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Do Gay Guys Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Rakkaus, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Rakkaus

    Rakkaus Guest

    Aug 16, 2012
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    New York
    Do any gay guys out there ever feel like (presumably straight) girls treat you differently when they think that you are gay?

    Alright so the way straight guys dress around here where I live is very typical masculine and simple, loose jeans and a t-shirt, there are no 'metrosexuals' or anything, so the way I dress I usually stand out as 'gay'.

    So I go to this salon to get my hair cut. It's all 20-something girls who work behind the counter there. Now of course I'm dressed in a bright flashy outfit, white cardigan, blue-and-white gingham bowtie, super-tight skinny jeans, powder blue summer scarf around my neck in the Parisian style, and a blue Diesel purse over my shoulder. I stand out from the rest of the men there getting their haircuts.

    (Actually if you want to see it, it's the same outfit I've posted a pic of in my album, an outfit that previously got me addressed as "ma'am" at Starbucks and called "faggot" on the street: http://emptyclosets.com/forum/members/19654-albums3735-picture41376.html Though you can't see my bowtie or purse in that pic.)

    But anyway, these girls seemed to treat me differently than they treated other guys. When I walked in they all smiled at me and one girl walked me to my haircut chair. After I got my haircut, when I walked over to pay the girls seemed to be barely being able to hold in giggles and told me my haircut came out really nice and looks good on me. Then one girl said "I love your outfit, your look is fabulous."

    I'd seen other men get haircuts and walk over to pay and it's strictly business, they just process the register and don't say anything.

    But with me they seemed really interested in me for some reason.

    I know I've summed things up pretty poorly, but basically I just generally got the sense that they thought I was gay (correctly, of course) and perhaps that's why they were so interested in me and perhaps comfortable complimenting me, whereas they wouldn't say these things to some random straight dude who would take it as flirting and come onto them. Basically the sorta 'every girl wants a GBF (gay best friend)' kinda sentiment.

    Now maybe I had things all wrong, maybe they actually just thought I was cute and really were sorta flirting with me.

    But this is just one recent experience that stands out, generally it just feels like girls kinda sense than I am gay and feel more comfortable around me and saying complimentary things they wouldn't say to some straight guy who would be potentially be a creep.

    Do any gay guys out there get this feeling that girls treat you differently (generally much nicer) when they seem to get the sense that you are gay?
  2. stocking

    stocking Guest

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    I think straight girls treat gay guys like their pets or play things but their really quick to insult a lesbian .

    I'll give a few examples When my friend just met (straight woman ) she was pretty ok around me I could tell her she looked cute in outfits , she would hug me and let me compliment her . When I told her I liked girls everything changed no more hugging and when I told her she looked nice in an outfit she would say "Enough! " that was her words I was shocked . I'm not attracted to my friend any way I just like her as a friend .
    Another example I was with my mom in New york we met two guys that were gay my mom asked if they were that's how I know for sure and yes they were stereotypical gay they chatted for a while and my mom was so friendly and then she said
    " I like them gay men are so cool and friendly " another time my mom saw two women holding hands " God that's disgusting , they look so stupid holding hands , be careful out there these women are scary they lick each others things to have sex and I've heard they also use a fake penis too " I was thinking how come she's ok with the gay guys but think lesbians are disgusting and make fun of how they have sex .
    I wasn't sure that I was lesbian at that time but I was starting to accept that I like women and then she had to say that . :dry: double standard is what I call it
  3. AlamoCity

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    Dec 28, 2012
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    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    I only have one very good female friend (the rest are males) and she's always the chirpy outspoken kind. When I came out to her, she just acted the same, but did say we should go shopping. I told her I would but that she shouldn't expect me to give her advice and spend all day shopping, because I'm not a fan of marathon shopping sprees :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. She doesn't see me as her gay best friend, she has another gay friend who's that for her, and, to be honest, he's more like you Rakkaus, very fashion-forward. It may be how we present ourselves that people will treat us. We do get judged by our "cover" and our "cover" includes our clothes. That said, I do dress in a way some consider "gay;" though, a while ago, Rakkaus, you called it "preppy" (I just call it "traditional" :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:).

