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Mitt Romney doesn’t care about gay people

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Pret Allez, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Pret Allez

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    I have three problems with this view. First, it ignores character. I can't vote for a person with no apparent compassion, because that reflects on who he is, and therefore how he will govern. A man with no compassion will govern with an iron fist. I find that his comments have been stunningly insensitive not only to the queer community but also to the poor in this country. To say the things Romney has said about those groups demonstrates in my view an evil from which he can't recover. I think Rakkaus is well on the mark: he's a sociopath. Plain and simple.

    Secondly, I think it is rather knee jerk to say that a person refusing to vote for Romney over one set of policy positions is being a single issue voter. Even if he were good on queer rights, I still wouldn't vote for him because of his economic views and those of his running mate, whose name I refuse to dignify. Even if he started thinking like a social democrat, I wouldn't vote for him because of his foreign policy views. Now, the set of issues will surely be different for other people than it is for me, but my personal set of beliefs is just one example of how it's not being single-issue. It's quite multi-issue: it's just having a lot of dealbreakers. And that's quite legitimate for a voter.

    Third, I did stipulate that solidarity is a requirement. Even if I agreed with Romney on everything else other than his queer rights stances, and even if I knew this represented a hatred of me, I would still be wrong to vote for him. Why? Because I'm not selecting a President for me. I'm selecting a President for everyone else, and I can't ethically select someone who hates me and other members of my group.

    Well, he can appoint a whole bunch of people on the federal district courts, he can veto ENDA if a democratic congress materializes. He could also appoint a new Secretary of State who could then reverse Hilary Clinton's rule providing that trans folks can put the gender they identify as on their passports. Not to mention that, but he can alter the culture of other federal agencies and even change enforcement priorities, say of the Department of Justice, in ways detrimental to queer people.
    #21 Pret Allez, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  2. Ridiculous

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    #22 Ridiculous, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  3. malachite

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    to be fair, I don't think he cares about anyone who isn't a wealthy white man.
  4. Browncoat

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    That sounds strangely familiar ... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Well, that depends on what poll you go to - I heard one reported this morning that had Obama winning by 7%; others showed Romney by 1 or 2. According to the news source I was watching a combination of polls had Obama winning by an average of 4%.

    In any case, Obama appears to have a clear advantage in the electoral college - for instance, if Romney fails to win both Ohio and Florida, he is projected as having to win every other swing-state to get the presidency.
    #24 Browncoat, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  5. NoName114

    NoName114 Guest

    Oct 2, 2011
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    I think Obama will win, not sure
  6. Tiny Catastrophe

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    Jun 15, 2009
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    Ok well Obama is not going to take this country in the right direction. Just because he says he supports the LGBTQ community doesn't mean he actually cares and is going to continue to help us. A lot of the reason he's done things for the community is to get votes. I could go on forever about the things he's done so very wrong. And Romney is not going to bring his religious beliefs into being president and even if some of that did come out, he has to get anything he does past others in the government before it can affect us. With all the issues going on in this country, his number 1 priority isn't taking away LGBTQ individuals rights. I understand that Obama MAY do more for the community but when we're all poor and struggling to survive what do we do then? I understand LGBTQ rights is an important issue (I mean hello I'm a lesbian) but I think what's important right now is to get out of this recession, get the unemployment rate down and get this country going in the right direction so people can survive and get out of poverty. And honestly Romney could have been a little more tactful in the way he addressed the things he said about LGBTQ people. He may have a change of heart or at least address things differently. Obama didn't even have a view on gay rights until right before the campaigning started so obviously he's looking for votes. And I think Obama is a bit too inexperienced and really doesn't handle situations very well. For example I find that it was wrong for him to continue to campaign the day after the american embassy was attacked and the ambassador was killed. I've followed the campaigns for a very long time with my family and honestly Romney seems to be the best hope to get this country on track at this point even if there is a halt in the progress of rights for people like me. I'd like to be able to survive and once that is achieved then press the issue of progressing on LGBTQ rights.
  7. SamAlex728

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    I read the title, and my first reaction was, "Well, no shit, Sherlock." xD
  8. Nightwing

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    I agree with some of what you said especially about Obama being pro-LGBT not being the same as being right for america right now, but I'm not convinced Romney is the right direction either. The guy has a history of sending jobs overseas and I don't trust him to not favor big businesses.
  9. Kyllani

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    Apr 3, 2012
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    I do agree that Obama's sudden support for the LBGT community seems like a bit of a tactic to get more votes...but I also think there's a lot more Obama could have done had the tea-jihadists not taken over the congress. They filibustered many bills that he tried to get pushed through, and they've spent the past few years doing everything in their power to get Obama out of office. Not just making it up; it's been quoted by several house and senate members that their only goal is to make Obama a one term president.

