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Were you interested in the opposite sex before you knew you were gay?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Mugwump, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Raeil

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    May 11, 2011
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    Before puberty, yeah. I mean, I knew I watched guys more, but guys always dated girls, and I did have a really awesome female best friend. So, when I was ten I "dated" a girl for a week or two. Then she broke it off because we were too young. I suppose technically I've been attracted to two other girls' personalities after puberty, but I wouldn't have even considered dating them if I had been honest about my sexuality.
  2. RaeofLite

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    Apr 7, 2009
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    BC, Canada
    I never felt that "zing" when I kissed men and always felt my gaze wandering over to my female friends or the waitress while i was on dates with men. I thought I was bisexual and maybe the right guy would come along, then I kissed a girl, and sparks flew!

    During my straight relationships, I wouldn't really think much about them (in that way). And when they touched me or we had sex I didn't have fireworks going off in my head.

    Now during my same sex relationships, whenever we touched (holding hands, caressing, hugging etc), I would always feel completely at peace as if I wanted to show them the world and take them with me. The same goes for sex as well. Cloud 9 baby. :slight_smile:
  3. Homo Novus

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    Aug 8, 2011
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    P.E.I., Canada
    I also just wasn't into it with guys... Had one boyfriend prior to discovering my gayness, but was just never into the sex, poor guy. I, too, thought I was quite asexual. Haha. In fact, I was out at the bar with some people (a few of which are lesbians) and one asked me what my "deal" was... I thought long and hard, and responded with "Asexual." Another chimed in, "Right.... a sexual LESBIAN." LOL. Low and behold... So many people knew before I actually did. Kinda funny. :slight_smile:
  4. Gallatin

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    Aug 30, 2011
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    Southeast US
    Not really. I pretty much always knew I was attracted to guys. For a while, I tried to force myself to like girls, which was inevitably unsuccessful. I dated a few girls in high school. Two were for keeping up appearances, and they were over within weeks. The other girl I went with for nearly 6 months, and emotionally I was very close to her, but we broke up before we had sex, and that's a good thing, because I wouldn't have been able to do it. Since then, I've gone a few dates with a girl, but I feel like I'm just going through the motions. Nothing in it for me.
  5. missyjustice

    missyjustice Guest

    Well I went through a lot of different feelings towards both sexes. My affinity towards women/girls was present since childhood however there were also periods where I was curious about being with boys/men because I grew up thinking that was just the "natural" course of things.

    However, I was never really able to develop any sustainable attraction towards any guys I came in contact with even if I thought they were cute and smart and funny. I just wasn't really interested in becoming emotionally involved with them although for a long time I thought that the problem was something else entirely. Before going to college, I told myself that I would be more open to relationships with guys. I was still in denial then and I thought the reason I didn't want to be with guys was because of my bad relationship with my father (I was wrong because even after I forgave him I still didn't like guys and I didn't like guys before my father and I's relationship hit rock bottom).

    So I flirted with guys, made out them, hooked up with three guys, and NOOO. It just wasn't for me. I didn't mind kissing guys when I was drunk but I always felt guilty afterwards and honestly it was more of a power trip than anything. I liked exercising the "power of the punani" haha. I hope that's not considered to be vulgar language on here. But it got to a point where it just wasn't fulfilling at all anymore.

    And then I met HER. And she confirmed everything for me and I had never felt that way towards anyone before and I knew then that I was definitely gay. Because the stuff I was willing to put up with for her I would never for a guy and the feelings I had for her were so intense. To the point where I got really scared and ended things before they could get more serious (not just because I was scared but because I actually couldn't see us working out)...

    So to answer the question... I think i was interested in men by default because I felt like I was supposed to be but I have always been way more interested and emotionally invested in my relationships with womyn. Oh and I also went through a period where I thought I was asexual.
    #85 missyjustice, Sep 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2011
  6. coastgirl

    Regular Member

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Yeah. I had some attractions to a few guys, but mostly unattainable guys such as movie stars, a baseball player, and one of my male teachers. I only had 1 real crush on a guy my age. Ever. In my 27 years of existence. And I never pursued anything with him so I don't know how far the crush went. So that was a bit confusing to me, but when you look at the ratio of real crushes on guys in my life to girls in my life, it's totally all about the girls for me.

    I've had "fake" crushes on guys, but the crush never went "below the belt" so to speak. I liked them in some way but it was never in a sexual way. I've kissed guys and made out with them and had NO reaction. I thought it was gross. Just not interested.

    I always pushed my crushes on girls to the back of my mind as "oh, I just want to be friends with her" kind of things. I kind of knew what was going on but I was in denial. It wasn't until I started crushing on my best friend really hard that I finally was like "I have to deal with this and be honest with myself." It was then that I was able to look back and realize just how many crushes I had had on girls. Girls just give me that weak knee, butterfly feeling. Guys do not have that effect on me and I just have no desire to be romantic with them.
  7. Aya McCabre

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    Feb 3, 2011
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    Wellington, New Zealand
    Well.... when I was in junior school there were about five boys in my class and they were officially a different species. Then from when i was 11 I went to an all girls school and had no male friends..... so I really have nothing to compare my interactions with girls to. I couldn't say if it was different from how I interacted with guys. The only guy I really talked to was my brother.
  8. reyuu

    Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I can really see were you're coming from, I totally had the same thing happen to me. I never really got why other girls would be going gah gah over the latest hottest guy. And at most times I thought they weren't hot or over attractive if that makes sense?

