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do you believe SJWs can seriously harm LGBT people?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Cinis, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. faustian1

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    ^^^Come to think of it, there is a lot of click bait being manufactured by what usually are called "trolls." I realized that these "trolls" existed long before the internet appeared.

    I have in the mind the best 3D example ever, a completely imperious, asshole coworker that I had that put himself in the position of judging everyone. Anyone who dared to do a fucking thing was "breaking down conditions." Oh, he didn't carry out those judgments the way a "leader" or a "dictator" would. Just by always being the instigator of whatever shit-stirring he wanted to campaign for, he managed to get others to step out in front of that bus, while the instigator "stood behind them all the way." So the interesting thing about the jerk was that he never, at any time, ever, pulled the lever to carry out any of his dirty work. His constant, unending, insufferable agitating had the objective of instigating others to do whatever he was too chicken shit to do himself. I absolutely pitied his wife as, at home the jerk presided over complete disorder. He was cutting up cars on his residential lot, storing boats and junk that spilled out onto the street, and from time to time had court orders issued to him at the request of his city government, right out of the typical episode of "Hoarders."

    The moral of that story is that, when the internet was invented, the old school bullshit artists just moved over to the keyboard, and opened themselves up another beer.
    #21 faustian1, Sep 25, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
  2. Skaros

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    Well, I think SJWs can harm a lot of people. All their nonsense rambling about the most pathetic topics. They demean words like homophobia and racism by using them to describe, well, things that aren't inherently homophobic and racist. Hell, some SJWs have even gone as far as saying trans women don't know the "struggle of actual women" because they weren't born female. It's gotten to the point where POC LGBT people have shit talked cis white gay males (like myself) because they think we're the cause of all their problems. If they want to unite the community, they better stop putting blame, because that will only create more division.

    The fact that a rich, black Yale student can complain to a poor, white person about "white privilege" is a sign that SJWs really don't know what they are talking about. I'm a pretty liberal person, but this crap has got to stop.
  3. Gunsmoke

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    Yep, my issues exactly.

    Also, I agree with what has been said that it's true that the term "SJW" is often used by oppressors to shut down minority groups who are rightfully complaining about something. For example, I don't know how many of you have heard of Yandere Simulator, but the developer refuses to add in LGBTQ students, or in fact any kind of diversity at all, because it would be "appealing to the SJWs".

    So just to clarify, when I'm talking about SJWs I'm talking about the literal racists and sexists who are just at the other end of the scale.
  4. Aussie792

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    In their present form, I think the alienation effect they bring about isn't particular harmful. Those they alienate most on substance were never on our side; they just have a new subject to ridicule.

    Where I think they do pose a danger is if they improve their organisational capacity. For example, ultimately destructive anti-trade and anti-capital attitudes became fairly common among supposed progressives around the Occupy Wall Street movement, who advocated both good and fundamentally erroneous cases for economic reform without an eye to economic history. They demonised opposition of the unsound proposals as unqualified support for the poor financial regulations that led to the crisis and drowned out progressive, centrist capitalists. It was excellent in its effectiveness but pernicious in its actual outcomes. They ended up somewhat successfully advocating what I believe were not in the long-term of the constituency they claimed to represent, in that trade became a political bogeyman in the US and caused unnecessary alienation with anything but hardline views was seen as weak.

    I think pro-LGBT social justice advocates could do the same thing if they make radical demands that don't necessarily benefit LGBT people. For example, moves to culturally distinguish gay and straight people exist as a theme among many more radical advocates, but do not have the support of most LGBT people. But if they successfully depicted themselves as the voices of all, it could be difficult for more moderate LGBT people to reel them in. Whoever ended up winning the fight internally, that would pose a problem in the message it sent (the community is fundamentally divided or the community is led by radicals) as well as in outcomes if they did win - a willing acceptance of the mantle of marginalisation and attempting to forge a distinct culture out of that, which is an unequivocally bad thing in my view, but it is a view I've seen propounded a fair amount.

    So yes, I think there is a potential for real harm. But I think the lack of organisation has kept this from going down the route of the Occupy example.
  5. Kira

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    They've already pretty much broken a lot of formerly recognized terms, notably the louder ones tainting the very word of feminism so that others think it's the opposite of it's own definition. That's not mere small scale misinformation, but more of an attempt to re-write the flipping dictionary.

    If I say "I'm a feminist" that essentially means I'm egalitarian and believe more fair and clear law systems should be established (See USA refusing to use the Equal Rights Act) and theocracies where women are treated as livestock have no place in a civilized society. Neutral bathrooms should exist, over-sexualization should calm the fuck down, and we should work to educate backwards counties and help amend the ones that fall behind. What is in your pants is irrelevant, it is the mind that counts.

    If a "SJW type" says "I'm a feminist" they mean either A: Men have ruled too long, so we should swap it around and repeat the history books in the inverse. (Not fixing gender inequality, but instead mirroring it) or B: we should follow archaic and misogynistic religious texts that say we're worth two chickens and a donkey and have to submit to the first man who "claims" us and obey his every command like a fucking robot and never get an education or question a damn thing. Either way surfaces the mistakes of the past once more and breathes life into them instead of burying them where they belong.

    See, if they can do this... take a definition and flip it on it's head, then they can do the same to us eventually. I've already seen some odd individuals trying to amend LGBT to include "trans-racism" and "dragon-kin"... Yikes. Then we'll never be taken seriously and it could kill the latest worldwide civil rights movement. Maybe not as dangerous as neo-nazis and the indoctrinated "hiveminds" of certain places but still a threat nevertheless. Not physically, but tainting the movement in the long run.

    ...It's 4AM and I should sleep. Hopefully no embarrassing mistakes for me to amend later.
  6. Austin

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    Yes because they make us look stupid.
  7. Czarcastic

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    I couldn't agree with this statement more.

    I feel that a lot (not all) talk about SJWs comes from those who don't want to discuss and/or actively support the social injustices that occur.
  8. AwesomGaytheist

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    They've already set back race relations by about 25 steps, so I fear what would happen if they turned to us. It's not that they aren't concerned about serious issues, it's just that the way they go about their cause is extremely counterproductive.
  9. baconpox

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    Probably for transgender people. Tumblr is the main exposure a lot of people have to it. For example, when I came out as trans, a few family members thought I was going through a phase because of Tumblr. Because it's their sole exposure, it's probably part of why there are these bathroom laws, a lot of people just fundamentally misunderstand trans people because they only see people putting down cis people or people labeling their gender based on inanimate objects or mental disorders or whatever. For gay and bi people, I don't think so because most people are already familiar with it and don't associate it with them as quickly. There might be some prejudice to gay/bi people because of them, but I don't think it'll be anywhere near as widespread as how trans people are viewed. Not to mention, a lot of these radicals are somewhat homophobic/transphobic themselves.

    Also I want to comment on how much I dislike the term SJW, it's really overused and usually by edgy alt-rightists to dismiss any remotely liberal view.
  10. Cinis

    Cinis Guest

    Just used it because I haven't heard another term yet. I'm open towards creative renaming suggestions though.^^

    ---------- Post added 27th Sep 2016 at 04:33 PM ----------

    I was actually mainly thinking about the T aspect when starting the thread since most people that were actually confused by tumblr were about that part. Although there are also some inappropriate things going on for the other aspects there.
  11. AwesomGaytheist

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    Here's the biggest problem with SJW's: safe spaces. Check out this girl's response to her professor saying that people shouldn't get so worked up about how people dress up for Halloween:


    At the University of Missouri, they bullied the president into resigning over things that were outside of his control. They convinced the Obama administration redefined rape to mean that consensual drunk sex is rape and through a directive, ordered that anyone accused of consensual drunk sex be immediately expelled from school by a "Campus tribunal."

    The statistic that 1 out of 5 women on a college campus will be raped is a grossly overinflated statistic that comes from an invalid research method: an Internet poll taken in 2007 using Obama's inaccurate definition of rape.

    Remember mattress girl? She carried around a mattress everywhere because her school's campus tribunal found based on available evidence that she'd made the whole thing up and that the boy was innocent. And yet she's now a hero for carrying a mattress everywhere after she falsely accused someone of rape and damn near ruined his life.