    I'm not saying Obama's the man. I think he lacks backbone, and I would vote for someone else were there a better choice. Sadly, there just isn't.

    Romney's just not the guy for the job. He's already offended China and Russia and threatened Iran. He took the embassy killings as an opportunity to bash Obama, quite inaccurately. He doesn't think before he speaks, he doesn't know what he's talking about, and thus his foreign policy blows.

    He was born with a silver spoon is his mouth, and all this talk about them eating pasta and tuna fish when they were younger is ridiculous. They lived that way because they didn't want to work. They sold off little bits of stock he owned to get by instead of taking real jobs and working their way through school. Then, when he did work, he made his money by dismantling American companies and shipping their jobs overseas. We really want to turn our economy over to an out-sourcer extraordinaire?

    Someone said he wouldn't bring religion into it, that congress would stop that...I don't agree with that at all. Two years ago, we failed and elected some of the most offensive, religion pushing people into office. I watch videos, read articles, and see memes every day from the conservative side about how "we need to bring God back into our government and country." The talking heads on Faux News spout religion, the constituents spout it, and the congressmen themselves have been known to bring it into the conversation. Religion belongs no where in government.

    One of my biggest issues with him is that he wants to cut Planned Parenthood. As I have no insurance, I partake in their services and they're closest thing I have to a primary care provider right now. If I didn't have them to turn to, I'd have to sit in a normal doctor's office and pay out the rear for every visit.

    I'm also scared of what he's going to do to education. Conservatives talk big about cutting, well, everything but defense(in which our budget is higher than that of the next 20-something top countries combined), and I hear a lot of talk about them molesting education even more than they already have. As a college student, I worry if I'll be able to finish my degree if Romney gets elected.

    As far as him not being able to do anything against the LBGT community...if I remember correctly, three of the justices turn 80 within the next 4 years and will likely be leaving the bench. That means Romney will be allowed to appoint their replacements. That's a scary thought for the rights of all citizens, not just the LBGT community.

    He also wants to implement even more tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%. More trickle-down economics? Because they've worked so well for us the last 30 years...with less tax revenue coming in during a time like this, I worry if we'll ever make it out of the abyss.

    Another deal breaker for me was when he said "I don't want to heal the planet and slow the ice melts." Yeah, that got to me. We're destroying our planet, and if we don't do something soon it's going to destroy us.

    He doesn't care about us. And by us, I mean anyone that really has ever had to really work for a living. He doesn't know what it's like to eat only ramen once a day because it's all you can afford. He doesn't know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck or to have to pick and choose which bills you pay this month, and hope they don't cut something vital off in the meantime. I bet he never had to skip an important class or meeting because he just couldn't afford to put gas in the car that day.

    All that being said, neither Obama nor Romney is the solution. It just sucks that there's no chance for a third party candidate to get elected. I'm saddened to see this country turned into a plutocracy, and Romney's election will only solidify that.

    **Edited because I can't spell!
    #29 Kyllani, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  10. Gold Griffin

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    So, lets have a hypothetical example (at least, hypothetical for me, someone who supports Romney might find this to be real): let's say there is a candidate who agrees with you on every issue other than same-sex marriage, which he wants to ban with constitutional amendment. Then there is another candidate who disagrees with you on every issue except same-sex marriage, which he totally supports to the strongest reasonable extent. Who do you back?
  11. Pret Allez

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    Neither. I just complain about how stupid the two-party system is.
  12. person54

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  13. Kyllani

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  14. Nightwing

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    Well done
  15. IrishLad93

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    Jul 30, 2012
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    You cannot pin the blame of the economy on a single man, or even either of the current parties. Be it George W. Bush or President Obama. Its the actions government has taken over the years that have lead to the results we are experiencing now.

    Obama cannot do anything if he is up against such staunch opposition. The most Polarized government this country has ever seen. Not far off from what Britain's experiencing with a hung parliament, but British parliamentarians have actually been able to come to conclusions.

    Republicans have thrown filibuster after filibuster with nothing getting done, what are Democrats expected to do. Republicans filibuster bills even when they are beneficial to the Republican party!!!!

    Their sole aim is ANTI-OBAMA and nothing else.

    President Reagan and Margaret Thatcher's Thatcherism and Reaganism caused this by initiating consumerism to the extreme. False spending on false profits and just wait about 30 years to allow things to brew and now we have our results!


    Republicans talk about small government, small government, small government. It has been BIG government that has pulled us out of these depressions throughout history. Its big government that has made our lives what they are today!

    Haha, if the Republicans had their way we'd regress back to dirt roads.

