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General News “Decapitate her head off”: Phil Robertson’s vile message to atheists

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Aldrick, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Lazuri

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    Jan 4, 2015
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    Yeah. You know what I find funniest about it? That in this little story this guy came up with, the actual atheist and his "little atheist wife and little atheist daughters," they were the good ones. They were minding their own business and doing no harm to anybody. The only thing that story demonstrates is how there are both terrible and good people in the world, regardless of faith or lack thereof.
  2. scanner007

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    Sep 27, 2012
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    See now I think this is what pushes people into being atheists in the first place. Myself I believe in a higher power. I believe there is a another world beyond what we understand. I think if you study all the religions in the world and look inside yourself, be a good person, live by the golden rule and seek knowledge and wisdom then that makes you closer to God and achieving in this life what we were meant to do.

    I think most people innately believe there is something more. But I really think there are two groups of atheists ...the atheist atheists ...if you will ...and then theres people who are just so sick of hearing ignorant, self-serving, cruel crap like this from supposedly god fearing, brotherly loving Christians who spew out foul crap like this, then they see another news story of yet another Muslim blowing himself up with a suicide bomb so he can go be with a room full of virgins or whatever that they finally have had enough and would rather be thought of and subscribe to the school of atheism than bear the shame of being a god loving hypocrite.

    To me, that is a societal poison. Its people like that who poison others into stunting their own spiritual growth by forcing them behind a banner of atheism when, in my opinion, they might've drawn another conclusion.

    I believe all people should develop themselves spiritually and my personal belief is that each individual defines exactly what that means to them. To deny a spiritual side creates someone who in my opinion isn't very well rounded. Why? Because all of us questions why we are here and why we die and why we only live such a short while in a universe that has existed for billions of years. And I think we all naturally ask these questions and seek the answers the best we are able. And we all decide what kind of person we want to be and how we interact with others.

    We all need a spiritual side even if that doesn't include belief in a deity.

    Oh and yes, I'd also like to point out ...for those who haven't thought of it yet....that crazy, idiotic hypothetical works even better for Christians....A Christian could just as easily break in, rape and kill everyone and then be completely absolved later if he's "really sorry", so logically an atheist would be far less apt to perpetrate such a heinous crime since they don't believe Santa/Jesus/Whoever is going to wash away their sins. They do something bad like that, they just have to live with the guilt assuming they aren't a sociopath.

    I do have to marvel though at how a man with everything anyone would want out of life...a family...money ..fame...etc ...could be so ignorant. Money still can't buy everything.
  3. tscott

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    Dec 18, 2013
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    This not the Christianity I grew up with and believe in. This is a perversion of those teachings. These are the people that Jesus called hypocrites, white washed sepulchers.
  4. antibinary

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  5. Chibi Giraffe

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    i just don't understand how the majority of people view "religious" people as good when they are almost always saying the most vile things. i have never heard an atheist or nonbeliever say anything quite like this but we're the bad guys... smh. I know all christians aren't like this, but i wonder how many of those not like phil are gonna speak out against his insane remarks...
  6. candyjiru

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    Mar 27, 2015
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    What non-Christians don't realize is... *whispers* Christians also hate these people. Atheist doesn't mean "no morals or understanding of right and wrong." I have tons of atheist, agnostic, pagan, and other assorted religious/non-religious friends, and I think they are awesome and if someone did this to them "in the name of God," I would hope that there would be a thunderstorm brewing..
    Grr thsee crazy people make us all look like insane wackjobs and the complete opposite of what Christ called us to be T.T please don't think we are all like this because a vocal minority happens to be T.T
  7. Aldrick

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    Apr 23, 2012
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    I think some people are missing the point. What he said is horrible and vile, this is true, and the glee to which he said it (if you listen to the audio) is highly disturbing. However, the point is that this idiot is essentially claiming that the only reason that Christians don't go around raping, murdering, and cutting the heads off of people in acts of terrorism is because they are afraid of hell. Basically, in his mind, this is the only thing that restrains the mass of Christian sociopaths out there.

    It is funny because he is too stupid to realize that is what he is saying. He believes that his message is condemning atheists, but in truth it is condemning people like himself and Christians as a whole by his attempted association.

