So... I'm doubting... again

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Kylian Es, Mar 7, 2020.

  1. Kylian Es

    Regular Member

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Gender Pronoun:
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    A few people
    Hello, everyone! In first place, I want to apologize for my bad english (I'm Spanish!).

    Well... Here we go.
    I am non-binary and AFAB. I think.
    I don't know if you all know, but in Spanish there are no pronouns they/them, so I started using he/him (él) pronouns, which... made me surprisingly comfortable.

    Right now, within Spanish there is a tendency to include new pronouns (the equivalent of they/them, which... I don't like at all, like the feminine ones)

    Yesterday, I was celebrating my best friend's birthday. My best friend's friends were using Instagram filters, and they wanted to try a male filter with me.
    I reluctantly agreed, and when they tried it... they said "there are no changes..." which made me surprisingly happy and comfortable???

    And ... I've been experiencing a lot of dysphoria recently, which worries me.
    Also, a japanese voice actor (he was non-binary) came out as a trans boy and that made me wonder... if I'm not a non-binary person and instead I'm a trans boy too.

    But I don't really consider myself a man, and I am really, really confused.
    I can't see myself as agender or genderfluid or 3rd gender...
    So... I'm very, VERY confused...
    Squeeze likes this.
  2. Squeeze

    Regular Member

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Roseville, CA
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    A few people
    Oh my god I'm basically right there with you but from the other end, I thought I had an epiphany last night that I was genderfluid but it still doesn't sit well, and all of my attempts to be non-binary end up smacking very close to just wanting to cut the pretense and just be a girl.

    I think this comes from the idea that non-binary people must be mostly androgynous when in reality many enbies I've met are whatever the hell they feel like being. For me, I've always had a lot of dysphoria regarding the masc stuff I've gotten used to doing, but I don't like identifying as a girl usually.

    I've tried they/them as well and that just feels off to me, I put it on my profile here just as a placeholder really because if I'm honest, being referred to as she/her makes me feel really nice. But I still don't consider myself a woman just as much as you don't consider yourself a man, it seems. Actually for me, what's most fascinating is that I'm actually jealous of AFAB folk sometimes, because my whole thing is basically that I want to pass convincingly for fem without feeling like I have to censor myself much. Not to say you're 'squandering your gifts' or anything, nothing could be further from the truth, but it does feel odd to me that I can identify so much with AFAB people and yet really not want to be a girl.

    At the end of the day what matters is how you feel, and if the labels we use can't encapsulate that appropriately, then that's hardly your fault.
    Kylian Es likes this.