I wanted to do a qna because I love talking with people and also get them to know me better so ask me anything and I will answer
Ognjen.....I see no reason not to do a QNA if you want to. The only thing you would need to be careful of is posting any information that could identify you. EC is very careful about keeping it's members anonymous for the safety of the members. Other than that, go for it! For instance...I play many instruments and am also a vocalist. I was a teacher for over 40 years and have a soft spot in my heart for kids. I have three sons and nine grandkids, 6 boys and 3 girls. My kitty cat's name is Biscuit and you can see photos of her on my album here on EC. All of that info is actually already here on EC, so there is no danger of me being identified by mentioning it here. I think we could get to know each other better without giving away any identifying information...we just need to be careful. Oh...and I like to play Pinochle! .....David
So this is cheating a little but they're related so I'm gonna ask two. What's your favourite food? and does Serbia have any interesting dishes?
I have two favorite foods actally, first one i lasagna and second one Is meatballs in tomato sauce We don't have some really interesting ones but we have some really Good ones, we Got sarma wich Is like cabage stuffed with grinded meat, it's really good