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I finally came out to my wife

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by oldpulteney, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. SoulSearch

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    I'm sorry. I hope each day gets a little easier for both of you.
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  2. maybgayguy

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    Sorry for the challenging times. I am guessing this will hold more ups and downs. You are doing this the right way and I think you will have more ups in your future.
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  3. oldpulteney

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    Thank you for you replies. I have read them over and over again these past few days.
    @Contented: Thanks for what you posted. It helped a lot especially what i have quoted below.

    Each day seems to be better than the last for my wife. Less anxiety. She is socializing. I understand there will be god and bad days but she seems to be heading in the right direction. The two of us are still crying and we have moments where she asks why I got married to her. The only thing that seems to calm her down is assurance that I love her very much and that I will not abandon her and that I will stay with her. I am not too sure about the staying with her bit because I really want to live my life as a gay man. Hopefully once the dust settles in a few weeks and we start going to therapy we can address this... I don’t want to be pushed back in the closet again... in which she knows I am gay but I have to deny myself again for her sanity’s sake. How have your experiences been? Did you state from the get go that its over or was it slow and steady. One step at a time. What advice would you guys give me.
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  4. Contented

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    Oldpulteney, for me once I was intimate with the man who has become my bf for the first time I knew I could not pretend any longer. Within about a month it was over with my former GF. I called myself bisexual during this brief period but frankly I knew I was gay. I thought about this man constantly, fantasize about being in a total relationship with him, craved him sexually so there was no hope for my doomed hetero relationship. During this short period it became almost impossible to be intimate with my former GF. I tried to avoid almost all physical contact. I found everything she did started to annoy me. ( of course it was me, not her that had the issue). She suspected something was up, as in another woman. I don’t think she ever thought it might be a another man. She only found out at the very end when I tried to be honest with her. It was not a very pleasant parting of the ways and I truly felt bad for her, however my days of not being honest with myself were over and I embraced my homosexuality full on. It was the best decision I ever made.
  5. oldpulteney

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    These past few days have been a roller coaster. She has gone through the stages of grief over and over. We have both cried out eyes out. Her tears don’t seem to stop. She says her life is over. She has lost her husband. I have shattered her dreams of having a family and a happy home. That through out our marriage she sensed that I was not attentive to her but she had hope that things would get better but now that hope is dashed. She called me up on my phone today while I was driving to work and screamed her lungs out over the phone. Angry at me. Angry at god. Angry at her family and mine. Saying that I should have done this years ago when she had prospects for getting remarried. Now she thinks she is too old (she isn’t). That now she is at my mercy till I decide I want to separate and explore my gay sidem whether that is in a month, two months, 5 years or 20 years. That she is in constant fear. I asked her if she wants to talk to some friends about this but she refused. I don’t think she is ready to talk to anyone about this yet. She wasn’t open to joining straight spouse network yet. She didn’t even talk to her therapist about it at their last session.
    Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing by coming out. But then nothing was going to change... I wasn’t about to turn straight. We weren’t having sex. It was unfair on both of us. But the hurt is too much to bear at times. Watching her suffer is too much to bear and a small part of me wishes I could undo things. I won’t deny a part of me has also thought of telling her to just forget everything. That we will have more kids and build a family together like she dreamed. But I think that wont be a happy home. It will be hollow. Neither of us will be happy. I don’t know.
  6. jake1

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    I completely understand what you're going through. I told my wife about 8 months ago with a 60 page letter that I was gay. I went into massive detail to make sure she understood everything.

    First off I want to say congrats to you. I read so many stories where gay men just walked out on there wives and hid their sexuality. Their wives had no idea why they were getting a divorce and were completely blind sided. I was almost at that point myself. I didn't want to explain myself, I just was throwing every excuse out why I wanted to get a divorce. It was the hardest thing you've ever done, but thank you for telling your wife. She needed to know why.

    I relate with so much of what you're talking about. At first my wife said the exact same things, I will never be able to remarry, I don't want anybody else. How could you do this to me. This whole marriage was nothing to you this whole time! Do I even know you at all? If you could have sex with me, you're not gay!! We just struggled sexually the first year because I pushed you to hard for sex so you have a mental block, etc. It was a HUGE roller coaster.

    Try and look at it from her perspective, she loves you a lot, you have an amazing relationship, you have a family, she envisioned the rest of her life with you, growing old, being "that' old cute couple. She is in shock right now and is going to go through a HUGE roller coaster of emotions.

