Unsupportive Family and Abuse Situation

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by endoftimes, Jun 16, 2018.

  1. endoftimes

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    I've posted in this forum before about this but my situation has changed a great deal. I came out to my parents as trans in December 2017/January 2018 and they were not supportive. My dad took it hard and he's become abusive. I've reached out to my boyfriend of seven months for help with all this. He and his family have suggested that I move in with them to protect my mental/physical well-being.

    Less than a week ago I started HRT without my parents permission. I'm paying for everything myself and I know I'll be able to sustain that. I'm petrified that my dad is gonna find out and hurt me because of it. I'm also feeling immensely guilty for doing this behind their backs. I needed to start though to be able to continue to be alive.

    I know the abuse is getting worse and that I'm not physically safe but it's very hard for me to admit that I need help and accept the help that people are willing to give me. I feel like I'd be able to find a job in the area and take care of my expenses without an issue. I just hate that I'm gonna have to reach out and admit that I need their help. I'm also gonna beat myself up mentally for taking up space in their home. I'm seriously gonna feel so bad.

    I don't know how to overcome my mental block with accepting help. It's making me wildly anxious and upset a lot of the time. I worry about my situation stressing my boyfriend out because I know it's hard to hear that your partner is suffering. I guess what I want is someone to offer advice for how to get over my weird hatred for asking for/accepting help. Also how on earth should I explain to my parents that I want to move out of their home ASAP?
  2. Silver Snow

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    Would it help to know people enjoy helping those they care about? Seeing someone struggling or hurting and being unable to help is more difficult then putting up with a new roommate. Your boyfriend and his family clearly care about you. They wouldn’t have offered if it wasn’t something they wanted you to accept.

    My brother is going through a similar situation with his boyfriend. Believe me, we would rather he come live with us. If you’re still worried, offer to help with the dishes, or ask if there’s any other way you can contribute.

    Accepting help is hard. Some people don’t understand why, but it’s one of my struggles as well. But I realized something. I enjoy helping people. On a slightly selfish note, it makes me feel important, needed. But I also love doing things for people. Making their day, or even better, changing their lives. If someone turns down my offer, I feel rejected... so wouldn’t it be the same for other people?

    As for your parents... if there is either physically or emotionally abuse, then you don’t need to tell them anything. Just leave. If they come looking for you, call the cops. No one should have to live in fear of being hurt, especially by their parent.

    Doing this without them knowing is scary. Leaving is scary, I understand. But once you get past it. Once it’s done, it will get better.

    I hope you’re safe and I wish you the best.
    #2 Silver Snow, Jun 17, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
  3. PatrickUK

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    What do you think is causing the block to asking for help? What has happened in the past when you have asked for help? Tell us what makes you feel anxious about asking for help.

    It is hard for a partner to hear that you are suffering, but do you know what is harder? It's harder to realise that a partner is suffering in silence and will not open up. It's harder because your love for them compels you to want to help and it's harder because a partnership is about two people becoming one and sharing the ups and downs of life as one. By refusing help and maintaining silence you are actually doing the very thing you wish to avoid... making it harder for your boyfriend.

    I place emphasis on the word suggested so you will see that they are making this kind offer of their own free will. You're not compelling them to do this. Nothing and nobody is forcing them to suggest moving in with them. They are making the offer because they love and care about you. They're not concerned about you taking up house room or being a burden. This is all in your mind.

    You are not responsible for your fathers abusive behaviour, but you are personally accountable for staying in that environment when you have an opportunity to leave. You can't choose how your father reacts and relates to you, but you can choose to stay and put up with it or leave and demonstrate your strength and determination to say no to him.
  4. endoftimes

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    I guess a lot of that block is from feeling like I'll become a burden on someone. That's a major fear that I have. I also don't like having people see me vulnerable because I hate looking weak when I wanna make a good impression. Ultimately, I think I'm worried about being seen as a strong man that can provide for myself and someday my boyfriend. I don't want them to think I can't take care of myself.

    I just don't know how to tell my parents I wanna move out and in with my boyfriend. My dad said he would help pay for my college and I need that help so I'm trying to maintain the connection with him so that I don't have such a financial burden on me. I'm trying to be strategic with money because I'm trying to have top surgery during December of 2019.
  5. PatrickUK

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    Has anyone told you that you are a burden when you ask for help? If they haven't, you are simply playing up the idea in your own mind. Understand that no man (or woman) is an island and we cannot go through life with the expectation that we will never need help. Giving and receiving help is a natural part of life... it's a fact of life. We don't always ask for it, but we get it anyway because the world would grind to a halt if it didn't happen. Humans are interdependent creatures and we don't go it alone. We can't go it alone!

    It's good that you are thinking strategically and making plans, but if you fail to factor in help and support, your strategy will come to nothing. Make it part of your strategy to seek help.

    On the money issue, you said in your opening post:
    Do you stand by this comment? If you take the help that's being offered and take care of your own expenses would you still require the support of your father?

    Vulnerability is not a weakness. It is a myth to think this way. If you don't believe me, take a look at an inspiring and funny talk about vulnerability (and shame) by Brene Brown on the TED website. She spent years researching this issue and has some interesting things to say about our perception of vulnerability and weakness.