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Coming close

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Andstillimhere7, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Andstillimhere7

    Regular Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Somewhere, USA
    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out Status:
    All but family
    I would love to come out and say it to the world but for me it's so difficult because I would always be scared or my body stops. For example my heart palpitates or i breath heavily, but sometimes I would be okay with it but I don't want to say it out of context. When is the appropriate time to comeout and where?

    There have been a few times in my life where I would come close to coming out, but either forget to or didn't want to has anyone done the same thing? And there was this one time where my friend said that no one here is gay then I responded that I was bi actually, but she took as a joke cause I kid a lot.
  2. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Northern Hemisphere
    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Hi there! It can be hard to let go of your fears and feel comfortable with coming out. But know that every time your try, you are coming closer. It is too bad that your friend took your coming out as a joke; more than likely, it would have given you a confidence boost if the reaction would have been different.

    What might help is if you think about one friend to whom you would like to come out to. A friend that you can trust, and know will listen. Once you know to whom you want to come out to, stand in front of a mirror and say out loud: "I want to come out to [Name]" and gauge how you feel.

    It is okay if you start feeling nervous, or feel something is amiss. Take a deep breath and give yourself some more time. After a few days, try it again.

    Sometimes, and as it has already happened, opportunities will present themselves, where you might feel 'this is the right moment.' Your instincts will be a good indicator of when is a good moment to come out. Try to listen to them, and take it one person at a time. :slight_smile:
  3. ilovemylife

    Regular Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Philadelphia, PA
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    I definitely agree with Mirko. I only just started to come out and started by coming out to a friend that I am very comfortable with. I even had a list going and crossed off people's names if I didn't feel comfortable around them. There is no real perfect time. It's just when you feel comfortable with who you are. Find a close friend and get one on one. That's when you bring it up.

    There have been countless times where I wanted to come out to someone, but backed out the last second. When I finally found the perfect person to come out to, I made the decision ahead of time and told myself each day beforehand. I looked at everything good that will happen because of it. I saw how happy I would actually be. Minutes before I said the words, I was trembling like crazy. Thought about backing out again. Took a deep breath and just did it. Afterwards, I felt like a problem of mine was solved. The worst part was over.

    Don't rush it. Come out as you feel comfortable. Sadly, some people may think it's a joke, but that's where you just seriously tell them it's not. I wish you the best of luck!
  4. treasureisland

    Regular Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    I like your "imaginary friends" under out status. Creative! :slight_smile: As for coming out, i's perfectly normal to be anxious and nervous, and even EXTREMELY anxious, like you seem to be describing. There is no "perfect" time to come out. That said, you seem to be comfortable with the idea of coming out and not too afraid of repercussions. That said, maybe the right time to come out will come along. I hope it goes smoothly and good luck!