    What makes it even more funny is the fact that he is clearly drawing all this mental imagery from ISIS. ISIS is a religious group of people who believe in a hell just like Phil. Yet, this is not stopping them from doing the shit that they do, because they believe that their imaginary friend wants them to do it. People can hurl what lack of moral charges they want at atheists, but that is one particular excuse that we lack. We have to actually struggle to justify our actions, rather than relying on, 'my invisible friend and magic book told me to do it.'
  8. Jinkies

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    This post is probably going to end up being deleted for several reasons, but I'm going to post it anyway.

    The other part of this is what Christianity is about. You can commit the most horrible of crimes. You can commit the most horrendous combination of them imagineable, and still be saved if you believe that Jesus lived and died for your sins. The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy, which is literally saying that you are God. I think that's part of what Phil Robertson was trying to get across.

    This, to me, is what makes Christianity fall short as a "moral" religion. You can hurt people in any way possible, and still act as though you can get away from it, because in this sense, you have gotten away from it, and you continue to no matter how many times and no matter how much you hurt others.
  9. DoriaN

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    Jun 5, 2011
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    His point was that if there is no God, there is no condemnation, so what is to stop a person from doing such atrocities? Because we do know right and wrong, but some choose to do wrong on purpose.

    Granted he said it in a very awful way, but I think people are taking it too literal. It's written clearly in the Bible that the 'law' is written on everyone's hearts, and that is why regardless of who you are or what you believe you know what is decent and what is not.

    This is why it bothers me when Christians spend too much time reading the letter of the law, and not praying or using their heart to discern a matter.
    Especially when it comes to lgbt issues and the very nature of the world.

    As a Christian who has to put up with hate on here, from the other side of the fence, for my own part I do not like the man. Not a fan of the hypocrisy.

    Hebrews 8:7-13

    "For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.

    For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

    Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.

    For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:

    And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

    For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

    In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away."

    So for anyone here that thinks the Christian thing to do, is to take any of the 613 Levitical laws out of context to judge you, please don't hate them, for they spell their own demise, and with their own judgments they will be judged.
    #29 DoriaN, Mar 27, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2015
  10. dano218

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    Actually that is the complete opposite of what conservative christians believe sorry to say. They believe yeah Jesus died for ours sins but that is only one part of it. You have to abstain from sin and repent in order to enter heaven. It is actually some progressive christians who believe when Jesus died for sins that means if we truly believe in God no matter how much sin we commit we will enter heaven. Of course that does not mean let's murder, rape or violence God still asks of you to be a good person and not commit crimes against others.
  11. DoriaN

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    Jun 5, 2011
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    That's not quite true, though I think catholics follow that line of thinking.

    Once you're saved you're saved, you cannot become saved and lose it, to regain it again.
    When a person is born again, they don't /want/ to sin like they used to. This could be little things, like listening to certain radio stations, television shows, getting overly drunk etc.
    As someone who promises their friend they won't hurt them, you try to uphold that by your own goodness, and not for just the sake of it.

    For example, if my friend asked if I could give him a ride to work, I out of want, would promise to help him. But I still make mistakes, so perhaps a couple of times I end up being late to drive him, or I forget.
    We're still friends, I still have the intent, I just made an error, for which I apologize and try to do better, because I /want/ to.

    Abstaining from sin and repenting is the same, it's simply promising to not err in the same way as before. There's no special ceremony, no one you have to speak to, you simply out of personal desire try your best to live a wholesome, humble, proper life.

    A person cannot earn their way to heaven, the gift of Christ paying the death-toll for all covers all sin, past present and future, for only an infinite God could pay for infinite sin.

    So if some goody two shoes is going door to door trying to boost their brownie points, it's all for naught, no amount of tithes will save a person's soul.
  12. dano218

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    I am actually a born again christian. it is nothing to with with abstaining from sin or repenting a sin. That is what a conservative christian may be believe but as a progressive christian i believe that being born again means you are saved when Jesus died on the cross for your sins and you are no longer judged for your sins. Of course I still strive to be a good person but i believe I was saved at the cross and I don't believe being gay is sins anyway so I don't worry about that.
  13. DoriaN

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    Jun 5, 2011
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    Ah. I don't really follow the conservative/progressive Christian thing, to me you're either Christian because you are, or you're claiming to be Christian when you are not.

    That's good though.
  14. dano218

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    I am a staunch progressive liberal believer in Jesus! Don't really understand what your in your meaning by that but whatever.
  15. DoriaN

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    Jun 5, 2011
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    I just meant I'm ignorant to the whole progressive/conservative thingy, but it's not a big deal ^^
  16. HuskyPup

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    I think those links in your signature are pretty offensive to Catholics (and Pagans, and people in general). As a non-religious person who comes from a Catholic family, they strike me as that sort of paranoid, 'Catholics are Evil' line of thinking that I would say is closely aligned to hate groups and hate speech.

    Calling the Vatican 'Satanic' is a quite provocative, and I would say mean-spirited.

    It's things like this that make me look at Christianity, and shake my head; the need for some to see their own faith or their version of a faith as so much better than others, and then post things such as this, which strike me as paranoid, fear-mongering propaganda. Your links strike me as zany conspiracy theories, and it's quite sad to see such overt Catholic bashing as you've dredged up here, in you 'examples':

    Just a glimpse of the satanic and pagan Vatican:
    Mark Of The Beast And Paganism In The Catholic Church
    Exposing the Vatican City: Esoteric Beyond Belief | Humans Are Free

    If you're so upset about people tearing down your own religion, I'm amazed you don't show more respect towards that of others.

    I find it offensive that you've posted links which, in essence, attest that my parents, grandparents and ancestors were simply part of some Satanic cult, out to control the world. This is how animosity is perpetuated, and not how one demonstrates love.

    It's just not really a very nice thing to do.
    #36 HuskyPup, Mar 27, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2015
  17. DoriaN

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    Jun 5, 2011
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    People are entitled to their opinion, but I feel you're making a few assumptions.
    Still, if you do wish to have a proper discussion, we can by all means have a side chat not on this thread, but I do see how you would view it as such.

    Still, to help lay things out in a blunt fashion: In Christianity, Revelation, particularily chapter 17, is talking of the vatican. There are good Christians who happen to be catholic, and there is even a verse that reads:

    "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. "

    People are people, all deserve some form of respect or proper treatment, but we do not all agree with each other.
    Bearing in mind, that while atheists will disagree with what I believe or even find what I believe is offensive, on my part, satanism or pagan related beliefs are against what I believe.
    I still respect the person no matter what they believe, if they were in trouble I would do my best to save them from whatever peril they are in, or assist in any way to help them, that's human decency, but I disagree with the path they follow.
    Discussion is a good thing, even if in controversy, it promotes thought and learning, so I enjoy conversations like these for the most part.

    Anyways, sorry if it bothered you, was not my intent.
  18. HuskyPup

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    I don't wish to go into this further, but I think your links are indeed offensive to Catholics, and I am sure this site has Catholic members, who would feel less then welcome, seeing this behavior condoned on this site.

    The sites you reference attack the Catholic faith by perpetuating hateful conspiracy theories, which I think most people would find to be in poor taste; nobody has posted anything even as remotely virulent in tone attacking your own beliefs.

    I have no more to discuss, here or elsewhere, because it does not appear you see how these sorts of sites you have indicated in your signature perpetuate hate and divisiveness:

    Just a glimpse of the satanic and pagan Vatican:
    Mark Of The Beast And Paganism In The Catholic Church
    Exposing the Vatican City: Esoteric Beyond Belief | Humans Are Free
  19. Ryu

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    Oct 19, 2014
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    Under a rock according to 'cool' people
    Well, they've already shat on four of the ten commandmants, so these so called Christians are kinda fucked.

    And yes, there is a right and wrong. It's called the law. They've broken at least 5 laws. So... Ha. They're really screwed.

    Oh yeah, does hos guy condone rape, murder, theft and (mental) torture?
  20. Pret Allez

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    As much as Phil Robertson's views are offensive, we shouldn't try to No True Scotsman him just because we disagree.