    I've never been treated like a "gay best friend when I go get my hair cut. I go in, I sign my name in the logbook and wait for the haircutter lady (what is their title?). I go to a chain called MasterCuts, not exactly the haute couture of the salons, so maybe that's why. It could also be that I act very matter-of-factly and don't really engage in conversation. When it's time to find a new person to cut my hair, I judge them on both how well they can translate my directions ("just trim a bit with scissors all around, round the back and don't cut it too short;" yes, I suck at telling them how I want my hair :bang: ) and how how little they want to engage in conversation. I'm OK with them yapping about their lives and customers, but don't ask me stuff about my life.

    So, basically, I don't think girls treat me differently because I'm gay but, then again, I don't have a large sample of female friends/acquaintances.
  4. LD579

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    Mar 25, 2013
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    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    I'd say that some girls in general do tend to treat me differently once they realize I'm gay, but it's not obligatorily negative in my eyes. Sometimes people are surprised to hear I'm gay and then they get really buddy-buddy with me, which is quite a bit different from standard friendliness towards me... which isn't something I mind necessarily.

    And then there are people who don't treat me differently 'cause of my sexual orientation, which is dandy as well.
  5. BryanM

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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    A few girls at my school always try to get me to tell them what guys I like (I'll never tell them), and some say that we can be shopping buddies and stuff like that. I don't mind any of it, though. A lot of people don't treat me any differently, which is great.
  6. Cass

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    Jan 7, 2014
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    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    a huge chunk of my male friends are gay or bi. I am not technically "straight" though
  7. Ritor365

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    Jun 15, 2013
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    The deep depths of my mind
    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    To the girls I've come out too, I noticed they quickly got friendlier with me afterwards. Now I don't know if that's because I'm leaning gay or because I shared something personal with them, but either way it helped our friendships :slight_smile:

    One thing I HATE though is some girl friends I haven't come out to yet will be going on about how disgusting lesbians are, only to turn around and say they wish they had a gay guy best friend so they could go shopping and try clothes on and stuff. It's hypocritical and demeaning.
  8. Gingerblond93

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    Nov 30, 2013
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    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    I think girls or woman just feel more comfortable and open with a gay guy. Most str8t girls and woman have their sense of "gaydar". They know when a guy is gay and I can't explain it. All I know is woman love to be open around me let me hug them and I think they feel safe with a gay guy and relate to him in many ways. I think the woman at the salon picked up that your gay and really liked you. I bet it's a combination they think your totally cute, which you are. And also sweet so felt comfortable being open with you. Consider it a gift and something to enjoy.
  9. PurpleGrey

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    Dec 7, 2013
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    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    Sounds really uncomfortable! I think it's the novelty of it.
  10. DrkRayne

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    Sep 26, 2013
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    Re: Do Gay Girls Feel Girls Treat Them Differently?

    I think they generally feel more comfortable around gay men because there is no "threat" of feelings or need for sexuality. They can just be themselves. Around men, a woman may feel pressured to either look good, or be clear that she isnt interested, whereas around a gay guy...its like "OHHHHH friend!!!"
  11. AudreyB

    AudreyB Guest

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Atlanta, GA
    Female (trans*)
    Did you at all feel patronized by these girls?
  12. alex3191

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    Dec 23, 2013
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    I think they feel more comfortable because they know your not going to try anything with them and its probably why some girls are uncomfortable with lesbians because they think lesbians will be checking them out like a straight man would. i think another reason women like gay men is because a gay man can talk and give advice about men from the male point of view and women feel that they can talk about relationships, issues, ect and get a male perspective on things that they wouldn't be comfortable talking to a straight man about
  13. Techno Kid

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    May 26, 2013
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    I notice this with girls around me too... I kinda like the attention tbh. : 3
    I feel like the type of friendship girls have with each other is a lot richer than guys have with each other and I just love to be considered "just one of the girls". I missed out on this when I just had guy friends.
  14. Rakkaus

    Rakkaus Guest

    Aug 16, 2012
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    New York
    Well I guess, as with the whole "GBF" phenomenon, my response is kinda mixed and confused.

    I mean, ostensibly the girls behind the counter treated me much nicer than they seemed to treat the straight guys. They smiled at me, they took a lot of interest in me, they basically doted on me. The girls complimented me, told me how nice my hair looked and how much they loved my outfit and how good I look.