    The problem is mostly the Internet. It gives radicals a platform to spew their verbal diarrhea to a potential audience of 7 billion people, and it's ability to connect social outcasts has created a generation with a victim mentality and inspired millions of otherwise intelligent people to make up their own self-proclaimed "oppressed minority status." From adult babies to Trans-species, this is what's happening now that the Internet is dumbing people down. I think the current "safe space" Social Justice Warrior movement is simply the chickens coming home to roost.
    #31 AwesomGaytheist, Sep 27, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
  12. Geek

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    Always found people who use the term SJW as an insult to be stupid. Pfft who do you think you are??? Fighting for social justice? What a terrible person.

    Anytime a group purposely pretends that a certain prejudice exists, it makes it easier for bigots to dismiss that prejudice. For instance: People calling Bernie Sanders supporters sexist without any backing or reasoning. If you scream sexism when actual sexism exits, you're diminishing the term. Same could be said with anything (Islamiphobia, Homophobia, Racism, etc).
  13. Cinis

    Cinis Guest

    Problem is that i still haven't heard of another term for the special tumblr breed that does not actually fight for social justice but is commonly called social justice warriors. Again if anyone has another word feel free to share.( or invent something, inventing words is awesome)
  14. Libertino

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    The term "SJW" is inherently sarcastic, as no one is truly considering these people to be "warriors", only that they think they are. The term is mocking by its very nature, and that's fine, since it describes a form of extremism that people on both sides of the spectrum love to hate. It's also a form of silencing dissent and discussion to label everything "racist" but that doesn't mean "racist" itself is an invalid label.

    Personally, I consider "SJW culture" better described as "post-liberal victimhood culture". That which seeks to portray SJWs and their brethren as eternal victims, a sort of anti-dignity.
  15. Godless

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    After I joined this website, someone asked what people thought about Milo Yiannopoulos. I had only ever seen him do one interview. I pressed further to see what he is doing that is so offensive. There is not much in what he says that I can really disagree with. He is not saying anything hateful. His followers on the other hand are the worst. After watching the Dangerous Faggot Tour on youtube the past few weeks. I am seriously concerned about SJWs turning our free society into an authoritarian one. The demands of feminists are ridiculous. Someone on this website seriously advocated that anyone who votes for Trump is not hispanic. I do not want to attack anyone, but my views have shifted. I cannot support authoritarianism no matter what I have to sacrifice to maintain liberty. So I do not think I can vote for Hilary. Hopefully that does not make me a biggot. People should be allowed to be bigotted, sexist, and homophobic. We should treat them like we do the Westboro Baptist Church. But SJWs need to stop trying to shut people up by force.
  16. Skaros

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    To be fair, this is from someone who has played some Yandere Simulator prototype, the game is really not much more or less diverse than many anime (as in, everyone is Japanese and their sexuality is either straight or unspecified). As for appealing to SJWs, I think adding diversity really wouldn't hurt anyone.
  17. Linthras

    Linthras Guest

    Apr 9, 2012
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    I believe SJW has become a dismissive slur used to dismiss both legitimate and irrational concerns.
    Therefore you'd first need to clearly define how you use the term, especially in relation to the LGBT community.
  18. faustian1

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    I think the answer to that is relatively easy. The traditional term for that type of internet person is "troll."
  19. hptrek314

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    Sep 27, 2016
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    Y'all, HUGE sigh of relief!! I am fairly new to the LGBT community (Becoming more and more involved via this website!). Part of my hesitation towards going on websites such as EC was my internal belief that the majority of people in the community identified with the crazy SJWs I see on tumblr all the time that scare me. I am SO GLAD to know so many of you also find them actually insane. I can't handle them because they tell me that as an LGBT Christian I am wrong for being both religious and not straight, and get angry when I don't know every single random new pronoun or term they throw out there to try and be "inclusive", when they're actually low-key excluding so many of us telling us we aren't being valid. I'm just saying as someone who has been around people who don't know much about the LGBT community, I feel like a lot of the general populous think that the LGBT community and the SJWs go hand in hand, and I think the best thing we can do is distance ourselves from that group as much as possible. This thread is actually everything, this has really got me thinking about stuff, thank you so much for posting this!
  20. AwesomGaytheist

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    "The so-called 'Social Justice Warriors' are just as bad as the right-wing blogs: martyrs without a cause whipping people up into a lather over issues that are better resolved with Xanax. It's the government's job to protect a lot of things, but your feelings aren't one of them."

    -Bill Maher
    #40 AwesomGaytheist, Oct 4, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016