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Am I bisexual?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Squish, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. Squish

    Regular Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Hey, im hoping I can get some advice with some things I've been struggling with.
    So basically I was in a relationship with a guy for 4 years (which is long considering I'm only 18), and during this time I was with him I was this 'straight girl'. However I started to feel confused and I broke up with him because I said I wanted to figure out who I was. This kinda led to me questioning a lot of things, and doing a lot of stupid things and experience a lot of anxiety which I'm beginning to work past.
    Recently I've been looking at girls more, which all started when I watched a coming out video and I felt as if a lightbulb went off and I had this moment of realisation. I look at girls and I notice how cute they are, I notice there faces more,the way they smile at me and I cannot help but just smile at the thought of being with a girl, holding her in my arms and protecting her, it makes me happy. I am struggling to understand what this means, and I just want to be sure of how I feel because I've only ever been with guys and I've grown up in an environment with a mother who has always critised and thought bisexuals were just greedy and I really am struggling with the whole concept of it all. I am attracted to guys and I think girls but I feel a strong attraction to transgender males. What does this mean I am?
    Hope someone can help :slight_smile::slight_smile:
  2. greeneyes

    Full Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Hello! Sounds like you don't have it all figured out yet but you're getting there. Don't worry about the stigma, just try it! I would also not worry too much about labels. If you feel like a label is empowering and like a lightbulb moment, then use it. If it's just confusing and doesn't feel right at the time, then don't. Pansexual is a more inclusive term (bi for binary...). I personally liked bisexual because at the time I wanted a label, I felt like I was attracted to a specific sort of guy and a specific sort of girl, and those attractions were both very valid but very different. I actually feel differently now (sexuality, particularly for women, can be very fluid and change over time and depend on the person), but I've liked the bisexual label as a simplification of just being "fluid."
  3. SecretLilCj21

    Regular Member

    May 9, 2016
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    It does sound as if you are Bisexual or Pansexual, you can decide what you'd like to be labeled as, its your choice!