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Brother and Sister

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by xyc, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. xyc

    Regular Member

    Apr 17, 2005
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    Well, nobody's posted much for coming out stories lately so I guess I will.

    Simply: I came out to my brother who is a few years older than me a few days before Christmas 2005; my second coming-out.

    He was visiting me in my apartment and we just had some fun, talked, etc. and then we were at my apartment and basically gonna go home to our parent's house the next morning. It kept getting later and later and I was just going to tell him. But couldn't. I bridged into it with some gay conversations, but to no avail. Suddenly, he said 'Okay, i'm goin' to bed' and he went. So, I lost my chance.

    I stayed up that night, pacing for 45 minutes and thinking (I timed, it actually since I started at exactly 12:00 or something). Then, I went into my spare room (where my brother was sleeping) and said I needed to talk. He got up uncomfortably. I said stupid things involving my friend who I told was probably gay (before I knew he was gay and then my bf). Then, I made my brother come with me into the living room and sit on the couch.

    There, I couldn't find a way to bridge into it... so I just said it. He was immediately 'That's fine.' And, I can't remember much of what he said still, but it was all very fine and patient and good. I felt SO good immediately afterwards. It was very hard to say, but worth it. It was good. I also had pamphlets about being gay ('not a choice', etc.) and such that he could look at if he wanted, but he said 'No' he understands and everything.

    Since then, he's been incredible. Things haven't really changed... same friendship with my brother and same jokes and no awkwardness mostly. It's amazing. He's also a great support. I'm going to live with him in an apartment next year so I'm happy he's so fine with it.

    Sister: my sister who lives many hours away flew to visit me and our parents a few weeks ago. She didn't stay for long and it was a fairly hectic visit. I tried to come out to her, and only got one short chance. I asked my brother if I should and he said 'Yes, tell her and Mom. They'll both be fine.'

    So, I went to tell my sister... but found that my mother had come home earlier than expected. So, I never did get a chance and she still doesn't know. However, she has said some strange things... at first I worried my brother told her, but he said he didn't. I think she's likely guessed, but that's fine.

    I'm going to visit her this summer and live there for two or three weeks, so I think I'd like to try telling her then. Or, does anybody think that's a bad risk because if she takes it badly I'd have to try to get money to take the bus back here and such.

    So, that's the newest with me. I plan on telling sister for more support this summer. Then, I'm planning to tell my parents (mother, really) sometime from September - December of this year (when I'm in first-year university) and I'll hopefully have a good brother and sister to support me. Then, I'm gonna try to live 'out' basically after that depending on how things go.

    Coming out to bro was amazing. I feel better about myself than ever before. If you're close to your sibling and they seem open-minded, definitely do it. :eusa_danc