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Relationship Troubles :(

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Revan, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. Revan

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    Jun 22, 2005
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    Hey guys.

    So as you guys might recall, I've been with my boyfriend for about a year and a month or so. However, now I'm starting to notice things about him that are just...kinda disconcerting. I mean he's helped me to come out to my parents, eat better, feel better about myself and face things i normally wouldn't want to. But same time...I feel there are things that are getting to me. So here's the list basically...

    1. He's at times given these "ultimatums" I'll call them. Basically when he wants me to do something or stop doing something, he'll basically say something like "If you don't stop complaining about your job, I'm not sure this relationship can continue. I mean I can handle it for like another month, but if it keeps going like this..." which is actually one of the ultimatums he gave. He did the same sorta thing to get me to come out to my parents. And there was even a similar one where he was basically saying he didn't like how he had to keep picking what we'd do on our dates, and wanted me to start picking things. And while I understand that sorta thing, I need to branch out and stop doing the same things over and over and moreso just need to start making decisions in the relationship...there's no need to say, do it or we may not stay together.

    2. Doing things just to get me to stop requesting it.
    This is a small thing but basically its this, I had been kinda asking if he'd like to stay the night sometime now that i have a queen size bed not a single. Previous boyfriends have all spent the night (except one where i spent at his place, and another whom we alternated more or less). He finally did end of July, but then told me a bit later he only stayed overnight to get me to stop asking him to stay overnight >_> I don't know if it's just me, but...I think that's kinda unfair.

    3. Intimacy
    Okay here's the part that I will admit, side from 1, is really starting to get to me. We've been together a year as I said. But basically, it's this. We've never had sex. He's a virgin I will say that now, and I can understand that perhaps there's some apprehension or fear, just as it was for me when I was about to lose my virginity, but it's basically like him being a virgin is basically making him want to stay about a hundred feet from intimacy. Oh we've done some foreplay, but its been few and far between. The last time we even did something foreplay-wise was in March...MARCH, and what's more, he's basically said, he doesn't care if we ever actually go all the way. He's even said I can get a sex toy if I need to fulfill that aspect, and its just like WTF. Again, I understand the fear, but really? If we're to be together for our lives, we're just never going to have sex? What's more is, okay I understand, PDAs not everyone's for them, hell I get annoyed at couples who kiss and such in public because its like, why should you get to do it but I can't? Plus it's just annoying and rude. And I even understand his reasoning behind not wanting to show any affection in public, cause he doesn't want us to get hurt (though frankly there's a lot difference holding hands at the mall by my university, or holding hands in downtown area. I highly doubt we'll get jumped for holding hands at the mall. But it's more just the fact that when I even said, I missed kissing him, he made this whole hubbub about how its like, what's the big deal about kissing, why do i need a kiss all the time, blah blah blah. It's basically with him, it's like intimacy is barely out. I haven't had a chance to kiss him since he came to my place back in July. He only comes to my place some of the time, and he hasn't for two months.

    To be honest, I just...I dunno...I feel like this has become more of a friendship than a relationship. I mean I still love him, but I mean, maybe it's time that I give the ultimatum. I'm not saying, "if we don't have sex by this point, I'm leaving" because I know sex isn't the entirety of a relationship, nor do I really want to make an "ultimatum" which I think is stupid. But it's like....where is this going? I mean I feel bad cause he even bought me like a $200 promise ring whilst I got him a like...$70 one but he's like, nbd. (I bought the one for him first, I wasn't expecting him to buy me something 200 bucks!) Plus I've met a lot of his family and it's kinda like....they all love me, his friends love me, hell his hairstylist loves me. And its like...if I break up with him...they'll all hate me....so as you can see, I don't really want this relationship to end (NOT just because I don't want his side to hate me), I want it to continue, but it's just starting to really try on me...it can't keep going in this same line....otherwise I'm going to start hating myself about it.

    Read this if you want, I don't really know what it means but perhaps someone can decide, I just didn't want it out in the open right there.
    Also, since we've started dating, since probably the three month mark on, I've had three rather...odd dreams I'll call them. Basically, in these dreams I was still dating my bf, like I "consciously" knew I was dating him. But in the dreams, I wind up sleeping with another guy. And while bf never shows up in the dream, my...mother does for some reason, causing me to get the guy to hide. I dunno about you, but like...cheating in a dream is kinda to me a slightly big deal. I mean wth does it mean?

    So there you go. I see him later today (its 3AM right now, probably won't be seeing him till like 3 or 4PM) so yeah, any thoughts might be nice.
  2. J Snow

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    Aug 8, 2011
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    Well, I'm I've been with my bf like 1 months and 19 days so we're around the same point in our relationships! Keep in mind before I start, my relationship has had many challenges and has been actually rather dysfunctional a lot of the time, but I'll try to lend you what advice I can to these issues.

    1. You shouldn't need to do anything for someone else to stay with you. My bf really pressured me to come out, and when it didn't go well he felt guilty about it. Work is stressful and talking about that stress helps relieve it. If he wants to be a drama queen about hearing you complain about work then he doesn't deserve to have someone care about them in my opinion.

    2. I think this is an issue in a lot of people's relationships. Me and my bf all the time have this back and forth, "Well I wanna do this. That's okay? You aren't just doing it to make me happy right? Well I only wanna do it if you do." Perhaps more importantly, I think its insane he stays with you that little and makes a big deal about it. I try to spend the night with my bf at least once or twice a week these days and he STILL guilt trips me about how its not enough and he doesn't see me enough and all that stuff.

    For real though, if you've been together over a year, and you are both in your 20's I think he should expect to be a little closer to you then you seem to be.

    3. I think that its totally natural for you to want more physically out of your relationship. I think its very unusual to go that long in a relationship without having sex. I mean, I don't think sex should be the priority in a relationship, but its still important that a couple compromises and can both be happy with the arrangement.

    I would go so far as to say that if he NEVER plans on having sex with you, it would be fair to tell him you want an open relationship where you could sleep with other people if you wanted. If sex isn't important to his relationship with you, it shouldn't be important if you are having it with other people. I realize that's probably not what you want though. If it were me the only person I would WANT to have sex with is the person I'm in a relationship with.

    I wouldn't say you should give him an ultimatum, but I would express to him your honest feelings about wanting to have sex with someone that you are in a relationship with. If he doesn't want to have sex, that's up to him, but he should at least hear you out and be respectful of your desires.

    You have a right to be happy. To me it sounds like this guy is just interested in what HE wants out of a relationship and doesn't care about what you want. In my opinion, I wouldn't issue ultimatums, but I would sit down and discuss these issues with him. If he's not willing to compromise some of them with you, then he's probably really not that interested in your happiness, and you'd probably honestly be better off with someone who will ultimately make you happier.
  3. Mid20s730

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    Sep 25, 2011
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    From what you mentioned it sounds like you are more invested in the relationship than your boyfriend. To what extent is hard to say and then only you would know. I'm not saying an ideal relationship is 50/50, it's hard enough to realistically work for that. But an significantly unbalanced relationship isn't healthy.

    You are hungry for recognition in the relationship, it seems. Your boyfriend is either apprehensive or uninterested in your needs and when he does fulfill them it doesn't sound like he does so out of genuine concern, at least not your own (the I-slept-over-your-place-so-you'd-stop-asking scenario fits that bill). All we want in a relationship is to be recognized and validated by our partners so as to know whether the relationship and our investment into it is worth it.

    It could be that his providing ultimatums is his way of deflecting his share of responsibility of maintaining the relationship. Think about it, if your boyfriend is claiming "If you don't stop complaining about your job then I don't think there's a future for us" is to minimize--drastically--his fair share of the relationship by putting the weight of it almost exclusively on your shoulders. That is an unfair position he's putting you in.

    We don't know why he's deflecting other than the possibility of fear of intimacy--both emotional and physical. The best way to know is to simply ask him about it. There's no guarantee you will get an answer to your satisfaction, but if you initiate the conversation from a learning stance, asking him to help your understanding and curiosity of the behavior, and firmly but politely stating your frustrations while maintaining your interest in keeping the relationship going in a positive direction, you may find that he'll open up to you. Intimacy and vulnerability are scary for a lot of people because we don't know how the other(s) are going to perceive us when we are in our most vulnerable. By helping him understand that you support him being more open and honest with you, you may help him open the lines of communication better.

    Just a thought. :slight_smile:
  4. Filip

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    Feb 18, 2009
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    Well, I'll preface with the standard disclaimer: I'm not really an expert at dating. so I realise that the ideas I have might be harder to put into practice when the guy is really in front of you.

    That said, however: some thoughts that spring to mind:

    Points 1) and 2): I'm getting the idea that there's really a lack of communication here. As in: both of you are telling the other that you want (or don't want) something, but not so much why you want the other to do so (or why you don't feel easily able to change your behaviour).
    Leading to beating a dead horse until there's a lot of pent-up frustration leading to ultimatums and passive-aggressiveness ("oh well, if it really means s much, then there!").

    So maybe you might want to work on that. Let him know that these kinds of ultimatums are really causing you distress, and that you're listening to him even if he doesn't go to such extreme lengths.
    If you don't agree on a course of action, then try to find the deeper reason. WHY doesn't he want to spend the night? And most importantly: is that something you can work on? Why do you really feel like him spending the night would be a good idea? Is there a compromise? (and similar for other problems, like "why don't you feel comfortable or at ease proposing dating ideas" or "can you keep the bitchy kind of complaining about work to a minimum and phrse it in a way he can give input too?")

    Especially if you're already bad about reading body language clues, putting things into words and having a discussion (instead of just venting) might help a big deal

    About point 3) (which might tie into the prevuious two too)
    I'm thinking that it could be several things. And the one that springs most to mind would be that he might just be a guy who likes to stay in his current comfort zone. Let's face it: things went pretty well for a year without sex or too much PDAs. He knows he survived for about 2 decades before without touchy-feelyness or bumping together naked bodies. So the current setup works, and changing it for something where there's all these added expectations, likes and dislikes to consider. Sex changes things, and he might feel that, now that he feels everything is going well enough, it's not worth the risk.
    Doubly so if he's not the sexual type to begin with. If he has little drive, then he'll be even less inclined to change things around.
    (Or, at least that's the first idea that springs to mind, but I'll confess that that might just me projecting my own attitudes onto your boyfriend)

    In any case, that's also best talked about: be open about not having sex being a source of worry, and asking him more about his attitudes. WHY wouldn't he want to go all the way? Is there some precondition he feels isn't fulfilled? Is he not a sexual person to begin with? Is he interested in slightly expanding the range of physical affection, and if so, what would he like to do?

    Don't ever (never, never ever) give ultimatums about sex, though. That is a recipe for disaster. Even if it gets you sex, it only gets you sex with a guy who was strong-armed into it. I hope I don't need to spell out why that is a bad idea.

    Now, it could be that, if you talk about it more, you're discovering you can't come to a compromise that works for the both of you. That's not dishonourable, though it does probably mean the end of the relationship, with both of you hopefully learning something and moving on. It is, however, the better kind, compared to not talking and both of you building up frustrations and ending it in flames.
  5. LikeMyCloset

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    Sep 19, 2011
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    I don't know everything here (obviously), but it seems to me that you're doing a lot of changing for him, while he's... not. And that's not very fair.
    It seems that you desire intimacy a lot more than he does, and that's not a match made in paradise either.

    And all of this no holding hands, no kissing, no staying over, no sex stuff... I hate to suggest it but it may be that he has someone else, or is at least looking - and again, I may be completely wrong here, because I don't know the two of you personally.

    Or he just may be kind of immature when it comes to relationships - when I was twelve I defined dating as holding hands after school and walking to the 7-11 together. But I'm not 12 anymore and now expect a bit more!
  6. maverick

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    Nov 15, 2010
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    ^ I agree with all this.

    Personally I wouldn't put up with any of the behavior you've described, but that's just me.

    I think it's time for you to issue an ultimatum of your own:

    "If you don't stop withholding intimacy and refusing to communicate and compromise with me, I'm not sure this relationship can continue. I mean I can handle it for like another month, but if it keeps going like this..."
  7. Revan

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    Jun 22, 2005
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    Well to begin with guys...LikeMyCloset I'll begin with just the statement how he might have someone else. I don't think so, I mean I could be wrong, but he's stated to me how much he is disgusted by people who cheat. Now of course he could just be saying this, but I dunno, I don't think so....

    There's some other things I can't help but be frustrated.

    For one thing there's the fact that my Mom isn't thrilled about him, I think sure my mom I still doubt is fine with my being gay, but is that a reason for her to keep bugging me to bug him about getting his teeth fixed? :S Yet now I notice his teeth more :S though this is more me just complaining about something stupid, because I'm not planning on doing anything it's more just something that maybe bugs me now cause it bugs Mom. And Mom often does have influence on my thought processes.

    There's also the aspect I feel that is another thing. As you've seen on here, sometimes I take once side of a story, other times I really feel we need to look at both, and in the relationship with my bf, I feel that he ALWAYS takes the opposite side. I mean yes sometimes in some aspects it's good for him to make me look at the other side BUT, other times...sometimes I can't help but be just like...can you just LISTEN and not criticize? I dunno, your thoughts?
  8. J Snow

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    Aug 8, 2011
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    I'm gonna go ahead and throw out, I don't think he's cheating on you. That's just my 2 cents worth, but its kind of irrelevant.

    From the sounds of it however, you do have sex, you are not intimate, he doesn't seem interested in spending time with you alone (or perhaps much time with you at all), he disagrees with you on everything, he's unwilling to compromise, and he in general seems very selfish.

    To me it doesn't sound like much of a health relationship... or even a relationship at all. That being said, its really easy to tell people that someone doesn't seem good for them, its a lot harder to be in the relationship and acknowledge it.
  9. Zontar

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    Oct 22, 2010
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    Blunt voice coming through. I left a (straight) relationship when it became clear there would not be sex. Why? Because life's too short to worry about God peeking in the window when I'm about to partake in life's greatest physical pleasure. Every two minutes you had to walk on eggshells making sure you never even acknowledged sex to begin with, like we were really six years old again. That's not a relationship. That's a friendship.

    You got needs, man. Yeah, sex isn't the entire relationship, but wheels aren't the entire car either. They're still very important to the motion of the vehicle. Don't piss your needs and youth away on somebody who's unwilling to have sex with you like I did.

    That's not to say it's lost like mine was (this one was unsalvageable because in the end, she just loved God more than me). I'm actually more concerned for him because there has to be some sort of psychological obstruction that's preventing him from enjoying a satisfying sex life. So, my suggested course of action is to ask him to see a professional, or just talk with you about it. He clearly has an issue that's interfering with proper functioning of the relationship, and it needs to be addressed.
  10. Revan

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    Its weird today was a rather good day date wise, I wish I could say I talked to him about the issues but I dunno I either was afraid or just it was a good time and I didn't want to spoil it :S be that as it may, I still think there will be a time we'll need to talk, I dunno when it'll be but yeah, that's my thoughts...
  11. Revan

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    But yeah....any advice on how to approach this would be good....because clearly I really had no idea on how to do so...
  12. zeratul

    zeratul Guest

    I am going to say read Jon Snow's last comment. It is very true, actually, combining Jon Snow and Filip's comment.

    I dated a guy but only did things that were in my comfort zone. And I kept the relationship going even when my initial feelings changed. I began to see him less and less because other things and outings with friends took priority and I began to talk to him less because of all the complaints he spread about his job. I bought something expensive for us, something worth $2400. And as the relationship kept going we didn't kiss as much if at all. And I don't know, I was comfortable in this setup. In the beginning I was discovering myself and so I was more intimate. Later on it was clear that it was outside of my comfort zone.

    Yea, its scary how close you can put me in your boyfriend's place. I was less and less emotionally invested and when he gave me the talk about it as you seem to be planning to do soon, I ended it. And my intuition (as i am very intuitive about people's types just by learning their behavior anecdotally) is that he more or less will react similarly.

    It is time for you to decide, is this type of person worth your time and attention, or do you want to find something better, more deserving of your love. In the long run I think its better for you to break up with him and be with someone your type.
    #12 zeratul, Oct 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2011
  13. Revan

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    I dunno...the one problem is my friends say that compared to other bfs, he's done a lot of good things in helping to make me branch out. Hell, I walk more without complaint than I use to. Before I would take the bus long before I walk somewhere. Hell even if I do miss a bus, nowadays I'll just pass time by walking to a stop further up just in order to pass time until the next bus. I started to try different restaurants. I would go places normally I wouldn't . Before I'd always do movies and dinner with a bf, now its like maybe we'll go to a museum, or this, or that. I'll admit one difficulty though with food is him being lactose-intolerant :S because as you guess, it's difficult to find places to eat if there's a lot of milk products. Hrm....this really is a difficult thing though, I have to admit...
  14. Revan

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    I forgot to mention (I might already have but I forget :S) I am out to everyone in my mom's side of the family, as for my Dad's side, I dunno if I'll ever come out to them not because I don't want to, more because it's just not a big deal is all, I don't see them often and not as close to them, if they'd ask I'd tell them but otherwise meh. As for him, he made this whole thing way back when how he didn't get along with his dad so he would come out to him when he moved out >_> and then his mom told his dad so that solved it. But now its like there are people on his Dad's side whom he just refuses to tell anyone. I mean He has them on FB so he won't like acknowledge our relationship online, still has himself as Single. And while I know, FB who gives a care, and while he does not like his Dad's side, still for me I haven't told my Dad's family because I barely see them, but him, he sees both sides frequently and it's just like, so you're hiding me. :S I may be making a big deal, but this is another example of compromising where I do, but he doesn't....
  15. zeratul

    zeratul Guest

    Sometimes you have to recognize where his comfort zone lies. For certain people, no matter how great the love affair, venturing out of the comfort zone is a deal breaker, especially at the young age we're.

    Focus less on observing the lack of compromises in the things that would be considered uncomfortable, but focus on the behavior in the relationship where it tells you if he's into you or just maintaining the relationship for the sake of not being single, because I can imagine that with his personality type he may just be too lazy to be out in the dating scene again so he keeps you around? And so, he tries to mold you into the shape that he wants you to be.

    Best of luck.
  16. Filip

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    Feb 18, 2009
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    Well, I'm passing over a few replies of yours in the meantime, but let's go back to this:

    That really is the "I was going to come out, but the afternoon was so nice and I wasn't going to break it by coming out, so I kept quiet. But I really will do it when the perfect moment comes along!"- excuse.

    And to date, I rarely ever saw that one being effective. The best way you can come out is by saying: "today is he day and I'll do it, come hell or high water!"

    So, while this isn't coming out as being gay, it is, in a very real sense coming out. Coming out with doubts about the relationship.
    It isn't going to be the easiest conversation you ever had, and there is some risk attached, but I really think you need to schedule it, or else things will continue to fester. And you don't want to have this kind of conversation when you're both getting angry and annoyed.

    So maybe try treating it like you treated coming out to your parents: something you need to do. Next date, resolve to start that conversation and when you're in a place where you aren't going to be disturbed, start with: "there is something we need to talk about..." and go from there. Because otherwise, those doubts in your OP will not go away by themselves.

    And, I don't ever try to go diametrically against other people's advice, but I can't resist doing so here (sorry, Maverick...)

    This is precisely what can blow up everything. Passive aggressiveness, using the same behaviour you hate in him against him and emotional blackmail to get sex. Even if he accepts, that's not the kind of way I'd want anyone to lose their virginity... There's unkinder words I can think of for "forcing someone into sex".

    Good results are usually better gotten through negotiation than through ultimatums.
  17. Revan

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    Jun 22, 2005
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    Yeah I was never an advocate of issuing an ultimatum. I mean I think I need to say, while sex is not a crucial point of a relationship, I still think that intimacy in our relationship has become mute...I mean we haven't gone to my place, kissed, hugged in months...perhaps PDAs aren't that big a deal, but without it, it basically feels like we're two friends going out to dinner, movies, w/e....
  18. Zontar

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    Oct 22, 2010
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    That's exactly what I felt. You may not have to issue an outright ultimatum, but at least try and press the issue. There's a mismatch and one of you is certainly not satisfied.
  19. Revan

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    Jun 22, 2005
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    So hi all, I didn't want to start another topic, so I hope you don't mind me bringing this topic back. Basically am meeting with my counsellor tomorrow which I'm happy about, because I'm seeing my bf the next day in which I hope to talk to him about some of the feelings I've been having. They haven't necessarily gotten better or worse. I mean in regards to the intimacy we finally had sex.....a month ago...so while it happened and he said he enjoyed it, it has been a month since it happened so it's kinda like...that's all we're doing? :S

    As for what's kinda gotten more frustrating that I've also realized it more since say like beginning of the relationship is that compared to back then, he doesn't always make me feel like I'm in a relationship I feel more like I'm in a friendship tbh. For one thing, in the past week, I've heard from him maybe every other day. Our longest chat in the past week was last wednesday, then I didn't hear all thursday, 6 words on Friday, nothing all saturday and most of sunday until like 9:30pm, in which he let me know his sis is getting married and "cool" when I told him I got a shout out cause of being the only one who remembered all the words to one of the dance numbers in rehearsal. Then nothing yesterday, and pretty much barely anything today except that he said he'd hang with me Thursday and that he didn't have a lot of money so Milestones restaurant would be next week...

    So yeah basically feel kind of like he's neglecting me, oh and we haven't hung out since Nov 5...he went to see family on the weekend after which is fine with me of course. I'm not trying to be the bf who's controlling and being like don't see your friends or family, gawd no, but I feel sometimes when I ask hey do you wanna hang this day, he'll respond with "I have to see what my plans are that day" and when it's been like for example several weeks, I'm almost wanting to say "uh no, your plans are with me...." but obi don't want to be rude.

