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Feeling alone

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by treasure1996, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. treasure1996

    Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2015
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    I've began really overthinking and upsetting myself over finding no one and ending up alone. I'm only 18 but I struggle with so many thoughts and although I'm out and proud, the issues surrounding my sexuality have only gotten worse.

    I'm very feminine and for the longest time I tried to change myself to become more masculine because I felt invisible in the lesbian community. That didn't work as I felt uncomfortable and not myself. I'm struggling to be okay with my femininity as a gay girl and I don't know why.

    The main issue however is that it's so hard to not only find someone I am attracted to, but someone I also get along with, who lives close to me, is around my age etc. I feel so alone watching all my straight friends date and constantly talk about the new guy they're talking to every week. It's so easy for them and it seems like I'll just never find my person.
  2. DirectionNorth

    Full Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    Some people
    I'm in the same boat as you! I can't really give great advice on this, but try not to focus on dating specifically-
    go to events or activities, and(pardon me for sounding incredibly cliché) you never know where you could find someone. That's also advice I got from someone in the community, though. He had alot better luck finding people at a yoga class or other types of activities like that than just clubbing or bar scene, etc. Although, I certainly do understand the emotional frustration and negative outlook about the future, and can't really say much about that since i'm struggling with those thoughts as well.

    Again, I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help, and I hope you find someone soon who will like you as you are! There are alot of gays who are into the cookie-cutter image of the lesbian "look", etc, but there are also others who, I think, don't jump on that bandwagon train of thought and just want someone with whom they connect.