    It has been 8 months since I told my wife and that I wanted a divorce. We have kids so we're still going to live together, after all these months she was still telling me that we were going to work it out, she didn't care that I was gay, she wanted me anyways etc. It has been the HARDEST thing ever telling her no. I love her so much, she means everything to me. It's so hard not to overthink the whole process, did I make the wrong choice?? Should I just tell her to forget everything and go back to how things were?? What will our life look like once we're divorced? I had SOOOO many emotions/thoughts going on. #1 .. what if I'm wrong?? What if this was the worst decision of my life?

    I've had 8 months of going back and forth, wanting to make it work, changing my mind, confused etc. I realized though, if I'm not happy, she can't be truly happy. I realized that almost all of the major back and forth was thinking about HER emotions. How would SHE feel. How would SHE cope. Would SHE be able to recover. I realized that I wasn't thinking for myself. Putting her emotions aside, what do I need. I need a divorce. I need to atleast TRY and be with a guy. Maybe I'm wrong? Worst case scenario, I'm wrong. I make a fool of myself. I will most likely find out if I'm wrong before my wife finds another partner and I will go back to her in a heartbeat. Our relationship will be 1000000 better than ever because now I KNOW that I was wrong and I don't need to think about it anymore. Our relationship is going to be the best it has ever been. What if we never got a divorce? I'm always going to have those grudges against her, I'm going to be irritated at her subconsciously for "holding" me back . If you have those underlying feelings, it's WORSE for her to stay in the marriage. She isn't going to realize it, she isn't going to understand. Time heals people.

    Sorry for the ramble, touchy subject because I'm going through the EXACT same thing right now.
  7. Contented

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    OldP, first again congrats on the courage to be who you really are. I think everyone would understand your wife’s reaction. Her world has radically changed in the matter of moments. It’s not only scary for you but her as well. That being said you did the right thing. It makes no sense to deny the gay you, what purpose would it serve? Neither one of you would really be happy. Would you want to go through the rest of your life faking it? One thing I have learned is that time has a way of softing blows such as this. Be supportive, listen, but don’t compromise on your decision to acknowledge your a gay man and want to live as such. A sign I have on my office wall are words I live by: “ unless it’s fatal, it’s a big deal”.
    Here’s hoping both of you find peace in the end.
  8. Rich319

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    Wow! This is a story for 2018. It's amazing how both of you were able to have this conversation and understand each others plite. I am sure that it was not easy for either of you. Well done!
  9. oldpulteney

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    These words/thoughts could have come straight from my wife’s mouth. Thank you for you reply. It really helped a lot to read and reread it over the past few days. My wife’s reaction hasn’t been as intense as the days have passed. It seems like the tears have run dry. They still come. There still is anger but not as much. She has trouble falling asleep and wakes up in a panic and then paces and can’t seem to relax. She has a therapist appointment on Monday and she says she will finally talk to her about me coming out.
    I have come out to my wife but over the past week she has been begging me not to leave her. That we can stay in a MOM (most likely not an open relationship). This is not something I want to do. I was speaking to a friend who knows about this whole affair and he said I should tell my wife about my intentions of separating sooner rather than later or she will have to suffer the same thing all over again when I break the news to her. I agree with him but I don’t think I can bring myself to tell her I want out at this moment when she is struggling to stay afloat. Another reason is that she is very opposed to the idea of trying to date again, so I want to wait till her therapists or friends broaches the subject first and she is more amenable to the idea that she deserves and will eventually find someone who can love her the way I can’t. To all this my friend replied I need to stop controlling the situation for her like her husband if I intend to leave her and let her handle her own affairs. I am going to find a new therapist to discuss all this (unfortunately my therapist of 4 years has disappeared).
    Al of the above happened till yesterday. Tonight I’d taken our son to a birthday party and we came home late. I was dreading another night of crying and consoling but when I got home my wife was, surprisingly, in a good mood. She seemed calm. Her day had been good. And some friends at work had expressed a lot of love and care. Some friends living abroad also called and texted concerned how she was doing. Long story short it made her realize that people care for her. That I cared for her deeply nd loved her. She told me she unconditionally loves me and accepts me for who I am. She decided she is not going to mourn anymore. She said that however much time we might have together, we should spend it being happy and gracefully. That she was really happy for me that I came out and that realized how difficult it was, that she didn’t hold me accountable for anything and that she supported me.
    I know some of the stuff she said was ambiguous. But I am hoping she will be open to having a conversation about separation and letting me venture out and experiment/flex my muscles. I hope she has reached the acceptance stage of grief and doesn’t go back to the other stages, but then it has only been a week since I came out to her. However, I do think that things are headed in the right direction.
  10. Contented

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    You are headed in right direction my friend. I hope the progress continues for the both of you. Once you a free of the marital situation I think you will find growing accustom to being openly gay will happen much easier.
  11. SoulSearch

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    Glad to hear things are going better and that your wife has some support from friends.
  12. oldpulteney

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    Thank you for your words of support. I am trying very hard to be there for my wife and manage to do so 9/10 times. Sometimes the tears seem to have run dry. The other night we actually talked about the kind of guys we liked.

