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Confusing Friendship

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by TheEd1996, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. TheEd1996

    Regular Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Puerto Rico
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all

    I’m a bisexual college student studying for a bachellors degree.

    Most of my life I’ve been closeted but in a recent turn of events I went out with a guy to see a movie (just like friends),well actually the group that was going bailed on us but he sill wanted to go so the two of us went.

    Before that he was always friendly with me, sometimes I catch him stealing glances at me, he’s really nice, he has told a lot of personal stuff and recently I told him the story of when I was molested by another neighbor (I moved on from that) but I got scared because I thought he might think I’m a bisexual because of that but he told me that nothing was going to change our friendship.

    Another thing is that the first day of class out of nowhere he started a conversation with me. We’ve gone with the group to eat but another day he wanted to go just the two of us with a friend (girl) of ours and her cousin. That same night the four of us were talking and he told her “You need to treat your boyfriends correctly so they don’t leave” , he said that with a smile looking directly at me.

    He smiles a lot when he sees me. And acts weird and shy when he sees me. He’s told me that he doesn’t think being gay, bisexual, lesbian, etc is not something wrong.

    He comes from a rich family but he’s really humble and has 11 brothers and sisters. His dad is the owner of a ranch.

    After we went to the movies that day the next week we saw the movie again but with the group of friends and we went to a bar after. The next day the group planned to go to the movies again and then went to a bar. He told me by text that he was not going to be able to go. After the movie the group told me to invite him to the bar so I did but he didn’t respond.

    After that I gave him his space and texted him four days later because the group was going on vacation to an apartment for three days and my car broke down so I wanted to see if I could go with him to which he said “I’m not sure I’m going but I’ll text you tomorrow” the other day came and I never got the text so I had to call a friend really late to see if I could go with her the next morning.

    After does three days I decided to invite him to a basketball game but he told me “sorry can’t go because this summer I’m working from Monday to Sunday and I get out late”. I thought it was a lie but he’s a farmers son so ¿who knows?

    One day I had so much going on that I had a meltdown via the groups whatsapp chat and I deleted him from his only social account in Snapchat. After that we’ve only spoken one day and it was a really short conversation.

    Its been really hard for me because even if I’ve likes guys before (also liked a ton of girls). He’s the first one that’s made me consider coming out. We’ve only known each other for months but I feel like I’ve known him my entire life but I’m scared because I think I damaged things beyond repair. Now we barely speak and I really like him.

    What should I do???
    Should I move on???