    Meanwhile I noticed with all the other men there to get their hair cut it was strictly business for the girls behind the counter, they never said a word to them, they just handled their payments at the cash register and that was it, they paid them no attention.

    I bet the straight guys wished that the pretty 20-something girls behind the counter showed as much interest in them as they did with me. :grin:

    Now I guess it's possible that they just thought I was cute or something and were flirting with me, but the way they were just doting on me made me feel it was because they sensed that I was gay and just felt comfortable with me.

    In a way I'm glad that girls seem to feel more comfortable around me, flash my gay card and girls don't feel threatened by me like they would feel around a straight dude who could potentially be a creep who would come onto them. There's always a risk of sexual tension if you're a straight girl interacting with a straight dude. I mean if I were a straight dude, the way these girls were acting and the things they were saying to me I would definitely take as flirting, but since I think they figured out I am gay, they felt comfortable saying such things to me without worrying that I'd take it as flirting and try to come onto them.

    But on the other hand, yes, there is a certain feeling of being patronized. I mean as I said, these girls seemed to be unable to hold in giggling while talking to me, almost like they were amused by me. There's this feeling that straight girls just find gay guys amusing and that's why they try to have fun with us.

    So while overall, I was actually quite happy about the whole experience, yes there is a little bit of bittersweetness to it with the girls just seemingly amused at an obvious gay guy walking in dressed very gay and flashy and feminine, very unlike all the other men who walk in there.
  15. AudreyB

    AudreyB Guest

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Atlanta, GA
    Female (trans*)
    Well, I'm male and queer and feminine (although only one of these things is obvious in public) and I would think I would feel at least a bit offended at being so patronized. I've posted here before about the patronizing attitude my ex-wife and stepdaughter have toward gay men, seeming to respect them as little more than pets, or perhaps members of the Lollipop Guild. I wasn't out to them, but I felt embarrassed for their "targets" on their behalf. (To my credit, I did try to squelch this kind of immature behavior from them a few times in a casual manner, saying it was no big deal if someone was gay.)

  16. Tightrope

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    May 31, 2013
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    That is an excellent way to describe the sensation. I wear the jeans and a t-shirt as described when not in work apparel because I'm not that into clothes, but the age and single combination sometimes leads to verbal trespasses, which are patronizing, at least to me.

    ---------- Post added 6th Feb 2014 at 09:44 PM ----------

    Mine has been pared down because of dynamics like the ones described above.
  17. FrozenFae

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    Feb 2, 2014
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    I do notice that once women find out I'm gay, they seem more open and chummy with me than they were before. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact they know I don't want anything from them other than friendship so it puts them more at ease than they may be around a straight man who may have ulterior motives.

    I've only had one woman try to treat me like her little gay pet, but she stopped when I told her I found it demeaning and that I was a person first and a homosexual second. We get along very well still, but there was a time when she would do things like introduce me to people as "her gay friend Frozen Fae" instead of just a normal introduction, or ask me to go shoe shopping with her and other stereotypical things along those lines.
  18. Minamimoto_Fan

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    Sep 19, 2012
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    I just find that some women are much more open with me than other men in our college
  19. Rakkaus

    Rakkaus Guest

    Aug 16, 2012
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    New York
    I guess I'm in the minority then, because I don't really mind the dynamic, as long as they keep things respectful. Maybe I just like the attention even though I'm shy and socially awkward. If I were a straight guy I'd be like a permavirgin, it'd be difficult to find a girlfriend.

    I mean I have gotten attention from girls before back when I was closeted in high school and college, I've told the story on EC before of the awkward time I heard my lab partners in Biology class (3 girls and me) in sophomore year of college giggling and saying "he's cute". That was really awkward, especially being a "straight" (closeted) socially anxious mess, my face turned red. :icon_redf

    Having girls flirt with me or hearing gossip about a girl having a crush on me, for being cute rather than being gay, just made me feel embarrassed and a little afraid, since I was too shy to flirt back or pursue any relationship with a girl even though at the time I believed 100% in my mind that I was "straight".

    But throw on a powder blue scarf and a purse over my shoulder and suddenly I'm interesting in a whole different way, and in a way that makes me feel confident rather than blushing with awkwardness.

    I mean at the very least it makes all the straight guys jealous. :grin:
  20. Techno Kid

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    May 26, 2013
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    I said I did not mind it either... : 3