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Depressed about the 2020 election...

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by BMC77, May 8, 2019.

  1. BMC77

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    Feb 27, 2013
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    I've posted a few times in the "Who do you endorse for president?" thread. And, as I did so, I became aware that I'm already depressed about the outcome of the 2020 election...and we aren't even half way through 2019 yet!

    I'm depressed frankly because I see a real chance that the best we can hope for is getting a conservative/establishment Democrat controlled government. That would, of course, be better than what we have now. That said, as I've whined about mentioned before, I am severely low income, and with no real hope for the future. I've cited this situation as being something that makes a relationship highly unlikely, if not totally impossible. (Fortunately, I've been in a phase of not caring about if I ever have a relationship, which I discussed in February--which may be acceptance of the situation, or depression speaking.) And I don't see any reason to hope for this hypothetical government doing anything that will make things significantly better for people like me.

    I don't expect, of course, huge miracles...like the president mailing me a million dollar check. Although that would be nice! But it would be nice if we had a government that actually cared about people, and did reasonable things to make their lives better. Rather than the usual establishment Democratic approach of pretending to care, but being more interested in what the billionaire donors/corporations/military-industrial complex want. Things (some which benefit me, others that would benefit others at my level) like higher minimum wages. Affordable health care. Affordable education. And the like.

    Of course, I realize that, regardless of the 2020 election, it may be too late for me. From a view of relationships-- should I ever care again about having one--even if my finances improve, there is a very real likelihood that I will be a hard sell in the dating market since I won't have significant assets (like a house, good car, well funded retirement accounts).

    "It is what it is" I guess...but I still can't help but wish that things could somehow be different...
  2. Lin1

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    There are two things to tackle in your post.

    1) your fear regarding the upcoming election.
    2) your own vision of yourself and your worth.

    Regarding the election, while I dream of seeing the US becoming a country that actually value its citizens and help the most vulnerable, it's, I feel, unfortunately, unlikely to happen, not next year and probably not even in my lifetime.

    I think the problem regarding social help and the US goes beyond politics though, while I do agree that people like Trump make it 100 time worse, it's been clear that even when people want to do something about it (look at Obama) there is an intense push back and nothing gets done. It's partly because the US political system is a joke where who you have as a president and the party he is from barely matters (in the grand scheme of things) because the opposition often ironically have more voice than those people, but it's mostly because the US as a whole has a pretty egotistical mindset.

    I do believe that unfortunately a good chunk of the population (and not only rich folks) are against progress, I find most people don't want universal healthcare, nor do they want to close the gap between classes or lower university costs and even less have stricter gun laws to make this country safer. Plenty of the average Joe are content with the state of things and worse think it's "great" and that's terrifying to me.

    I find the US a very individualistic country who justifies its ridiculous lack of social support based on silly stereotypes (that have been proven to be unfounded) when the reality is that people here feel the only way for them to make it is to make sure they thrive more than the next person. I live in the Bay area so a very progressive city in many ways but also a very competitive one, with an appalling cost of life and a serious housing (and therefore homeless) crisis and a gentrification problem.
    NorCal is FILLED with liberals who preach about making the world a better place and want all the things you mention yet a lot of them are at the core of the problem.

    This goes beyond politics really but more towards the fact that Americans in general (at different scale of the economic and/or race/sexuality spectrum) refuse to acknowledge their privilege and give them up.

    That's why I don't feel I will see it in my lifetime (and I am early 20's) because you can change president every 4 years but it can take decades to change mentalities. It's 2019, we've been around for hundred of thousands of years, and only a handful of countries have made gay marriage a thing, I think that says it all.

    Now regarding your own dating life, I think you are way too harsh on yourself.

    Trump, to stay on the topic of the thread, has quite a good title, quite a lot of money, definitely a few houses and cars and assets and I would much rather gauge my eyes out than date him.

    You can be rich and be despicable or be dirt poor yet the most dateable man on earth.

    Is having a job, car, house seen as a plus when dating? Yes. Is it seen as an absolute necessity? No.

    I don't own a house, I don't own a car, I have a job but I wouldn't say I am anywhere close to being loaded, yet I have a fantastic life, and have zero problem dating because what I own or don't own doesn't define me. And I wouldn't want to date someone who would reduce me to that. What define me is what I do with what I have, how I treat people, what I believe or don't believe in, what I like, who I associate with and what I fight and don't fight for. Those are qualities that define me and give you an idea of the person I am, those are qualities I look at in a partner. Whether or not they own a house is not even on any kind of list I could have about a partner whatsoever.

    Stop reducing yourself to materialistic criterias and get yourself out there, you will find that you aren't quite as undatable as you believe you are and that the only one stopping you from dating is you.

    Good luck!
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  3. BMC77

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    Thanks for your post, Linning!

    You raise some good points in the first part. I guess I've long wished for things to be better, and yet don't expect to see that day arrive.

    As for me... I realize, of course, that money isn't everything. Something I should have mentioned earlier. But...I do think my circumstances are such that it is significant barrier to relationships. One problem is simply my age. It's one thing to be poor and struggling when one is 20-something. Particularly in this era when that is so common. But I'm nearly 50, and anyone close to my age is likely to be concerned about finances as retirement looms.

    Fortunately, though, due to either the wonders of acceptance or depression--maybe both--I don't really really care about relationships at this time...
  4. BMC77

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    One other thought... Past dating, whether or not I ever have any interest again, I'm just frankly tired of "just surviving"...