Being gay isn't a bad thing... or is it??

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by thatdude90, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. thatdude90

    Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Straight but curious
    So here's my story....
    Since I was 8 years old and I had these homosexual I got older, these feelings became stonger and stronger...there are two things that make me questioning myself (why don't I just come out and be who I wanna be?)...
    First, being gay isn't accepted by the society... They are so hateful to the LGBT society.... Like when I hear some of my friends hating on gay people, making jokes... Etc
    Secondly, I wanna have a chance with a woman, have children and live a straight life
    It just sucks to be a person who can't just live as he wants
    By the way I'm attracted to men more that women but staying up all night thinking about the right and the wrong makes me uncomfortable with who I am
  2. Invidia

    Invidia Guest

    Mar 23, 2015
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    Far above the clouds, gazing deep below the Earth
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    Love is never an evil. Neither is sex, for that matter. There are many great people on this site who can help you with this; and if I can give you a hopefully valuable piece of advice, I'd tell you to get as much help as you can and to sort this out; because the general trend is that not living out your true self, no matter how comfortable it may be to hide your subjectively embarrassing traits, isn't worth it in terms of happiness and you'll feel worse for it.

    May I ask, also, if you're gay or bi with a preference for men, what makes you so intent on living a straight life? One good question to ponder is whether that's your own sincere wish or society wishing for you.
  3. OutofZCloset

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    Mar 30, 2016
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    If you are attracted to men more than women stop fighting it and learn how to get comfortable with yourself.

    On second thought you are from Beirut....that might change my mind.
  4. Sigtu12034

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    Apr 17, 2016
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    Accept yourself.. Being gay is all right. Im gay and im coming out and everyone is accepting me. And hey! Im from beirut too :lol: (rare to find someone else from lebanon :lol: ) . There is nothing wrong with being gay if you were born that way. In lebanon, gays are kind of common and our community is fairly accepting. Nowadays, homosexuality is usually accepted by the society. You might be bi, you might be gay, figure it out and be yourself. Just dont give a shit about the people who dont accept you for who you are. You can also come out to your friends if you find yourself gay or bi since that will help a lot if they support you, and if not, then they were never your friends. However, you still might be straight unless you know that you prefer guys or like both genders.
    #4 Sigtu12034, Apr 23, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
  5. Sigtu12034

    Full Member

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Oh and you dont need to think if its right or wrong. It depends what your religion says id guess you're muslim or christian, but since im christian im gonna give a christian example. So the bible says no to homosexuality. That was about 2000 years ago. Now you wanna be straight like everyone else but you cant? Thats because gays are born gay and its not a choice. You could force yourself to marry a girl maybe who you dont really like, but you won't really live a happy life if you prefer men. Logically, since i believe there is a god(my opinion/ religon), and we were born that way, that means god made us that way and how could he be against this if we cant choose our sexuality. For example, black people were born black and god made them thay way. Same thing, just skin color and sexuality. All in all, religiously, it cant be wrong. Now socially, it isnt wrong either, its just different, rare. And as i said in the previous post, people these days are getting more and more accepting. We are lucky to be born in these days, there were gays born in the old days when everyone was against it. However, you dont have to come out now. First you should accept yourself if you prefer men. Think about what i said previously in this message... NOTHING IS WRONG WITH HOMOSEXUALITY. When you think you are ready, you should just come out, like i did. I go to a non-religious school (international) in lebanon and all my friends were really accepting except one. I stopped talking to her since if she doesnt accept me for my sexuality, then she was never really a true friend.

    Thanks :lol: