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26 and Facing Realizations After Several Years of Doubt

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by Obscura, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Obscura

    Regular Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Hi, everybody. I'm 26 years old and I've always considered myself a more masculine guy and I've also been attracted to women. Up until recently, I've been very overweight and have used that as an excuse to not put much effort into pursuing sexual or romantic relationships. Now that I've lost a considerable amount of weight and I've begun to consider myself "dateable", I've lost my low self-esteem crutch and I'm slowly starting to acknowledge some things about my sexuality.

    The confusing thing is that my attraction towards men didn't really manifest itself consciously until around age 22, with the majority of it being acknowledged in the last year. When I first looked at sexual material with men, I wanted to look away and was kind of taken aback. But I returned after a bit, and with each passing day it seems stronger and stronger and my attraction towards women seems weaker.

    I guess what I'm trying to reconcile is why did these feelings lay so dormant up until (fairly) recently? I see a lot of stories here about people knowing since they were young, and it just seems so disconnected from my story. At the same time, I feel like I would have to have been very repressed to not experience this stuff strongly until 22, and I worry it's a replacement for not receiving affection from "what should be my primary target" (AKA women).

    It's just now that I think more and more about it, I picture myself in a happier relationship with a man. It also seems like I could go either way at this point sexually, but I also feel romantically connected to men.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm full-on gay, that I'm slowly accepting it, and that I'd be happier pursuing it. Sometimes I fear that I'm a heterosexual guy that's just psyching himself out for waiting so long to open himself up and is just trying to find a new game and a new set of rules to play by. Please let me know if this sounds familiar or you have any words. Thanks.
  2. nerdbrain

    Full Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Hi Obscura,

    First off, you've come to the right place. Lots of people here trying to sort it all out.

    There are some questions that can be helpful when considering your sexual orientation:

    - Have you had sex before? With whom? How did it go?
    - Do you masturbate? What are the fantasies like?
    - Have you had crushes or been in love?
    - Who do you feel more comfortable around in platonic relationships or as friends?
    - Walking down the street, who does your eye go to automatically?

    The good news is, you don't have to have a definitive answer -- just enough to get you to the point where you can start experimenting with real humans. Based on your writing, it does seem like you're leaning towards the gay side of things. So go meet some guys. See how it goes. If it's not right, you can always try something else!

    As for why these feelings are coming up later in your life, the reasons can vary. You mention you were previously attracted to women. Perhaps those feelings were more of a "default setting" based on social programming, rather than your own feelings. It sounds like you are starting to form an identity after being somewhat obscured (pun intended) behind your weight. So it's not too surprising to see other elements of your personality emerging at the same time.
  3. justaguyinsf

    Regular Member

    May 30, 2016
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    I second the experimenting suggestion ... see what clicks for you as you gather experience. It's hard for a lot of people to come up with the answers to these questions just by intellectual analysis. Be sure to practice safe sex if it gets that far!