Creepy Theories and Creepy Pasta... o^e Let's discuss, shall we?

Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by Waffles, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    Pretty much. None of my housemates heard of them either, and I explained what they were just like that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    I told them to go read the BEN one (because most of them like Zelda too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)
  2. Waffles

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    Mar 18, 2012
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    For reals? :grin: Smart move: creep the daylights outta your roommates with these stories. XD
    I bet they'll LOVE BEN.
  3. HunterN95

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    Apr 20, 2012
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    Lol, I have a love/hate relationship with these stories too! I remember when I first read "Squidwards suicide" I was freaking out cause I thought it was real and I was mentally horrified for days. Since I know they are not true they scare me a lot less now though (!)
  4. Zaio

    Zaio Guest

    "Go to sleep"?

    What, 'Jeff the killer'? Yeah I actually had to sleep with the lights on for a whole week after reading that, while I am 15. It's so messed up because I KNOW it's not real, yet it still freaks me out so much, due to the part our minds that are unable to tell what we see from real or fake.

    The bit that gets me is how he supposedly doesn't even kill you at first, he just waits... Just waits and watches you sleep. THAT CREEPS ME OUT SO MUCH, that would be one of the first things going through my mind if I woke up and saw his face, "if he has been here this whole time, why am I not dead? What does he want?"

    'The Rake' creepypasta is also pretty creepy, the idea that it crawls into your room, watches you sleep, appears just a few tens of centimetres away from your face.

    Kk I gotta stop going on or I'm not going to sleep tonight :lol:

    EDIT: While 'Jeff the killer' is scary, I have to say I was laughing in stitches for about 10 minutes after seeing this
    #24 Zaio, Apr 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2012
  5. Waffles

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    Mar 18, 2012
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    @ Zaio
    Jeff the Killer is the reason why I didn't sleep at ALL last night. XD
    I was up that entire time watching anime and texting my friend who was like (dude, go to sleep). All I could imagine was the "go to sleep face" and I was like "OH HEYALLL NAW >:U"

    I've never heard of the Rake before... do I dare check it out? D:

    I agree. Squidwards suicide scared me senseless, and I was afraid of watching Spongebob after that because I thought Squidward would die in that episode. DX
    I'm glad that 95% of these aren't real, but DANG they really know how to scare a person. o^o
    My reaction to that was very similar to the MLP Fanfiction "Cupcakes"... *shivers*
  6. Zaio

    Zaio Guest

    Well I'll quote a bit that got me shaken up a bit from it here, then the link. If you don't like the quote I strongly advice not looking at the page, while it's not as scary as 'Jeff the killer' it is still pretty damn scary, actually it's DEFINITELY creepier.

    "At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. I used the moment to steal back the sheets, only to wake him in the process. I appologized and told him I though he got out of bed. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. He then grabbed me and said nothing.

    After adjusting to the dark for a half second, I was able to see what caused the strange reaction. At the foot of the bed, sitting and facing away from us, there was what appeared to be a naked man, or a large hairless dog of some sort. Its body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. For some reason, I was not instantly frightened by it, but more concerned as to its condition. At this point I was somewhat under the assumption that we were supposed to help him.

    My husband was peering over his arm and knee, tucked into the fetal position, occasionally glancing at me before returning to the creature.

    In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husband's face. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids' rooms.I screamed and ran for the lightswitch, planning to stop him before he hurt my children. When I got to the hallway, the light from the bedroom was enough to see it crouching and hunched over about 20 feet away. He turned around and looked directly at me, covered in blood. I flipped the switch on the wall and saw my daughter Clara.

    The creature ran down the stairs while my husband and I rushed to help our daughter. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. She said "he is the Rake".

    My husband drove his car into a lake that night, while rushing our daughter to the hospital. They did not survive."

    - That is just a bit of the quote, there is much more to it.

    The Rake - Creepypasta Wiki

    Warning - This can be pretty damn creepy, but here is an image of it.
    #26 Zaio, Apr 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2012
  7. Waffles

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    Mar 18, 2012
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    D: ... DANG IT. I knew I had a reason as to why I sleep with a gun and a golf club. XD
    If I EVER saw that in my room, I'd be like "NOPE" and shoot the thing.
    But now I kinda wanna read the full story... THE TEMPTATION! D:<

    But of ALL things... he's a RAKE. A RAKE.
    I hear rake and I think "la la la gotta do some yard work~ :grin:", not a creepy naked bloody figure with a scary-ass face. XD
  8. Rosina

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    A few people
    What is this, how have I not known about this!? :confused: I didn't clock until half way through The Russian Sleep Experiment that this stuff is fiction. Christ, that still had me a little rattled though. I'm tempted to read some of this when I'm not required to be working, but crumbs, had I known this stuff was around sooner, I'd have been one very happy (and scared) bunny xD
  9. King

    King Guest

    You make me wanna look it up :frowning2:

    P.S. The BEN story is fake. Sorry to ruin the fun, although I did watch the video before researching it... SO CRAZY, OHMYGOD.
  10. Lark

    Lark Guest

    Feb 23, 2012
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    I love and hate these stories at the same time.

