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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by GoodOlMe, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. BILL9854

    Regular Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    England, Leeds
    Sexual Orientation:
    When I came out to one of my friends he actually thought I was joking for a whole day untill I finally convinced him I was serious lol...
    A couple of friends I'd known a few years longer said the only reason they'd ever suspected I was gay was because I had never had a real relationship and I had the chance to so many times in school but always turned them down...
    I love rock music, I swear far too much, I look after my personal hygiene but live in a mess, or 'clutter' as I like to call it.
    I think my only camp quality is that most of my close friends are girls, but then again I know straight guys with lots of female friends.
    I like to think I'm not a stereotype, I hate the phrase 'average joe' because no one is average really, everyone is unique, but I guess I'm pretty average lol
  2. Double Dubya

    Full Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    I am always dressed like I’m going to an interview. I suppose you could say that I was metro because my eyebrows are just right, and I always have the perfect amount of mousse in my hair. For me, showing up in jeans is equivalent to someone being in their jahmmies (PJs). I am only seventeen, but I have been mistaken for a teacher/substitute several times this year, once this morning. I don’t really fit into any specified bracket because I’m not butch, femmy, artsy, etc. I am very private and professional so no one really knows too much about me to even begin guessing my orientation. People just assume that I am straight and actually I hear that I have a little “heirum (sp?)” of female followers. I tend to get along with girls better then guys. In grades K-6 there were 5 boys and 23 girls in my class so I usually side with the girls in fights and discussions. I guess that if I had to find a classification it would be the philosophical, in touch with his feelings, metro, straight acting gay guy.
  3. jman77

    Regular Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    Long Island
    Sexual Orientation:
    i actually asked someone this recently and they said "the rich preppy jock".... great huh but i guess i am one of the people you would least expect to be bi. i am a jock, play sports year round but i am not stupid. i would say i am the "trying to live up to siblings preppy jock" lol i think i do have slight A.D.D. because my friends said they think too and my parents i can constantly moving and i cant stay on one subject for long but o well... everyone knows me stuff like that but i wont be exclusive with one group of people. also have slight O.C.D. cant stand stuff thats messy... messes me up lol and the number six bothers me idk why lol. i guess people look at me what to wear, do, all that and what not... though it is kind of wierd when they ramdomly say "can i just touch you please?" lol
  4. Qu_

    Qu_ Guest

    "Oh, he's that kid with the camaro right? He's really well dressed" is how I've heard I've been described. I happen to be friends with everybody in a way...from the varsity cheer captain to the frumpy girl that doesn't fit in. As for stereo-types: I keep up with style, have better taste than most of my female friends, straighten my hair, hate being dirty, gossip, and hang out with mostly females.
  5. Zec24

    Full Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    Wow, I guess I'll be the first girl to post. I'm not sure anyone could really classify me as anything. I do find that I fit a lot of the lesbian stereotypes, but that stuff gets hidden by my quiet, laid back demeanor. For example, I cuss like a sailor, I have no sense of style, I'll play just about any sport (played rugby freshman year of college), I love sports cars and racing games, I don't wear skirts I prefer power suits. If I had my way I'd wear jeans and my brooklyn t-shirt every day, and I refuse to wear make-up. Yet, no one has ever pegged me for being gay. I make friends with just about everyone I meet. I guess the fact that I'm quiet until you really get to know me helps to hide my "inner lesbian". My friends have classified me as a sporty/casual dresser. I wouldn't necessarily label myself a butch or a femme for that matter, I guess I'm somewhere in between.