    If I'm to be truthful Id say many of these right wing billionaire evangelicals who run the Republican party solely oppose him so much because he's black. Not to far fetched at all... they complain about his citizenship (WHAT?), they complain about his religion (even though Romney is a Mormon, not much complaints now..eh?), and they complain that his anti-terrorism stances are too harsh...like Bush's werent?

    To me, LGBTS voting for Romney is offensive to themselves for a start! and very silly. Okay, if he only stuck up for LGBTS for political reasons, its still better to vote for someone who is not Anti-LGBT.
    People seem to forget that Obama is still a politician so he will find any way into the white house just as Mitt Romney is trying to do. Its simply political conditioning due to the polarized political situation this country is in. It is highly highly doubtful that Obama is going to turn his backs on LGBTS, why would he? Democratic support for LGBTS is out there, its only harmful to retract what they've already said (Obviously not according to ROMNEY).

    Can people not just be happy that there is at least public support for LGBTS? Seems like a good start to me.
    #35 IrishLad93, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  16. Mike92

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    You won't get one out of me.

    Many posters point to the gay rights issues, but that's only a small part of the big picture. America really is in deep trouble economically and, though I'm not in love with Romney, I think he has a better grasp of the economy than Obama.
  17. Deviant

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    I dislike Romney. His past alone makes him unworthy of being a president.

    I won't even begin to scratch the surface on why I will not be voting for this man as I don't have a few weeks to spare, but I will say a few things: He's a flipflopper. If you were to go back 10 years, study his beliefs, what he stands for, etc and then go forward 10 years and compare them you would be appalled. This guy has changed what he "stands for" so many times it would be impossible to keep track. That's VERY alarming to me and it should be to everyone who resides in the US. He has such a disconnection from the average American family it's rather sad.

    His views on cannabis and it's medical use is also sad. He would rather be shoving prescription pills down your throat which long term effects are completely unknown then have you pick up a joint for any reason you may need it. Whether that's because you suffer from cancer, chronic pain, glaucoma, anorexia, arthritis, asthma, alcohol abuse, amyotrophic latern sclerosis, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, epilepsy, digestive diseases, HIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy, sleep apnea, PTSD, etc. (I barely scratched the service on which that natural heavily studied medication could be used as treatment for.)

    The fact he doesn't support equality puts the cherry on the cake.
    I'm not going to vote for him nor Obama.

    I think if either of them get elected we will be severally disappointed with the outcome.
  18. Pret Allez

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    This is actually the only criticism I extremely dislike about Romney. People are allowed to change their views. Just because Kerry got crushed by that charge doesn't mean it's intellectually sound to criticize people for changing their views. Certainly, one can have doubts about the sincerity of a person who changes her views if they change radically, often, and in a short time frame. But Romney has at least been moving over a reasonably long time.

    Therefore, I am willing to do the charity of believing that Romney sincerely believes the things that he claims to. However, that's precisely what I find so problematic about all of his views.
    #38 Pret Allez, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  19. Emberstone

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    the only thing Romney cares about is holding power, and grabbing your cut of the pie by forcing you to pay the huge debts his tax cuts for himself and others like him will cost us.

    Romney and Ryan's budget plans each add between 5 and 6 trillion dollars in deficit just on their own, and that is not including their planned war with Iran (and it seems, seeing as Romney claims Russia is our greatest geopolitical foe, a war with Russia. And lets not rule out North korea and china, seeing as Romney seems so obsessed with starting wars to murder soliders and foriegners, since he doesnt know JACKSQUAT about foriegn policy, diplomacy, AND INTELLIGENCE!

    I would retrieve and destroy his horcruxes, but I suspect he has shoved them all up his own ass, and I dont have rubber gloves with long enough sleeves.

    This is a man who destroyed public sector jobs as Gov, and shipped them to call centers in india. He fired american workers, both destroying families livelyhoods, and defunding the state through lost tax revenues. he decimated the Mass. budget, building huge deficits, and took them to 3rd worst state in the nation for job creation.

    and all through it, he did everything he could to rig the states laws to favor the wealthy and coorprations as both destroyed the US econamy, and were free from the burden of paying fair taxes, so they walked scott free without having to help clean up their mess.

    This is why Jesus, and every religious sage on earth (outside of slutrand and satanrobertson) told us wealth corrupts, and justice comes when the poor and the sick are not cast aside, but helped.

    it is basically, as obama said, Robin Hood in reverse.
  20. Pseudojim

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    Lol. I won't attack this just yet. I want to see what you have to say in defence of it first.

    Answer me this though: What does "smaller government" mean to you? In a practical sense.
    #40 Pseudojim, Sep 14, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012