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A bit...ok, a lot....confused

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by va wanderer, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. va wanderer

    Regular Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    Hi all....I've spent years getting into a weird place, and I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts.

    I'm 25 years old, female, and I've never had sex (with either a woman or a man). I'm not horrible looking, either, and I have lots of friends---not a social outcast or anything like that. I've done "everything but" with guys over the years, but never quite did more. I never really felt fulfilled from those, either. I'm interested until we're in the middle of things, then I just want it to be over.

    I've only made out with girls, but I have no problem with trying more--the opportunity hasn't come up. I find myself attracted to both sexes, but very selectively.

    I don't have any problem with being a lesbian, or bisexual (or straight, should it turn out that way!)---but I just don't seem to be getting anywhere with either gender. I'm pretty normal, otherwise---I'm into sex, I just don't seem to be having any.

    Has anyone else experienced this delayed growing up, or know of someone who has? Please, any help would be appreciated!
  2. tired_of_lying411

    Full Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    NS, Canada
    I'm just 16... :icon_sad: cant help. welcome, though.

    I assure you that everything will be a MILLION times easier just by having joined here. :icon_smil
  3. va wanderer

    Regular Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    The nice thing is that I'm not particularly upset about it, but I would like to figure it out! I'm just not willing to slut around to get an answer. :slight_smile:
  4. Hey. I don't have any personal experience to share w/ you, but I'll add my two cents anyway. It sounds to me like you're in a pretty okay place in that whether you find you're hetero, homo, or bi, you'd be okay w/ it. Finding out which one you are probably is something that can't be forced, and the answer will probably manifest itself to you over time. That's my guess, anyway. I'm not one for patience or waiting for things to conjure up themselves, so I get that the uncertainty can be annoying -- even painful -- at times, but I guess that just comes w/ the territory. But good luck w/ it! :slight_smile:
  5. kevinx519

    Full Member

    Nov 16, 2006
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    just like bac said i think you just need to wait and let your heart find its way. even if that means waiting a bit more. and dont worry about not knowing right now. everyone has their own time of realization. some are later or earlier than others. i dont think you should try to rush it either because you may be makign the wrong choice. just take things in stride and live life in the moment. who knows? maybe youll find out next year, next month, next week, heck maybe even tomorrow. but yep best of luck to you, and im glad youre very accepting of yourself. hope i can be like that one day. =)