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apartment hunting as ftm

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by earthlvr510, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. earthlvr510

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    So im planning on going back to a new school in the fall and be living off campus and was wondering if anyone had tips on bringing up the trans topic with potential roommates. I've only been on hormones for about three weeks so im at the point were im totally out and demand male pronouns and such but also don't entirely "pass" yet. Im going up to see an apartment today that a friend put me on to. I've met one of the people that lives there through that friend and im pretty sure she knows that im trans but ive never met the other two roommates. Whats the best way to broach that topic? Because roommates is different than telling friends in class or something, I have to go in and be like "hey, I don't know you at all but here's this big crazy personal thing going on that you will have to deal with". How do I make sure that they really know what im talking about and wont just say there ok and then sandbag me?
  2. Opture

    Regular Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
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    Out to everyone
    Maybe a pamphlet like this one could help?

    Or like one of my friends puts it when he has to get the job done simply and quickly: "I was born in a female body, but with a male brain. That made/makes me really unhappy so I am transitioning to become more comfortable in my body, so it matches up with my brain. Please call me ____ and by male pronouns."