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Came very close to death in a car accident today

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by HuskyPup, May 7, 2015.

  1. HuskyPup

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    Jun 7, 2013
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    I'm in a state of numb shock right now...I was driving down 95S in the second to right late, and near 212 this semi nipped the rear of the car, or a tire blew out, or both, and suddenly, I had lost all control, and careened across both the other two of four lanes of traffic and then onto that green part in the middle, up and over this hill and onto the other side and it seemed like I was going 10 times as fast as I was and all I could think was: I am going to die, the cars going to slide all the way into the northbound lanes, or I'm going to flip over but luckily I eventually came to a stop, and am shaken, but nothing is broken. I managed to walk away, so to speak. I should probably go to the dr and get checked out, though. The car was towed to some lot where I'll pay later, if it's fixable, not really sure, and depends what they decide, if the truck merging hit me, or nor, I don't really know. So I'm all shaky still, and the smell of burnt rubber seems to be lingering about, and mainly, I'm worried about how to pay for this (whatever this 'this' turns out to be) and rent/storage/bills...the financial implications, which are probably short term, are hitting me...I can get to work via the train/bus; in fact, I actually think that will be good for a while. But I think this is a sign I need to stop this crazy, dangerous commute.

    Anyway, I'm alive. I don't know how I avoided hitting either another car, or a tree, or flipping into the other lanes, but it is strange to have come so close to death. I've never felt this before & certainly death is something morbid poets think about all the time, but to have had such a close brush with it is hard to describe. My arm hurts from clutching the steering wheel so hard, and also the bumpiness I guess, I think I'll be very sore later. I guess I should go to the clinic on campus, just to have them check things? There don't seem to be any bruises, at least yet, which is odd. I guess just mainly jostling???? I mean, I was going quite fast (65 is fast, for me), and even though I feel 'OK', maybe there is something I am not feeling that is wrong?

    I am also scared for another reason: My license had expired (long story, could make another post, but for silly reasons, nothing scandalous), so I have a ticket, plus I have to appear in court... I'm a little scared, 'cause of the no license thing...gotta appear in court, and am 'charged with a crime'...this is new...I hope this doesn't mean I'll have a criminal record, and not be able to get a job? Guess I will have to worry about that later; there's also a normal ticket, that part is not so much the worrisome matter. Well, nobody died, and I'm alive, so it could be worse.

    A co-worker came and gave me a ride, which was very kind, so I am at work now, sitting at my desk, just trying to calm down. (It was closest to come here, because I was almost at work, and will take a bus/train home). But my God, I've never felt this weird.

    What's funny, is I hope I can still 'honor' my reservations at that fur-con we were planning on going to, which was to be our first con, end of May...I sure hope we can still go, I know it's the last thing to worry about, yet I get sad, thinking of how long we've been planning/hoping for it.

    OK, think I'll go over to that campus medical center, just to be safe, my head is all messed up and spinning from this,

  2. greatwhale

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    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hey HP,

    I'm so sorry this happened to you! You are doing the right thing by getting yourself checked out.

    It's not morbid to think of what it is you could have lost; consider this an occasion to reflect on all the things you still have that could have been lost. Consider this a deep occasion for gratitude and for feeling that much more alive.

    Your other problems are relatively trivial, focus on taking care of yourself first, the rest will happen as it must.
  3. HuskyPup

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    Jun 7, 2013
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    Thanks, Greatwhale. Right now, I'm just so thankful to be alive. I mean, I never came that close...the other thing is that in 12 years of communing, I have seen a lot of really bad accidents, where people are less lucky, and it makes me feel sad for them. Or some find of empathy? This is hard to express.

    But I wasn't drunk or texting or on a phone, just doing a basic 60 MPH going to work in a library, listening to NPR.

    It also reminds that it's important to drive safely; even so, things can happen, but don't force the hand of chance.

    OK, gonna head to that clinic,


  4. PatrickUK

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    Agree with GreatWhale. Just focus on sorting yourself out right now HP. While you are in a state of shock (as you likely are) you don't want to be considering the wider issues and implications. Get checked out, give yourself time to rest and recover, then think about the other "stuff" when you are calm.

    Pleased you are not hurt.
  5. Im Hazel

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    Mar 4, 2015
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    Jeez, I'm glad that you're safe. I was hit by a car a few weeks ago, and I'm still a bit scared of roads. It's really horrible to be around dangerous drivers. (My accident was my fault, btw.)
  6. HappyGirlLucky

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    Wow! I'm glad you're OK! It's things like these that remind me that any troubles in my life aren't really anything to get worked up about. Life can change in the blink of an eye. I'm glad you're getting checked out, and I hope everything is fine. (*hug*)

    Did you ever see a doctor after your accident? It's a really good idea, even if everything seems OK. A friend of a friend was recently in a car accident (not her fault, she was hit by a kid who had just got his license and was texting while driving) and she appeared to be fine. A month later she got really sick and fatigued and couldn't even do simple things like cook for herself. It turned out she sustained an injury that caused her brain to swell. There can also be other damage that isn't immediately apparent.
  7. QueerTransEnby

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    Always get checked out. My brother got rear-ended nearly two years ago to the day by a kid going 60 mph while stopped at a red light, and he didn't have pain until the day after. Although he briefly lost consciousness, he felt ok the day it happened. His spine is out of alignment, but my brother refuses to apply for disability or sue due to his extreme anxiety and agorophobia(sp?).
  8. Michael

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    Even if we don't know each other that much.... (*hug*) + what I told you.
  9. Im Hazel

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    Mar 4, 2015
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    HappyGirlLucky, I went in an ambulance, and they said that I was fine, just bruised. I was struck on the hip, and the car ran over my foot. I then fell onto my knees and hands before scrambling to the other side. I am fine now, and I don't think I will have injuries like that. Thanks for the concern.

    And sorry to HuskyPup, for posting offtopic like this in his thread. :slight_smile:
  10. HuskyPup

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    Jun 7, 2013
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    @Im Hazel, thanks. It is weird, I've had a lot of anxiety about driving these past years, and have never really liked it...now, like you said, I think I'm going to be a bit afraid of roads for a while, but then again, it's going to take some time to save up for another car, here. (bad credit, so I gotta save up cash for a used one). And no worries for posting about your own injuries and experiences here...makes me feel less alone, and I hope you've made a good recovery.

    @HappyGirlLucky & Biguy8: Yep, went and got checked out. Thought it was wise, and like you say, I have heard that if you don't, and complications do arise, it can be an issue. But they say I seem physically OK; to plan on being ahcy the next several days, and call/stop in of there's any big/sudden changes. I think right now, it's the mental part. Oddly, I usually see my therapist today, and he was nice enough to have a session on the phone, which helped.

    @Micheal, Patrick and everyone here, thanks, this has been one of the weirdest days of my life, and one that also makes me think of how fragile things are.

    Edit: This also reminds me that I don't want to become a stunt-man! Or even ride roller-coasters, at least for a little while.
    #10 HuskyPup, May 7, 2015
    Last edited: May 7, 2015