    I have been telling her we will get through this and work it out. She is under the impression that I mean we will make it work and to that effect she has suggested that, even though, she respects that I am gay but there are so many gay men who can be intimate with their wives and if I could do it at the beginning of our marriage than why can’t I do it now? That is something that I have outright said no to. I’ve told her I am gay and that will not change and that if i could have had sex with her, then what was the point of coming out? That’s when she says even though i say we will make it work I am very rigid and won’t budge and agree to things which are very important to her. I don’t know if I should just tell her I plan on moving out eventually. I am not sure about telling her that our relationship will end sooner rather than later because the only thing that seems to calm her down when she panicks is when I tell her I will be there for her and that I love her very much. The thing is I don’t plan on moving out tomorrow or the day after. We have a big move coming up in a few months and we will all move together and then eventually I will move out after she and our son have settled in. It will only be a separation for 4-5 years till we can get a divorce. We cant get a divorce till the next 4-5 years due to visa reasons.

    Sometimes its all I can do to stop myself from telling her its over but i know that’s just my frustration and i check myself because i know it will hurt her a lot. Her first therapy session sucked. It was her evaluation and the therapist was completely taken aback when my wife told her I am gay. Not a very good reaction from a therapist. I don’t have much faith left in that therapist.
  13. nlproct

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    I haven't checked for sure, but there is a forum on this site for family of LGBT+ people, maybe she could try here?
  14. justaguyinsf

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    One thing that has struck me reading your posts, oldpulteney, is your continuing struggle to monitor and manage your wife's emotional state. Of course no one wants a loved one to be sad or upset, but it seems almost like your wife has no responsibility for her emotional state and dealing with it appropriately, and that somehow in the relationship you've become responsible for doing that. It must be very exhausting and frustrating for you. Perhaps you could just let her deal with her stuff a bit more?
  15. oldpulteney

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    I think I know what you mean. I guess it stems from her being emotionally dependent on me to a huge extent. But you are right I can't control her emotions. In fact I shouldn't if I want her to be emotionally independent. However, its very hard to see her in pain.
  16. Nickw

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    I just read through your thread. First off, congratulations on finding the courage to come out to your wife. I know, personally, how really hard that is. I do understand your not wanting your wife to suffer and ending up stringing it along a bit. As husbands, our job is to protect our family. Sometimes, by protecting them too much, it can hurt them in the long run. But, I think your heart is in the right place.

    You are spot on about not wanting to go back in the closet and growing to resent your wife. I did this before I came out. I became very angry with her for having control over my sexuality. And, that's not fair to her. It was really hard on my wife and coming out to her was a relief in a way.

    You will both get through this and be better off for it. You both deserve happiness and fulfillment. Best to you.

  17. Choirboy

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    I've been very over-accomodating to my ex-wife, both emotionally and financially, and I know it. But you have to do what works for your conscience and your situation, and also for what your long term view of your future relationship with her is. Now, almost 5 years after coming out to her, we are both in better relationships than we had with each other, our kids have adjusted, and we have as good a friendship as we had early in our relationship. I could have cut her loose early on, but with 20 years of shared history and 2 kids, I didn't want that to happen , so I made the sacrifices necessary to keep her my friend. I'm glad I did.
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  18. oldpulteney

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    I am trying to be as accommodating as I can because I know we can be very good friends and when she actually is in a good mood i know for that to be true. I finally found a new therapist. A really good one. We will be starting joint sessions soon. Our son is really getting effected by all the arguing and fighting. The therapist says the best course for us is to separate sooner rather than later as that is better for our son than for him to see a sham of a marriage and then hate us for making his life a lie when we do separate down the road. I don’t know if that makes any sense.
    My wife also told me a week ago that the only course open to us is an amicable separation. So I’d say things are headed on the right direction. We can’t divorce yet due to visa isssues but a separation would do us both good. This is not to say things aren’t a roller coaster. She still has periods of intense rage, sadness, fear, anxiety and then there are the good periods when she gets out of the awful dark place and we can communicate and actually talk about the future and she is a little hopeful. More than anything she is scared of starting from scratch. We were both each others’ firsts and she is scared of the whole dating thing. One step at a time is what I tell her. Hopefully therapy will help.

    THank you for all of your encouraging posts.
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  19. SoulSearch

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    Glad to hear an update. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction for you in general.