    I've had a boyfriend but it wasn't a makes friends and build the relationship, we met in a sort of concert in our local area and my parents knew his parents and they hooked us up....not great as for thr three dates we went on was terrible awkard. And know that I think about it when we kissed for the first and last time, i didnt enjoy it at all (mainly because he slobbered all around my mouth....) but there was no spark.

    Eventually when someone asked if I was gay, I said no but it got me thinking. I'm more of a bi curious because I've never been out with a girl, but I have begun to be attracted to one of my best friends. (this parts gonna be a long story so skip if you want)

    Me and my other friend, who recently stared dating another girl, were talking about how we felt about the same sex ect. I then began talking about my best friend, and how she was going to be spending the summer holidays with a girl who confessed that she liked her, and how that made me angry and worried. My other friend then asked me if i liked her and I said I think I do. Later during that week my other friend text me saying that my best friend had been having thoughts of whether she was straight/gay/bi and that she had been thinking about someone. And that someone was me! when my other friend told me i burst into tears i was so happy.
    (end of long story)

    I know that that would be an obvious sign that i like girls but i only feel that way towards my best freind, I also still find some guys attractive but only in the looks, not sexually. But the guys I seem to be liking are fictional ^////^ like eugene fitzherbert fromtangled.

    so yea.....really i guess i have answered my own question.
  9. stageone

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2011
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    I always crushed on guys, but in a more romantic than sexual way (if that makes any sense). Never occurred to me that gay was an option until after many years of unfulfilling marriage, thinking I must be frigid or asexual... and then I saw a porn & was turned on by the women but totally annoyed when a guy intruded into the scene. First clue.
  10. Nykoru

    Regular Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Winnipeg -> Saskatoon
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    Some people
    Never really had any attraction to girls, myself, but I got to stay in the dark in my head for so long thanks to the monstrous lumps disfiguring my chest ;P I had this one boyfriend in highschool, and while there were some serious personality issues, there was some physical attraction...

    Of course, he was attracted to me as a girl, and that just killed the relationship. The dysfunctional attraction stuff going on there actually led me to try to find women attractive (since my LGBT* exposure at that point was LG and a tiny mention of B and I only later discovered that asexuality exists, or that transgendered people are not all drag queens XD). Didn't work. Oh, and I was also a very late bloomer, but tried to fit in when the sseeccond? Lord of the Rings movie came out. Most of the girls around me were crushing on one guy or another. I decided that I'd go with Orlando Bloom. He's mildly cute, but it turns out I'm not good at crushing on celebs. Deciding who's ugly, sure :wink:

  11. Cascade

    Full Member

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I'm not sure if I was/am...

    I find women incredibly awesome to be around and talk to, however I'm not sexually attracted to them so yes?
  12. Gravity

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    Nov 1, 2011
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    I did have a girlfriend in high school, but it was very much a high school kind of situation - lasted 10 days. :lol: I used to think I had crushes on a couple women, but it was always very intellectual - I never did anything about them, never told anybody, etc.

    I did tend to develop odd "friendships" with guys occasionally though - all outside my usual circle of friends, and all of a certain body type. :lol:

    Sometimes I think back on my first twenty years and wonder how I managed to convince myself I was hetero for so long!
  13. Artemicion

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    Aug 31, 2010
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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Don't think I ever was interested in the opposite sex...I vaguely remember having to fake it...forcefully..........Orz
  14. TriCube

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    Jan 1, 2012
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    Back in high school (and actually my first two years in university) I thought I was attracted to girls. I knew I had an attraction to guys as well, but it felt different - less real. I had never had a relationship with either, and thought that I had to at least try dating a girl, and that might make me straight. I never did end up in a relationship, but I got pretty close to a few. I was just never able to make the next step because I wasn't physically interested. It was such a pure personality and emotional attraction, that asking them out would have been like asking my sister out. Bleh.

    Now I'm realizing that it's because I might be gay that I was never really interested in developing a relationship. I'm still trying to figure things out, though.
  15. jsmurf

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    Sep 24, 2011
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    Idaho Panhandle
    I was exclusively heterosexual until age 14.
  16. silkfrog1292

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    Dec 29, 2011
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    Hong Kong
    Sexually, i was never attracted to anyone until i was 13. Then it just...exploded
  17. TruffleDude

    Regular Member

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Northern California, USA
    This is exactly what it was like for me, except with being gay not lesbian. On some level I was hell bent on conforming, and thus denied any evidence that I was gay. It was also not something I ever considered as an option until I was in my 20's, having grown up in a conservative area.

    I dated a lot of the opposite sex through high-school and my twenties, but then had a crush on someone of the same sex, and that's when my suspicions became solidified. Finding out what real crushes feel like, that they are miles above what I thought was love, is an amazing feeling.
  18. Mimerio

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    Sep 26, 2011
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    London, England
    Yes and No,

    Yes: I did have a rather large group of female friends, I never used to be with the boys as they often played football (which I used to / still detest) So I used to play with them a lot more often

    No: I didn't really have any romantic feelings for any of the said girls, Neither the boys actually, puberty caused my questioning, and by 13 I was certain I was gay.
  19. BradThePug

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    Jun 20, 2011
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    Male (trans*)
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    Before I realized I was bisexual I had crushes on girls.
  20. justinf

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    Jan 3, 2012
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    I don't know who or what I am yet, but I've always been attracted to girls :slight_smile: This is the first time in my entire life that I've ever been attracted to a guy. :confused2: