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Feeling ugly, very ugly.....again

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Marty18, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. Marty18

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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Hi guys, I've been searching guys on Instagram recently and I couldn't avoid noticing how handsome and perfect they all are. It made me so jealous and self-ashamed yesterday and I got so depressed about my looks again (I made a few post about this before....). I hate my smile and that's what making me so sad and hopeless....all those Insta guys have incredibly perfect teeth and even people around me have much better teeth...... I brush my teeth twice a day and go to the dentist every 6 months but that's useless as my teeth aren't naturally straight and white. So unless I pay a huge amount of money to get braces and whitening...I'm done. It hurts me so much psychologically as I realize that I'm 21 which means I might could have perfect teeth when I'm 24 if I started to do spmething NOW. Because later I'll be ugly just from being old which sucks....so while others are enjoying their young adult years being perfect.....I feel screwed. Plus I'm afraid my family will judge me for wanting to be "perfect" and my dentist as well....maybe I'll change the dentist....but still will be so ashamed to come in and ask for the braces. I'm sure my wisdom teeth will need to be extracted as well as the amalgam fillings...no pleasure. Idk even know why I wanna be like those boys. Maybe for attention? Even though I don't like getting attention in public and I've already got a loving boyfriend. What the hell's in my mind that I won't stop being unhappy about my body.....I'll probably never feel truly happy and then, when I die, nothing of this will matter and that's it, meh :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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  2. Papa Joey

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    Jul 5, 2017
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    If you're wondering almost no one has perfect teeth unless they are spending a shit ton on teeth whitening/alignment and there's more to a person than just their smile. I can understand why you feel this way though. I have anxiety issues and have only just now started accepting how i look. I always felt like the ugly one in my friend group because i wasn't "perfect" like them but truth be told they were assholes haha. Someones personality is actually worth more than looks or fashion or anything you can imagine and you seem to be such a kind pure soul feeling a bit hopeless, not knowing if you're up to par with everyone else. Worried people see you as ugly but let me tell you something. You are beutiful both inside and out and even if you don't feel as if you are know that outer beuty can be ripped away just as fast as you got it but your core can't. If all you have going for you is looks and you have a sour personality and suddenly you get into an accident and you lose your looks every "friend" you had will leave but if you have a great peraonality and have the same accident happen your friends will stay true. I know it's hard to just go "i don't care what others think" because i struggle with doing the same and i know being able to walk around not caring about others opinions and loving yourself will be incredibly difficult. I constantly compare myself to others wanting to look like them but it's a terrible mentality. Those instagram models are instagram models for a reason. They just happened to be born with good looks that fit what the industry wanted but guess what. Even those perfect models get photoshopped and have makeup done to reach extreme body standards that simply aren't possoble. It's mentally brutal to try and be something you literally can not be so i want you to look at yourself. Figure out what you don't like and why. Figure out if your boyfriend or friends or anyone ever point out those things. Most likely they don't and most likely it's all in your head. Most likely it's just self consciousness and doubt that make up horror fantasies for only you to stress over. I'm not saying that you now shouldn't play with your style and just say fuck it. Judging by your profile pic you're quite artistic so do mess with hair style clothing lighting etc but dont stress over biological things you can't change. Now if you sincerely do want to get braces and whitening then don't mind feeling embarrassed or anything like that. I can bet you your dentist has had plenty of people come in asking for thr same thing and he or she wouldn't mind telling you the best plan for doing so but if you do do it, it should only add to self confidence not make it. You should be confident with who you are and things like braces should add to it just as things like clothing and accesories do. Recognize you are beautiful with or without braces because you truly are. Try and find happiness in yourself and let these things add to that. I hope this helps you and i hope you feel better soon Marty :slight_smile:.
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  3. tent71

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    There is nothing wrong with your teeth. They look fine. Hell come were I live rednecks ever were. Some of these guys and girls just have one good tooth hanging out of their mouth. Looks like you can drive a truck in there and park it. Lol No teeth look good.
  4. Foxfeather

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    Your teeth actually aren't bad! They're not brace-perfect but hey, neither are mine. :grin:
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  5. Limoriden

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    They look fine, dont beat yourself up about it.
  6. Grounded Eagle

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    I know what you mean. I worry a lot about certain aspects of my looks and sometimes I get so disgusted and depressed because I feel ugly. So I have to remind myself that I'm the only one holding myself to the standard I've created in my head. I don't have to look perfect to be loved. And nobody else expects me to look perfect. People appreciate and love me for who I am and for the things that make me unique--even the things I see as flaws!
    And I'm sorry, but I have to say it... You have really nice lips. :blush:
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  7. Calf

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    Your teeth appear clean, undamaged and natural. That says a lot about your character and strength of personality. Artificial teeth, false lenses, fake tan, and all the rest say nothing more than that about a person, artificial, false, fake. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's worth considering if it will be the solution to your concerns.
    If you do have extra treatment to 'correct' your smile then the only person that will really feel the improvement is likely you. That may be worth it if this is causing you a large degree of anxiety etc. but considering the enormous amounts of money this could cost you, wouldn't it be a better way to spend that same money enhancing other parts of your life. Education, travelling, new experiences, helping others, would all have a much greater impact on your quality of life (and your smile) in the long term.

    I imagine that the only real problem with your smile is that you aren't doing it enough! Most people are much more likely to be put off by a frown than a not quite perfect smile.
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  8. Foxfeather

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    Bleached teeth look nice. Until you permanently mess up your enamel and your teeth turn grey. We all have our insecurities and I think yours is imagined. Sure there's always the asshole who points out that your ____ looks ugly, but they're jerks
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  9. Elendil

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    I used to be the same way years ago. I was unhappy with how I looked as my teeth are small, my poor eyesight forced me to get glasses, and I never grew as tall as I wanted. I compared myself to famous actors wishing I'd look like them. And to top it all off now I'm going bald, lol.

    Eventually I realized that the core of my insecurities about my appearance was rooted in my unhappiness with my life at the time. I came from a dysfunctional family and I think I viewed my appearance in the light that "My family is messed up, so I'm messed up too." I thought that if I looked better then my life would be better too. That kind of thinking was self destructive and it took time but I got out of that mindset and started accepting myself as I am, thinning hair and all.

    I think your teeth look natural and really aren't bad at all. You keep them up and that's what is important. Remember that no one is truly perfect in appearance. Even those Instagram models have been enhanced in some way to make them look as good as they do in a photo. In real life they have blemishes, thinning hair, wear glasses/contacts, and may have eating disorders due to the standards on leanness the modeling industry forces on them.

    You are great as you are and don't let others tell you different.
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  10. Foxfeather

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    It's true, a lot of actors and actresses pay good money for those looks. It can't come naturally after you get past age 30 or 40; aging is inevitable.

    But nobody ever cared about Gandalf's teeth. He's too fabulous for such things.
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  11. mnguy

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    Hey I agree with all the points given already. The best part is you have a boyfriend so that proves your looks don't turn off guys. People who would look down at you for any part of your looks aren't people you want to be friends with anyway. I'm annoyed by the perfectly curated Instagram lives too. People just don't show their real lives on there or other social media. They think it makes them look better to others which kinda works, but that doesn't make them better people. All that "perfection" makes me less likely to contact them since they look way too high maintenance and busy for what i want in life. Also keep in mind lots of people are highly in debt to display the lifestyle advertisers try to convince us we all need to be happy. Inside they're not really happy because if it depends on money, possessions, exotic trips, etc, what good is it if all that is lost and if they're in deep debt? Another thing to remember is most people are average, not the model types and we forget that since we're fixated on them and don't see all the average people. Please don't worry about your teeth and just show off your great smile :slight_smile: