reasons for sticking to your guns, but it is worth noting you took the time to post this, so, deep down, you're nurturing a seed of conflict.

    You know that the only way this is going to improve for you, is if you make an effort. And not the effort you are making, which is to shut down and detour around what others say and share. That is a large part of the reason you feel so empty, because it's easier to feed off of others and then crush them, because you don't want to leave the safety of the nihilistic shell.

    Your despair is going to come into conflict with your desire, and it isn't going to be pretty. I would highly recommend you sort that out now, while it is easier to do so, because that tension is not something you want to see explode. All this 'emptiness' and 'the void', it sounds cute and brooding, but they too mean nothing until you embrace and give them meaning -- in the same way you could replace these with, say, a passion or a hobby.

    If you are fine with admitting the world is superior to you in each and every way, okay, you live like that. Personally, I would be beyond furious if somebody told me the likes of Donald Trump was better than me. I am beyond driven when I remember even Adolf Hitler had a girlfriend, because I will not be less desirable than Hitler -- that hurts my ego. I will not live like that.

    Use that despair to fuel yourself. I use my anger like that. Because if you don't use it, it will have no problem continuing to use you.

    Quit being a slave, become a master. You're too good to waste away.
    #43 Kaiser, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015

    Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    It's not really a shell as it is a void from which I cannot find an escape. All the advice so far does not really answer the question of how to fight it, since nihilism itself says that all the advice is inherently void of meaning. That is the part I struggle with, and not by choice.

    Also despair as fuel? All despair does is make you sink further into it, people usually find something else to avoid sinking into it. The world is grander and far superior to humans and by extension the universe itself. It has existed far longer than we have, we are just a mere blip on it.

    It seems like what I see is talk without getting at the core of the problem. The inherent void of meaning in EVERYTHING.
  5. Open Arms

    Open Arms Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    You fight nihilism by

    filling your mind with positive thoughts instead of dwelling on black thoughts

    through good relationships in which you love and are loved

    going out into nature

    opening yourself up to beauty and hope

    doing the next right thing/action

    and... in my world view... asking God to help you or; if you don't believe in a Higher Power, ask Him to reveal Himself to you if He is there.

    If you need medication (your brain chemistry may be off), take it.

    Don't give up hope. There is only one of you in this entire world. How unique is that? You are precious. You are valuable. You are needed in this world. Be the best you that you can be, and leave the rest up to God.

    "Two men in prison, behind bars. The one saw mud, the other stars."

    "Our reach should exceed our grasp, or what's a heaven for."

    "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
    #45 Open Arms, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015

    Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    That's how you delude yourself.

    I have no value, no do I exist. Only the concept of myself. At our basest level we are just a collection of atoms indistinguishable from any other. There is nothing that makes me me or unique. I'm simply just one of many. Whatever value I have is what others give to me, and when they die that value is lost. Any sense of being needed is just nonsense, I just exist.

    As for God, that's just a concept. A notion giving meaning to offer comfort in a chaotic existence in order to simplify things. It's natural for the brain to do that. It's also convenient that it is unable to be empirically measured. It's like the tooth fairy or Santa, something people have to grow out of.

    Now you see why nihilism is nearly impossible to conquer?
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    Then nihilism is useless and worthless, too. It has no meaning. You have given it meaning -- as I have said before, just like you can empower and give anything else meaning.

    False. It makes some people sink further into despair. I can tell you now, at least for me, it propels me to do more and better. But then again, I'm not a slave to my emotions nor do I defend a counter productive way of being.

    I cannot speak for every single person who has posted here, but as I stated before. You aren't going to budge on this, which is a shame. I have told you what to do, as have a few others, but instead you run and hide behind futility because it removes all responsibility -- why work when we'll die? Why be kind when we'll die? Why do anything, like taking up for this concept?

    For a world so meaningless, you sure do put up a hell of a fight to defend it being that way. Almost as if there's a reason to be doing this... If it wasn't proof that there is a passion, a purpose, within you, I'd tell you it was a total waste of time. But, one day, you'll see... until then, praise the master of your universe, in this case nihilism.
    #47 Kaiser, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015

    Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    It's not a master, it's something I am unable to argue against.

    ---------- Post added 26th Aug 2015 at 06:52 PM ----------

    Also your advice doesn't really help. It doesn't make me see the world or anything else in it as less futile or pointless. I want to get around this but there isn't a way to do that.
  9. Open Arms

    Open Arms Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Well, you may think nihilism is impossible to conquer, but it doesn't exist in my life.
    Therefore, it has not conquered me. I'm not deluded; I enjoy my life and live it with purpose and meaning. That's real. It is my almost daily experience. You can't argue with my experience. It is so, no matter what you think or say or what spin you put on it. Your belief in nihilism does not diminish my happiness, though it is seeking to destroy you, no doubt about that. I feel bad that you are trapped by your nihilistic view since it seeks to suck the life out of you.

    If you want to keep going around in circles with philosophy, arguments, your bright ideas/cleverness which lead you into dark places, your shunning of other people's attempts to help you, throwing blankets over glimmers of hope, cutting lifelines people throw to you, yes, you will be swallowed up by depression. Perhaps you hate yourself so much that a part of you wants to be swallowed up by depression?
  10. DAXIII

    Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    The so called help you describe cannot overcome it. The reason you aren't swallowed by it is because you have not pondered it deep enough. You took a glance and dismissed it, lucky you. Also experience can change with new perspectivesz

    Any purpose to your life is an illusion. The hope you describe doesn't stand against the nullifying power nihilism has. I want to be free of this but the more I analyze it the less fault I can find in it and the more fault I find in the help of others.
  11. Open Arms

    Open Arms Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    My thinking exactly Kaiser. Arcana wants to talk, talk, talk and discredit everybody's advice and experience because he/she is afraid to ACT, to change, to get up out of the mud and muck and mire and actually DO something.

    Some people think too much or sit around crying as a way to avoid responsibility for making something good out of their lives.

    Maybe you have a chemical imbalance in your brain. Maybe you have a mental illness. Maybe you are just beaten down by others, by life, by yourself.

    Whatever your problem, get help. Honest to God, you are very unlikely to get any help or motivation by trying to prove that nihilism can not be conquered. Who gives a sh*t about that?? What we care about is YOU getting off your high horse or whatever it is you're on, and getting some help for yourself.

    I probably wouldn't talk to you like this if you were 13 or 16 or even 18, but I see you are 24.
  12. DAXIII

    Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    I don't think you understand what everything being pointless means. I'm not afraid to change but the outlook is that it's pointless to. There is no wind in my sails, no reason for me to go on existing. If suicide were painless I would have done it by now.
  13. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    That is the core of your entire predicament. You claim you want something, but if anything even comes close to challenging your stance, you dismiss it as being delusion or a distraction.

    You say you've pondered long and hard, and I can't dispute that. However, wisdom that remains firm is ignorance. You believe everything is pointless, so it will be. Nothing I say, nothing anybody else says, will change that until you accept and allow it to inspire that change.

    There's a tinge of insecurity here, too. You make a post, people provide insight and possible remedies, you shoot them down... then you wait... somebody else comes in and you beat them down. By them conceding or you imposing your perception, you feed your pride, you're able to say "I was right!", which gives you a jolt, a little incentive to engage in life.

    You have basically found the ultimate barrier. Nobody can prove anything has value, nor can they prove it doesn't. It is just easier to go with the latter, because when everybody is drug down, we don't have to be remarkably better, only just a little -- which we obtain by 'proving' ourselves as correct.

    You say nihilism isn't a master, but you constantly say it can't be conquered. Well, if you really believed that, you wouldn't fight so hard against what we're saying, because it would be true, it wouldn't need justification. That, alone, tells me:

    You don't want a solution, you want an audience.
  14. DAXIII

    Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    I've tried not to think about it, I've tried to move on. But it keeps creeping back up on me, like some nagging feeling I can't seem to shake.

    Nihilism is my ultimate nightmare because it becomes the one thing I cannot bear the most, being wrong. It's a constant reminder that everything I do is wrong, or that I plan to do is wrong. I cannot argue against it for it would make me wrong. Anything I try to do to beat end up with it returning stronger and saying that I am wrong.

    So I end up with the ultimate nightmare for me that constantly persists. I feel like a massive idiot each time I resist it because it seems like some undeniable truth, no matter how hard my brain tries to fight it. Each defeat is more demoralizing than the last.

    So there it is, my ultimate fear: being wrong/stupid.
  15. greatwhale

    Full Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    When you use the word "wrong", by what standard are you coming to this conclusion?

    Consider quality, or the good, these words defy "right" or "wrong", and yet you are able to recognize when something is good, or not. Why is that?

    Instead of seeing yourself as wrong/stupid, perhaps you can see yourself as capable of doing some good. Remember, good or quality cannot be defined, but you can recognize it, either because there is some harmony in the thing that you are doing, or experiencing a quality event...there it is: quality is an event, it can be found in the things you do and the things you plan...quality for its own sake, can be a transcendent experience that defies nihilism. What Nietzsche hated most were those philosophies that denied life or postponed life to another place after death (e.g. most monotheistic religions).

    Quality is an event, and it can only happen in the present, and the present, this very moment is all you truly have, with Nietzsche's "goallessness as such" being the principle of your faith (should you choose to adopt it).