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FAQ & Help and Feedback Resources

Discussion in 'Empty Closets Help and Feedback' started by EmptyClosets, Jun 25, 2008.

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  1. EmptyClosets

    Admin Team Full Member

    Jan 1, 1970
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    Below is a list of frequently asked questions relating to the site. If you have a question that is not already answered below, please create a thread and the community will try to answer your question.

    Why can't I reply to wall messages?
    Once you have posted at least 10 times to the forums, you should be able to reply to wall messages.

    How do I change my username?
    You can change your username by going to this page:

    Remember: You can only change your username up to three times, and all usernames on EC must be unique to the site and not used elsewhere on other personal social media pages or accounts.

    How do I change my avatar?
    You can change your avatar by going to this page:

    *Remember to keep all avatars PG13.

    How do I become a Full Member?
    You can apply for full membership by going to this page:

    Once you have reached 50 posts on the forums and have been a member for at least 2 weeks you may apply for full membership.

    How long does it take once I submitted my Full Membership Application?
    Full Member applications can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to be reviewed. Please be patient as staff are all volunteers.

    *Make sure you have submitted the application, rather than saved it when you have completed it as your application will not be reviewed until submitted. If you are wondering about the status of your application, please create a thread in the Ask the Staff sub-forum for further clarification.

    Why can't I see PM notifications / Why are PMs delayed?
    We are aware of the issue surrounding delayed PMs and lack of notifications. We are working hard to solve this issue, and it is on the list of "known issues" to address. We appreciate your patience.

    Help and Feedback Resources

    The list below contains the links to important threads in the Help and Feedback forum. This list will be updated whenever EC staff feel a link should be added so please check back regularly. We strongly urge you to read all the threads below.

    Code Of Conduct - The official code of conduct for EmptyClosets.

    Contact Information - Important reminder about giving out personal details.

    All four sections in the Support Area are intended for SERIOUS support and advice etc discussions. Joking comments are not welcomed there, especially when they are directed towards other posters or posts.

    Such comments tend to take the threads away from the original discussion, which obviously does not help the original poster. Indeed the original poster may well be offended that people are joking about something that is a serious issue to them.

    There is plenty of opportunity for joking and general fun in the sections in General Chat, especially in Fun and Games.

    Please respect the distinction between the Support Area and the General Chat area.

    Copyright Pictures - Details on how to be sure you own the copyright to a picture or not.
    #1 EmptyClosets, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2020
  2. Hawk

    Admin Team Full Member

    May 12, 2015
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    Out to everyone
    December 2020: Added FAQs regarding more popular questions that are asked.
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