    I'll look one up and be all 'Oh HELL naw' and terrify myself for a few nights, but still go back to them a few weeks later.

    I know what happens in BEN, but I just can't bring myself to watch it o-o

    Russian Sleep Experiment was...interesting. o.o

    ohhhh godd must not look up go to sleep face...
  11. HunterN95

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    Apr 20, 2012
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    I read some of cupcakes, it was quite morbid! Try this one on for size:

    White With Red
    A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed.

    The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to.

    This disinclination saved his life. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red.

    At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, “Did you look through the keyhole?” The man told her that he had and she said, “Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red.”
  12. Lark

    Lark Guest

    Feb 23, 2012
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    I lurve that story, it makes for epic ghost stories. I've freaked out pretty much everyone I know with it (I have a knack for storytelling)

    Cupcakes is possibly the most disturbed thing ever. I had no idea MLP could be so twisted...
  13. HunterN95

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    Apr 20, 2012
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    I first saw WWR a few days ago. I loved it :3 Another, more macabre one...

    Wet mail

    You were out of town for the weekend. When you came back to your apartment, your mailbox was stuffed full. At least 30 letters. Letters with no return address, several of them felt soggy and heavy, as though they were recently wet, or perhaps contained a liquid. All of the letters have your name and address written on them, and many of them had your name scratched all over them in red in. They don't smell nice, they smell like rotting meat and old garbage and you're reluctant to take them back to your room, but curiosity gets the better of you.

    So you manage to cart them all back to your room, you dump them in your kitchenette sink because you don't want them smelling up the rest of the apartment. You grab one that doesn't seem damp and isn't covered with writing, and open it up. There's pictures inside. Pictures of people you don't know, with their eyes torn out, teeth missing, unhinged jaws hanging open, throats ripped out. You're horrified and yet you can't help but wonder what's in the rest of the letters. You open more, and more to discover increasingly gruesome photos of dead people. Piles of bodies with limps missing, splayed open corpses on operating tables with their vital organs removed, hanged bodies that have been gutted and bled dry. Some of the soggy letters had blood and other fluids in them. The more letters you open, the more you notice that not all of the people are strangers. Some of them were people you see at work, others people you went to high school with. By the time you get to the last few letters, the pictures are of the mutilated bodies of your close friends and family members.

    Eventually you reach the last letter. You don't want to know what's in it, but it's not like you have a choice now. You peel the letter open, and it's a picture of yourself. Not dead, eyes intact, no limbs missing. It's a picture of you entering your apartment building earlier that day, shortly before you collected your disgusting letters. As you hear a door elsewhere in your apartment open, you black out.

  14. Messed Up

    Messed Up Guest

    I don’t know if this counts but have you ever heard of the theory that the Smurfs were the KKK? All wear long pointy white hats and have one matriarch- Smurfette while the eldest/leader wears a pointy red cap (Papa Smurf)?
  15. HunterN95

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    Apr 20, 2012
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    Smurfs: Aryan Puppets or Harmless Cartoon Toys?

    Part of me wishes you would have never brought this up lol. I am both intrigued and very, VERY disturbed :confused:
  16. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    I KNOW, RIGHT?! It's just like... I pretty much made this face reading the first one: :eek:

    Also, I think my housemates and I are going to read these tomorrow night. Together. So hopefully it'll be less scary, but still hilarious and fun. In our creepy basement of course!

    Any I should avoid that would actually keep us up for the night (besides Go To Sleep face)?
  17. HunterN95

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    Apr 20, 2012
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    Ugh, I've come across some AWFUL cartoon "Conspiracy theories".

    The children of Ed Edd n Eddy are all trapped in purgatory, which explains why there are no adults.

    "Nowhere" the city from courage the cowardly dog is actually hell, which explains why it is inhabbited with so many killers/monsters/demons.

  18. Waffles

    Full Member

    Mar 18, 2012
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    It's not "fake"... it's a hack. :3
    But a very eerie hack none the less. XD
    Though there ARE some glitches in the game (without hacks) that are still pretty scary. ._.

    The "White and Red" story... I didn't get it at first.
    But I'll admit... it's kinda creepy. XD

    And the "Wet Letter" story.
    That's kinda creepy and morbid as opposed to scary. XD

    All in all, these stories really know how to mess with your mind and emotions. XD
  19. Zaio

    Zaio Guest

    His hands are shaped like rakes, to claw the victims and gouge their eyes out.

    Here's a little parting gift for you :lol: amazing scene from woman in black - YouTube

    You're 17, I'm sure you will be fine :wink: All it is, is a person whos face was supposedly burned while he was covered in bleach and vodka, the vodka caused his eyelids to burn off, his nose to burn off and the sides of his mouth to be enlarged, while his light hair scorched into a dark colour. The bleach caused his skin and part of his eyes to turn white.

    Google Image Result for
  20. HunterN95

    Full Member

    Apr 20, 2012
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    I looked at the picture, if it's real it is not scary, but sad!