    Thing is, I'm just frustrated about the whole thing now because

    1. he works so often even though he's part time and it's kinda just like, if you work so much, how are you already low on money, I mean honestly where did it go (though I'm not going to pry on this because this type of thing is a more personal matter of course)

    2. He finished one of I believe 2 or 3 courses (with him also still having another semester) so I'm pretty sure he's only got though 2 this semester and one is already done so it's kinda like...errr so how is it you're still sooooo busy all the time.

    and 3. In the past month alone, twice he's basically called...to YELL at me. First he calls because he's Wiccan and on Oct 31 I asked if he wanted to hang and so he called to almost chastise him for forgetting this. Let's see, last year he didn't really make a big deal out of it, and I mean honestly, holiday or not, people still can hang with their bfs on Christmas even (I mean heck my dad and I went to see Sherlock Holmes two Christmases ago for heavens sake once family dinner was done!) But no he feels he has to call and chastise me for forgetting his special day. And then on Remembrance Day I posted on Twitter about the whole 11/11/11 wish thing. But had also posted earlier or potentially later about Lest we Forget cause it was Remembrance Day. So what does he do? He calls, tells me how extraordinarily insensitive I am for posting that on Twitter and goes into this whole thing about how his grandfather fought in the war, and asks if mine did to which I said yes, so then he feels the need to also tell me how I'm shaming my grandfather. I mean I honestly wanted to rip his head off for that!

    It just seems like no matter what I do...he has to criticize me. I post on his fb, he deletes it because he thinks oh it'll tell one of his family members that perhaps I'm something to him. Or I tag him in a photo with the rest of my friends in it, he takes the tag off because oh even if we look we're goofing off, it could tell his family members (WHO HE DOESN'T EVEN REALLY LIKE!) that he's gay. And it's like, I came out to my parents for you, my mom thinks I imploded my own family by telling everyone I'm gay, and it happened because you pressured me to come out because you couldn't stand pretending to be a girl when we'd go out and when mom called I'd say I was with my best friend L. Yet apparently, he can't even bother to not care if the side of the family he doesn't even like sees some photo of him and i together when they don't even know me.

    Oh and let's not forget the part that he's holding some dumb shit about his birthday over my head. I had him pay me back for paying for his tickets to my musical and yet he says he shouldn't have had to pay for it because it was his birthday. The way my friends put it was nice "it's YOUR show, birthday or not, you shouldn't have to pay for tickets to YOUR show" and says I forgot his birthday even though I got the freaking cast to sing him Happy Birthday. And then a week or so later took him to Build a Bear and dinner. And yet he tells me oh you waited a while before taking me. Yeah I might have because he wasn't even available until then because he worked!

    I feel the entire relationship has become one sided, everything's allllll about him, so honestly I don't know what to do here. I'm hoping my counsellor will help me decide, I don't know though if I even want to continue it......I dunno thoughts? I mean it could just be stress from the school musical and all that shit... but honestly what does everyone think. Am I being a bit overdramatic, do I need to talk to him, what's the best way of doing so without going confrontational because I want to get my frustrations out but don't want to feel like I'm attacking him.
  20. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    Everything about the relationship sounds one-sided. As others have said, it sounds like he's less into you than you're into him, and that's never good.

    Add to that the fact that he's obviously got HUGE issues with both emotional and physical intimacy, which he shows no interest in working on.

    And then add to that his obvious selfish behaviors.

    And when you look at that all together, what do you have? If I were in your shoes, I'd cut it loose pretty quickly. The truth is, you do deserve better, and waiting around for him doesn't sound like it's going to yield any meaningful change any time soon.

    I will comment on one other issue: I don't think it's necessarily out of line for him to say "It's important to me that you come out, and if you can't do that, I'm not sure I can continue in this relationship." I don't really see that as an ultimatum, but more of a "There are certain things that are pretty crucial to me in a relationship, and if they aren't there it's a dealbreaker."

    I've known several people that have put out similar thoughts about giving up drugs or other unhealthy behaviors, or insisting that their partner get a job, or contribute to expenses around the house... that sort of thing. And I think if the intent behind the statement is something that ultimately helps the other person, or the relationship, become healthier, it's not out of line. The sort of things you described would seem to fit with that.

    I don't, however, think you're being overdramatic about the issues that are there. As I said, personally, I doubt it's solveable because the issues seem pretty deep and fundamental, and, while they're not unsolvable, you're talking a lot of time, and I personally wouldn't feel like waiting around, particularly when it's been a year with little or no changes.