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Can I trust anyone?

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by Vikki, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. Vikki

    Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2023
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    So I've mentioned previously that I met a women, a police officer and we had a good rapport.. unfortunately she couldn't stay in touch due to her role.
    Despite this I still like her...

    She became involved due to a neighbour dispute...

    The neighbours caused problems and they got an abatement notice. The council the landlord and the police were all involved but didn't do anything about the problems.
    The only thing they can do was move me in my family.

    However I didn't want to move as I had lived in my property seven years at that time.. these new neighbours had only been there six months.
    Class with the housing crisis and all the energy issues and bills etc it was ridiculous to think I should have bear the financial burden to.

    I Continued to complain to the landlord and they told us to go to the council. (As per advice as it was all I could do) The council refuse to investigate specifics because we had been bumped up to move and they were just waiting for us really.

    So while the landlord, the council and police were having various joint meetings I was still experienced in the malicious ASB behaviour from the neighbours.

    We almost captured a breach on the council equipment in December 21 but the council downplayed it and decided it was nothing.
    The landlord did some tests on the building which came back as a pass, therefore the class every noise as household noise.

    The malicious behaviour began again shortly after these tests in may 22. All of the agencies were still involved and the problems continued.

    The council told us to use their equipment again but I didn't see any point as I landlord kept talking to the neighbours and interfering almost siding with them and supporting them.

    We have the equipment and it came back and nothing. The neighbour in the summer touched our electric meter box.. the police gave them a warning.

    Everything else was downplayed but the problems continued 24/7. It was malicious ASB where they purposely would bang and put their music on ridiculously now but on and off so it wasn't on for long. Car in a property walked in front of our Windows meet faces camera to the fingers up.
    Chuck keys at the window so they could walk across the front of the property... Turned up bins upside down tried to kick in all gate.

    The neighbour tried to kick in the front door and I called 999 and no one showed up. The police at the investigated but apparently there was no witnesses even though you can see the neighbour who kicked in the door talking to our other neighbor on our camera. As we didn't have audio they got all slap on the wrist.

    Anyway... I attempted suicide in October 22. I took a bunch of sleeping tablets.

    Unfortunately I survived.

    After this I gave up reporting anything. But another neighbour carried on reporting and we got the retaliation from the problem neighbors as they thought it was me.
    Then the neighbours reported us for noise issues and we had a letter from the landlord. It was another joke.

    The hospital told me that I should move... I didn't want to be around at all. I didn't want to go for over 2 years worth of hell just to have to be forced to move.

    I broke up with my partner of 18 years in December 22. In January he was offered another property and had assistance from the council housing department. He moved to March 23.

    I have kill myself but I went to the hospital. They told me to take some antidepressants and go see my GP.
    I told my family in March about what had happened and they weren't happy. I was supposed to stay with them after the breakup with my partner but my stepmum didn't want me and my dad's.
    I'm currently sofa surfing at the moment that various family members who don't really know about everything just I've split up.

    The only advice I can be given is to raise a complaint against the organisation regarding their service. Everybody's against me so it's hard fighting a lost cause apparently.

    I have requested my data access from these companies to see what they were doing over the last couple of years.

    All I can see in the data is some of my reports, various multi agency emails about meetings they had, some mention about my mental health that it's very vague. Most of it is about closing the anti social behaviour case and moving.

    Both organisations have provided me their first response in they have not failed in any level of service.

    I doubt this will change with the second level.

    I can also see emails from the police from this woman I like. I get it's her job and she stayed involved... But she didn't need to.

    I can only see partial emails that she sent to the landlord and council in joint emails.
    Clearly she is being friendly... When I read the email it's like she's a different person compared to my experience of seeing her and talking to her in real life.
    I sent her emails and I didn't realize she had sent them on to these other agencies which kind of hurts.
    The last time I saw her was on the 10th of March when I gave her a gift. I told her that I had split up my partner as conversations go. I can see in the email she sent to these agencies that she referenced that. I didn't realise my personal life was anyone's business.

    I struggle to trust people anyway... I really liked her and I got the impression that she liked me to. She was different when I saw her this year compared to dealing with the neighbour problem.

    Do you think that she was just using me to get me on side?

    She found out that this move had gone ahead in February 22 from the landlord. She emailed me about it and I emailed her back. Email was mainly about my personal life and how I didn't want to move...
    She offered to meet for coffee if I thought it would help...

    I met her coffee shop out of uniform and although we did bring up the property and the neighbours once.. majority of the time we were talking about each other.
    She was so different that day compared to being in her police role with body cameras etc

    After reading through the data and how eager everybody was to make sure we moved... Anyone seemed to care about rather than resolving in the issues.

    I can't tell if she was being sincere or not?

    When it's long but anyone has any advice or any questions maybe it might help.
    I just don't know how I feel anymore and I just question if everyone's like this?
  2. Really

    Full Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Hey there. That’s all really rough. I hope things start to turn around real soon for you. Have you accessed any mental health support? Your GP to get referred? Or even a crisis line if that’s taking too long. You need help now so you can navigate all this without having to resort to hurting yourself. That’s not something anyone wants.

    As for your police officer, I’m afraid it just sounds like she’s doing her job. Covering all her bases and maybe even going the extra mile keeping in touch with you in your vulnerable state, it probably seems like she’s giving you more than she actually is. Make no mistake, it’s great she’s treating you kindly but you shouldn’t take it as anything other than that. Even if she liked you like that, I’m 100% sure it’s against the rules to get involved with someone they’ve dealt with on a professional level. You need to look elsewhere for this kind of companionship.

    Is there an lgbt resource centre near you? Maybe check it out for both support services and social activities.
    Good luck!
  3. Vikki

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    Apr 2, 2023
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    Thanks for your reply.

    My GP knew of the problems since 2019. I was referred to the CMHT in Feb 2021 and they told me to deal with my housing situation alone and unsupported.
    My GP couldn't care less... I even cc'd in my GP surgery into an email I had sent to my landlord, council and police as no one believed me.
    GP suggested I switch to another surgery.

    The GP surgery didn't help after my overdose either. The CMHT said it was my neighbours causing the problem and once I move I would be cured.

    I moved to a different surgery. I was referred back to he CMHT in June 23 but they I don't meet their criteria. They said go back to italk or the well being centre.

    I was discharged from Italk in June and I go to the well being centre. I see my new GP regularly but he can't help me.
    I am still trying to deal with everything that led to my overdose. As I appear normal (because I am) I am discriminated against. I can send emails so my request for reasonable adjustments like a phone call is ignored. As I speak normally I am judged as nothing wrong with me.
    Unfortunately I'm still facing the same problems with people ignoring me.

    It's disappointing about the police women. She isn't very trustworthy as she didn't believe me. She claimed I denied any threats of self harm which is untrue. I recorded our conversations so I can prove that she didn't listen to me.

    Police officers don't really act like that and they certainly don't stay involved as long as they did. Maybe it was just a different type of case that she hadn't dealt with before and it fascinated her?

    I'm sure police officers can't get involved with members of the public, but it wouldn't stop them if they wanted to.
    I still like her anyway... It's sad to think I was used just to fulfill her job.

    I have looked at LGBT community around the area but it's hard when I'm sofa surfing and dealing them with all this other stuff.
    I have spoken to some people on a couple of apps and I still talk to them every now and again.
    Someone suggested pen palling so I am looking into that.

    Thanks for reply.